Pistachio Girl Fired. Replaced by likely Sex Offender.


Nov 28, 2016
I don't know if I should post this to Baseball or Happy Hour, but here it goes. The great Phillies pistachio vendor(and animation prodigy) Emily Youcis was fired simply for showing up at the NPI and saying that she supports White America. I'm not from Philly, but I went to a couple of Phillies games when I was studying at Penn and I liked her a lot, and I had no idea about her politics. Her Alfred cartoons are top notch, possibly the best amateur work ever in both artistic and literary skill.

The Phillies contract-out their vending to a company called Aramark that specialized in hiring ex-cons and sex-offenders. If there's any silver-lining to this, it's the following:

1) Emily doesn't have to work with a lot of scumbags.
2) You guys now know who Emily Youcis is.



Nov 28, 2016
Here's a link of somebody from FoxSports interviewing her:

Watch what will happen:
1) The Alt-Right will start watching this video and defend Youcis to point out the hypocrisy of MLB.
2) MLB will take the video down, apologize for the "horrible insensitivity and bigotry" displayed by Emily and start lobbying to ban anything remotely pro-Trump.
3) Launch a major initiative to fill all of the rosters with steroid-pumped non-Whites and have a barrage of "urban" initiatives.

I feel like I knew Ty Cobb vicariously from what Dom DiMaggio used to tell me. If only...

Baseball has been ruled by iron-fisted lefties for some time. I remember when the Neocons like Bush basically ruined John Rocker's career.

Well, we're going to make Baseball Great Again!