Philly needs 10, 000 street guards!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
What a mess! That once beautiful city is deteriorating rapidly.City of brotherly love? Crime, murder, and violence escalating at break neck speed? Gee, how could this happen? Who would have thought? The solution? Ask the fox to guard the hen house.

Philly Seeks 10,000 Men to Guard Streets
Sep 13, 5:18 PM (ET)


PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The city's embattled police chief, acknowledging that police alone cannot quell a run of deadly violence, has called on 10,000 black men to patrol the streets to reduce crime.

Sylvester Johnson, who is black, says black men have a duty to protect more vulnerable residents. He wants each volunteer to pledge to work three hours a day for at least 90 days.

"It's time for African-American men to stand up," Johnson told the Philadelphia Daily News, which first reported the story Wednesday. "We have an obligation to protect our women, our children and our elderly. We're going to put men on the street. We're going to train them in conflict resolution."...
Yes, and 10000 black men to try to clean up Philadelphia. Just take a look at Detroit and what they have done to it.

You don't have to go as far as Detroit to see a city blacks have destroyed. All you have to do is go across the river and look at Camden, a real armpit, 2nd to none.

Tom Iron...
Very true. Camden is about an hours drive from my house. It is one of the worst cities in America. Crime rates are absolutely ridiculous.
There's a reason why people say "there goes the neighborhood" once blacks (or hispanics) start moving in in large numbers. They wreck things, they don't pick up after themselves, they're basically like mush-brained children. They take, take, take, but NEVER contribute. They complain, but they never take positive action.

It's always whine about this, cry racism over that, and wait for Mr. Whitey to come and fix everything for them. If he doesn't do it fast enough for Mr. Black's convenience, well then Mr. Whitey's a racist sleazebag.

Downtown Los Angeles was and is in many respects a total sh**hole in several key areas thanks to black and hispanic criminals and lowlifes. They have since gone on to spread their destruction and decay like a virus throughout Hollywood and the greater valley regions near LA.

Once they ruined Downtown LA to such an extent that even they felt it was uninhabitable, they left and it looked like a total dump.

In recent years however, new urban development projects (of course headed by whites) began to rejuvenate much of Downtown and now there are several beautiful condo and apartment complexes, new shopping centers, and new entertainment options.

Now that Downtown is pretty again, however, the blacks and Mexicans around here are moaning their hearts out over the "racism" that prices them out of living there.

Excuse me, but I don't think racism forced black people to write graffiti all over those beautiful, 100 year old buildings, kick in the windows of all those magnificent art-deco landmarks, throw piles of trash on the ground when the trash can is right there.
Yanling - You know, I really enjoy your posts man. Well thought, well said. I hope you stick around and keep posting here.

I have also wondered why so many caste football members are from New Jersey (including me)? I guess living in the "garbage state" has a sobering effect among the liberal folks, eh?

The thought of thousands of black men wandering philly does not make anyone feel safer, not even other blacks! My family won't even enter philly anymore as the murder rate has skyrocketed in the last few years as the black population took over.

With mayor street sitting in line to buy an I-phone and bragging about blacks "owning the city" I give philly another ten years before it eclipses New Orleans and Detroit in danger and depravity. What a shame for the city with such history in the creation of our wonderful democratic republic.
Wherever blacks go they destroy. Then we have big bad Sharpton crying abour racism every day. He could be the worst racist on this planet. He's always there when something happens to blacks but when whites are attacked by blacks as a hate crime he has nothing to say. He is the worst hypocrite I have ever seen. He instigated race riots many times. I can't believe he's not locked up. Now back to the point blacks cost this country billions and billions of dollars by damaging cities and properties. They could care less about their surroundings. Yet it is always whitey that is the racist.
Now back to the point blacks cost this country billions and billions of dollars by damaging cities and properties. They could care less about their surroundings. Yet it is always whitey that is the racist. [/QUOTE]

The American cities like Chicago,New York,Philadelphia,Washington would without any shaddow of a doubt be the worlds greatest,finest epicenters had it not been for Blacks.In the White 20's and 30's these places posessed a grandeur which contrasted quite abit from the smaller,more historical tratitional European cities.When you have any city with a 40 percent Black population which is probably a conservative estimate for many of these cities its simply impossible to maintain any sort of high, spiritully uplifting culture which makes the place decent to live and breath
in.The myth of their racial equality continually being perpetuated in the face of this kind of destruction is insanity.Any discerning white person with anything about them must surely see the holes now in this falacy.
10,000 black men leaving Philly would improve the situation. Unfortunently they would come to your home town and ruin that.
whiteathlete33 said:
Very true. Camden is about an hours drive from my house. It is one of the worst cities in America. Crime rates are absolutely ridiculous.

How about along the riverfront, with the aquarium, the Tweeter Center (a concert hall), Rutgers Camden, and Campbell's Field (independent MiLB)? Is that area safe, even when there's an event? It sure isn't safe around the Broadway PATCO rapid transit station a few blocks inland.

whiteathlete33 said:
Very true. Camden is about an hours drive from my house. It is one of the worst cities in America. Crime rates are absolutely ridiculous.
I looked up Camden on Wilkopedia and I was shocked that white people still lived in the "city". Camden makes Detroit look like Tokyo..
Even scarier is the average income in the city is 9500 dollars. Can't you make that begging for change on a busy intersection in NYC....
Newark,New Jersey and Gary,Indiana are very bad. Diversity is killing American Cities!!
whiteathlete33 said:
The whites that are living in Camden are junkies.

Yeah, pretty much. Any time you see White people in a really really really bad area, odds are it's because they're shooting drugs, and don't want to be too far away from their supplier. Either that, or they are NARC's, but even they don't want to go near the worst parts of a city like Camden, and I personally can't blame them.

I live on the north end of the turnpike, near Jersey City (exit 14-A) and that area is not much better. When I was in high school 7 years ago, we played all the Jersey City public schools in sports because they are in our county division. One school in particular, Snyder High, was the worst of the worst in every way imaginable (this school was 80% black, 20% hispanic). The "school" reminded me of something out of the book "The Lord of the Flies" because its students were almost total savages. Fights broke out in the stands and on the field to the point where officals almost called many of our games against them. Police (and I don't mean like 4 or 5, I mean like 30 or 40) had to be at every game to keep the peace. The main reason for this is because the blacks from Snyder would start problems with the hispanics from our school, and then chaos would ensue.

Anyway, Snyder's football field was filled with broken bottles, syringes, condoms, and other "debris". We routinely obliterated this school every single time we played them by an easy 40 or 50 points. Our squad (North Bergen High School) was 50% White, 50% hispanic, with the majority of our starters being White. So much for the myth of "black athletic supremacism". lol. Go figure.

Gotta love Jersey, right WhiteAthlete33?
Exactly groundfighter. I am from Wallington right up here a by Giants stadium. Small town mostly polish. Next door we have good ol Passaic. All the kids from this town go there to get drugs and the crime rate there is unbelievable. Jersey City is a dump. I used to date a girl over there and hated it. Newark, Camden, Paterson, Asbury Park, and Atlantic City all garbage. My father was actually robbed in AC by a bunch of blacks. Its terrible what has happened to New Jersey. I also know Philly pretty well and that is another place that is destroyed. Diversity is sure making America great.
For those of us in New Jersey one world government demographic has arrived in some areas, never mind the NAU!

Camden by far is the worst city in New Jersey. At least in Newark they feign rehabilitation of housing, the few times I've seen Camden going to Philadelphia housing looks like it has been boarded up since the stoneage. Does government own the housing? Is it abandoned? Do the people just not care? Newark is hardly a free market city but at least the majority of housing looks somewhat livable. Even in the worst areas.

Well Newark is a dump I'm right the middle of where the sanctuary migrants live. Most of the illegals to be fair aren't bad people and come because our government gave foreign aid that went to multi-national corporations that went to agra farms and manufacturers. This screwed the American Worker, Small business owner and as well the Latin American farmer, small business owner, and ultimately worker. No one wins with this Immigration policy. Yes a good number are violent criminals and scam artists but we are getting screwed both ways not just by the illegals themselves.

That said a line must be drawn in the sand and we need a secure border with a legal immigration timeout, along with a return to sound currency to kick start our economy. This will force the socialists in the 3rd World to abandon central banking and go to a free market liberating their people and equalizing oppurtunity.Edited by: Baseball Fan
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