Planned Parenthood/Cecil the Lion

ancient Rome, ancient Greece, these are white civilizations that were pre-Christian and not like that
also white people back then were humble but not poor
True, and Roman civilization was far more advanced in 0 AD than Western Europe was a millennium later, during the dark ages when ignorance and superstition reigned supreme.

In some ways, Christianity actually impeded the progress of civilization. There was great resistance to the scientific ideas of the Renaissance from the established churches.

That being said, the great works of Christians like Saint Vincent are a positive aspect of the religion. Widows and orphans starved in most of the world, but have been taken care of in European countries. But has that been because of Christianity, or the natural tendency of Caucasian people to be more socially conscientious?
True, and Roman civilization was far more advanced in 0 AD than Western Europe was a millennium later, during the dark ages when ignorance and superstition reigned supreme.

In some ways, Christianity actually impeded the progress of civilization. There was great resistance to the scientific ideas of the Renaissance from the established churches.

That being said, the great works of Christians like Saint Vincent are a positive aspect of the religion. Widows and orphans starved in most of the world, but have been taken care of in European countries. But has that been because of Christianity, or the natural tendency of Caucasian people to be more socially conscientious?

Well, at some point there was a change because Christianity satisfied some of the greatest scientific minds who ever lived! Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Lister, Pascal, Pasteur, Bacon, and Mendel. All some of the greatest scientists, mathematicians, and doctors were Christian!

Carcharias. Did you know the Bible speaks of a circular earth long before Columbus?

"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers." Isaiah 40:22.

The book of Isaiah in the Old Testament was written somewhere around 700-600 B.C.
True, and Roman civilization was far more advanced in 0 AD than Western Europe was a millennium later, during the dark ages when ignorance and superstition reigned supreme.

In some ways, Christianity actually impeded the progress of civilization. There was great resistance to the scientific ideas of the Renaissance from the established churches.

That being said, the great works of Christians like Saint Vincent are a positive aspect of the religion. Widows and orphans starved in most of the world, but have been taken care of in European countries. But has that been because of Christianity, or the natural tendency of Caucasian people to be more socially conscientious?
ancient rome wasn't better for science: for example they were against using the bodies of dead people to learn things about the human body, because it was disrepectful do do so
it was one of the many rules they followed that made them the oposite of animals

modern science hasn't brought anything to us except bad things
and like the article states most of these science things came from the middle east and asia
and the romans didn't need modern science to abort
birth control is one of the things that made us better than the others
and the romans didn't need modern science to abort
birth control is one of the things that made us better than the others
Yeah, the "modern" abortion procedures are just great:

Yeah, the "modern" abortion procedures are just great:


i was talking about how birth control made us great in the past, not now
birth control existed everywhere in europe in every time period, and then women who were responsible for it were killed (witch hunting) and their knowledge was lost
And I'm sure that's because of all of the WHITE American trophy hunters, not because of the native BLACK population.
No, it's mostly due to loss of habitat because of the population explosion of sub-Saharan Africans during the past 50 years (since white people brought them medicines and taught them modern agricultural technology). But trophy hunting of declining species isn't doing any good either.
No, it's mostly due to loss of habitat because of the population explosion of sub-Saharan Africans during the past 50 years (since white people brought them medicines and taught them modern agricultural technology). But trophy hunting of declining species isn't doing any good either.

That's not just wrong, it's spectacularly wrong. Trophy hunting is about the only reason there are any large animals left in africa.

I would ask all those millions spitting vitriol and venom to take note of the undeniable fact that at the same time “Cecilâ€￾ was hunted and killed, thousands of other wild animals across sub-Saharan Africa were writhing in excruciating pain as they died slow, unheralded deaths in wire snares. Many others were walking wounded, having been shot with light-caliber weapons, homemade shotguns, and poisoned arrows. Africa is a lawless continent, and only a small portion of the remaining wildlife are policed with significant rigor. The rest are open to illegal hunting. Thousands of Africans kill far more prolifically and cruelly than Dr. Palmer every single day of the year. But the problem for the moronic multitude is that these crimes against nature don’t fit the beloved narrative; they are not wealthy Americans or portly Afrikaners with beer bellies, so they are excused. And because their conduct is so quickly forgiven by the media and its followers, there is little or no hope for wildlife in Africa. Believe me, if hurling abuse and death threats at Bronkhorst and Palmer provided a solution, I’d be at the head of the queue with my skinning knife. But it does not. In fact, it will exacerbate a bad situation.
The reason has been touched on above. Most parks and game areas are poorly protected. Africa, I’m sorry to report, is the home of hopeless governance and rampant corruption. Many wildlife areas are not suitable for photographic tourism. There are a variety of reasons, including security; some areas are within or on the fringes of conflict areas. Some do not have the volume of game or species variety to make them attractive to conventional tourists, and some are simply too difficult and expensive to access. It is these places that in most cases have no protection. The only people prepared to fill that void are the professional safari hunters. They in turn are the only people likely to provide the game any protection. In my experience, most professional hunters care deeply about the game they hunt. Even if they don’t, they have a vested commercial interest in protecting wildlife. The only way they can remain viable and engage in the prevention of uncontrolled hunting is if people like Dr. Palmer go hunting and pay the big prices big-game hunting demands. On the back of the “Cecilâ€￾ debacle, the future of professional hunting is bleak. So too is the future of wildlife.

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Lew, even from a practical as opposed to a moral view, abortion and government subsidized birth control has not worked.

Just look at what has happened since Roe v. Wade and government subsidized birth control, out of wedlock birthrates have soared from 5% or so to now around 50%. Clearly this hasn't worked as has several other negative social and economic consequences. The problem is that government subsidies incentivize behavior, in this case bad sexual behavior and child raising decisions.

If the government didn't prohibit the slaughter of innocents and provide birth control on demand, individuals would engage in less sexually risky behavior that results in undesired children.

Also think of the tens of millions of children killed since Roe v. Wade. Low birthrates are used to justify mass immigration. The claim is that we need more immigrants to pay for social security. Without population growth, you cannot sustain programs like social security and medicaid. Part of the reason we are in such a social security crisis is because there are so many more retirees than workers. If we hadn't killed all of those children, including tens of millions of white children, we wouldn't be in nearly the same poor financial decision today.

I feel the position that we support abortion to lower welfare costs is a short term view, not looking to the long term.
I fully get what you're saying but we're talking about black people here. They don't understand what consequences are. Most of them lack the ability to think about the future. If you ban abortion and not stop subsidizing birth control their actions will not change, they'll just have way more kids.
I fully get what you're saying but we're talking about black people here. They don't understand what consequences are. Most of them lack the ability to think about the future. If you ban abortion and not stop subsidizing birth control their actions will not change, they'll just have way more kids.

Their fertility rate is near that of us Whites. It's the latino & mohammedan populaces that are burgeoning. We need to completely end ALL foreign aid AND drastically cut all domestic welfare...starting with all funding to the butchers at PP. Thereafter, start chopping subsidies for all illegal invaders & their jackpot babies.
It's tough discussing this with an atheist.

You have no philosophical basis to criticize the killing of rare animals because in the long run (eternity) it makes no difference to you. You will be dead AND gone. Wanting the animals to be around so your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren can look at them is not much of a reason. It makes no difference to you, you won't be looking down on them going "oh it's wonderful that they can still look at lions in the wild!!" You many not even have those descendants, the whole race may die off, you have no way of knowing. Nor should you care. It does nothing for your short and only existence on this earth. It's completely irrational, your feelings now will not be around in the future, so why are you worrying about them?

Christians believe they will be judged on their actions in the afterlife. Indiscriminately killing rare animals will probably be looked upon unfavorably by God. Thus the risk of some eternal punishment is a possible threat. This is something they believe will be part of their future existence. Therefore it is rational to oppose these actions and is consistent with their ethical belief system.

Why can't I say that it's tough discussing this with a theist ?What happens on earth means nothing to you in the long run because earth is just a temporary pit stop for you on the way to eternal paradise. What difference does it make to you if lions or white people go extinct on earth, there'll be millions and billions of them in the kingdom of heaven right ?

I remember when I was younger I got into a small debate with some older friends of mine about Al Gore's intentions for wanting to spread awareness of climate change. I was saying that Gore is a phony because what he's talking about won't even happen in his lifetime, so why would he care about what happens when he's dead ? I'll never forget the look they gave me after I said that, it was like I had two heads. And they were right to look at me like that. It's ridiculous to think that people who don't believe in an after life don't have a reason to care about what happens after they die. There are hundreds of millions, if not billions, of atheists in the world, do you think they shouldn't have life insurance policies or have money saved away for their families in case something bad happens to them ? I mean who cares, they'll be dead anyway, what's the point of providing for your family or raising good children if you won't be there to see any of it ? Luckily very few people now and throughout history have ever thought like that. If they did then maybe we wouldn't be here today considering a great deal of our ancestors didn't believe in the after life. Because of those ancestors it's in our DNA to care about what happens after we die.

And how many Christians are really afraid of going to hell ? Every Christian I know looks at god like he's their best friend. Hell is only reserved for the very worst people. God forgives almost everything. It reminds me of this scene from the sopranos

Dr. Melfi: (on Christopher) Do you think he'll go to hell?
Tony: No. He's not the type that deserves hell.
Dr. Melfi: Who do you think does?
Tony: The worst people. The twisted and demented psychos who kill people for pleasure, the cannibals, the degenerate bastards that molest and torture little kids. They kill babies. The Hitlers. The Pol Pots. Those are the even ****s that deserve to die, not my nephew.
Dr. Melfi: What about you?
Tony: What? Hell? You been listening to me? No, for the same reasons. We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation where everyone involved knows the stakes and if your gonna accept those stakes you gotta do certain things. It's business. Soldiers. We follow codes, orders.
Their fertility rate is near that of us Whites. It's the latino & mohammedan populaces that are burgeoning. We need to completely end ALL foreign aid AND drastically cut all domestic welfare...starting with all funding to the butchers at PP. Thereafter, start chopping subsidies for all illegal invaders & their jackpot babies.
the only reason their fertility rate is close to Whites is because of how many abortions they have. Without access to abortion their fertility rate will skyrocket.