Peyton Hillis

Peyton Hillis is now the face of the franchise and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He is a gentle giant as he is very humble. At the same time, don't piss him off. I'm so happy he is finally getting his chance to be the star he should have been at Arkansas. Way to go Hillis.
white lightning said:
Peyton Hillis is now the face of the franchise and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He is a gentle giant as he is very humble. At the same time, don't piss him off. I'm so happy he is finally getting his chance to be the star he should have been at Arkansas. Way to go Hillis.

Thinking the same things, man. If you had seen my face in the first half yesterday, you would've thought it was my brother or something playing running back. I am incredibly happy for that guy.
Thrashen said:
White American males are 95 yards from emancipation. The terminus of these 25 years of deep cerebral enslavement may occur on December 5th, 2010, in Sun Life Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida.

I trust that the Jewish supremacist, the white self-loather, the inebriated white fanboy, the blue blood owner, the bigot coach, the biased scout, the racist general manager, the African ethnocentric, the white male-abhorring female supremacist, the Negro-idolizing journalist, the brown-nosing analyst, the Caste-Speak enthusiast, the faithfully pro-black commentator, and the vain, gyrating black athlete will all be nervously observing from the shadows as yet another monarchy of Big Lies is set ablaze. For The Juggernaut, The Messiah, The Beast, The Reaper has finally arrived to ravage the meticulously-assembled organism of autocratic deceit you have all toiled so intensely to safeguard, to uphold, and to sustain.

I was a mere newborn when Craig James rushed for 1,227 yards during the 1985-1986 NFL season. The Caste System's fascist clutch on the running back position has been suffocating the masculinity of white males for my entire life. It has been the premier triumph of the Caste System's "modus operandi."Â￾

In 6 days, 95 yards are trapped between a white-skinned, blue-eyed, muscular barbarian and possibly the most coordinated falsehood in modern human history. How fitting that a white Frenchman broke the 10 second barrier this year, also.

Great post, Thrashen!
sport historian said:
foobar75 said:
It appears that the Browns organization has found the face of the franchise, as evidenced by their early start to the 2011 campaign. I think we can hopefully shut down any talk of Peyton being benched in favor of some afflete or what not. He's officially the man.


When the organization uses your image to sell season tickets, it means you have arrived.
I hope this means that the Browns will negotiate in good faith when Hillis or his agent demand a raise. They will want at least top 10 pay or even top 5 pay for him. I think right now he is getting about 400K. I can't see the Browns being stingy but you never know. I recall quite a few holdouts for tailbacks after break out years.
This thread is closing in on 80,000 views. It will probably beat the Lemaitre thread to be the first onein CF history to reach100,000 views. That's the equivalent of two stadiums filled with DWFs!Edited by: Don Wassall
Yeah but if you listen to the people who control the Caste System, they would keep you thinking that whites cannot and should not play running back. Can you just imagine if enough people wake up and start asking questions? Can even DWF's wake up from their life long hibernation and start asking why there are not more Peyton Hillis Types. This is the nfl's worst nightmare. People actually challenging the stereotypes finally! In reality though, the NFL might just finally realise that they have a potential gold mine in sales of jerseys, tshirts, hats, posters, etc if they start to finally let whites become stars as the teams primary ball carrier. Most white running backs and receivers would quickly become the most popular players on their team and also in the nfl. So it's a win/win situation for both sides. Fans need to demand more Hillis/Woodhead types!
Good article, and it appears a CFer is among those making comments afterwards!

Peyton Hillis On Verge of Becoming First White Running Back in 25 Years to Rush for 1,000 Yards

By Eugene McCormick. Published on 11/29/2010 - 1:38pm

Cleveland Browns running back Peyton Hillis is starting to break some stereotypes that white running backs aren't athletic enough for the NFL. The former Arkansas Razorbacks fullback, who was relegated to third string halfback on the loaded SEC squad and then was buried on the depth chart in Denver, is only 95 yards away from surpassing the 1,000 yard mark which is looked at the benchmark of success for tailbacks in the pros. If he is able to gain the yardage, which is likely considering the Browns have 5 games left on their schedule, he will become the first Caucasian to rush for over 1,000 yards since Craig James accomplished the feat for the New England Patriots in 1985.

Hillis, who led the Denver Broncos in rushing in his rookie season but was relegated to fourth string by a rookie coach in sophomore campaign, is breaking barriers that even seems to have trickled down to video games. ESPN published a story in 2008 entitled "Whatever happened to the white tailback?" that relayed a story from former Stanford star and current Minnesota Viking Toby Gerhart that stated:

Recently, according to Gerhart, one of his friends was playing an NCAA video game and created a player with Gerhart's speed and dimensions (6-foot-2, 230 pounds, 4.43 in the 40-yard dash). When his friend made the player white, the game automatically described the video version of Gerhart as "power back." When his friend changed the skin color to black, he became an "all-purpose back." </BLOCKQUOTE>

With Hillis joining Browns legends Jim Brown and Leroy Kelly as the only Cleveland running backs to rush for 11 touchdowns in a season, maybe coaches at all levels won't be so quick to dismiss a running back just because he has less pigment in his skin and will look at what talents they possess instead.
Awesome article...
Don Wassall said:
<div>Good article, and it appears a CFer is among those making comments afterwards!</div>

Recently, according to Gerhart, one of his friends was playing an NCAA video game and created a player with Gerhart's speed and dimensions (6-foot-2, 230 pounds, 4.43 in the 40-yard dash). When his friend made the player white, the game automatically described the video version of Gerhart as "power back." When his friend changed the skin color to black, he became an "all-purpose back." </blockquote>
Now that is one of the funniest things I've ever read.
I wonder if that game was ncaa football 11? because i notice that game tends to downgrade the white players abilities, which is BS!
I just found this:

Hillisjoined Marshall Faulk as the only players ever with at least 130 rush yards, 3 rushing TDs, 6 receptions and 60 receiving yards in a game.
Don Wassall said:
I just found this:
<div>Hillisjoined Marshall Faulk as the only players ever with at least 130 rush yards, 3 rushing TDs, 6 receptions and 60 receiving yards in a game.</div>
I had a feeling he was one of only a few people to accomplish the stats he put up last week
Don Wassall said:
Good article, and it appears a CFer is among those making comments afterwards!

Peyton Hillis On Verge of Becoming First White Running Back in 25 Years to Rush for 1,000 Yards

By Eugene McCormick. Published on 11/29/2010 - 1:38pm

Yeah I remember reading the article they refer to (in fact, I think my first Caste Football post was that article) and I particularly remember the Gerhart/video game story. You can tell by Gerhart's comments, hes defintely aware of the Caste system and is probably reading these words right now (Whats up Toby? Keep fighting!).

I added my two cents to the comment section of this recentarticle. I know its been mentioned before, but now its a very relevant questionconsidering Hillis's success:I wonder what would happen if you reversed it? That is, what if for 25 years(!!!) black people were not "allowed" to play the QB positon and all of a sudden, the first one that was "allowed"significant playing timein years put up 3,000 yds 13 TDs and 4 Ints in his first 11 starts? Articles would be written about the fact that he was black and oppressed and "see if you give them a chance...," etc etc etc. But, to the suprise of no one on this site, we will be called "racist" and be told "who cares what color he is" when we point out Peyton's accomplishments, and once again the double standard will continue.
Toby Hillis said:
Don Wassall said:
<div>Good article, and it appears a CFer is among those making comments afterwards!</div>
<div>Peyton Hillis On Verge of Becoming First White Running Back in 25 Years to Rush for 1,000 Yards</font></div>
<div>By Eugene McCormick</font>. Published on 11/29/2010 - 1:38pm </div>
<div>Yeah I remember reading the article they refer to (in fact, I think my first Caste Football post was that article) and I particularly remember the Gerhart/video game story. You can tell by Gerhart's comments, hes defintely aware of the Caste system and is probably reading these words right now (Whats up Toby? Keep fighting!). </div>

Yep, I remember the video game being mentioned as well. Very interesting and it has stuck with me.

About Toby Gerhart reading these posts, I often wonder how many of the White athletes we support visit CF on a regular or even periodic basis. There have to be at least a few by now. We are on the radar of the networks and big sports sites, so we have to be on the radar of some high profile White athletes. I know the risks involved in posting here could potentially be huge for them, but it would be really awesome to know if some of them drop by from time to time.
One of the most interesting things about Peyton Hillis is the comparison between him and his backfield mates at Arkansas. I've seen this done two different weeks, and I'm glad they do it. The facts are there for everyone to see in black and white.

Here are the stats for all three.

<t></t><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr><td colspan="20">Rushing Stats</td></tr>
<tr align="right"><td width="8%" align="left">YEAR</td><td width="8%" align="left">TEAM</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2008</td><td align="left">DAL</td><td>6</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2009</td><td align="left">DAL</td><td>14</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2010</td><td align="left">DAL</td><td>11</td>
<tr align="right">
<td colspan="2" align="left">Career</td>

<t></t><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr><td colspan="20">Rushing Stats</td></tr>
<tr align="right"><td width="8%" align="left">YEAR</td><td width="8%" align="left">TEAM</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2008</td><td align="left">OAK</td><td>13</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2009</td><td align="left">OAK</td><td>12</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2010</td><td align="left">OAK</td><td>9</td>
<tr align="right">
<td colspan="2" align="left">Career</td>

<t></t><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr><td colspan="20">Rushing Stats</td></tr>
<tr align="right"><td width="8%" align="left">YEAR</td><td width="8%" align="left">TEAM</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2008</td><td align="left">DEN</td><td>12</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2009</td><td align="left">DEN</td><td>14</td>
<tr align="right"><td align="left">2010</td><td align="left">CLE</td><td>11</td>
<tr align="right">
<td colspan="2" align="left">Career</td>

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Colonel_Reb said:
Toby Hillis said:
Don Wassall said:
Good article, and it appears a CFer is among those making comments afterwards!

Peyton Hillis On Verge of Becoming First White Running Back in 25 Years to Rush for 1,000 Yards

By Eugene McCormick. Published on 11/29/2010 - 1:38pm

Yeah I remember reading the article they refer to (in fact, I think my first Caste Football post was that article) and I particularly remember the Gerhart/video game story. You can tell by Gerhart's comments, hes defintely aware of the Caste system and is probably reading these words right now (Whats up Toby? Keep fighting!).

I often wonder how many of the White athletes we support visit CF on a regular or even periodic basis. There have to be at least a few by now.

I guarantee there are ton who are lurkers. Posters? I doubt it. They would be way too paranoid with all the surveilance, fear of peoplelinking their name withtheir IP address, etc,to actually post on this site. For a lot of these guys, the first thing that comes up is Caste Football when youGoogle their names! At the very least, they would sneak a peak out of curiousity.
Edited by: Toby Hillis
And that's swell. The best thing they can do, in addition to carrying on with their own fight, is to encourage young white players to overcome the odds as they have. With role models like Peyton Hillis, Toby Gerhart, Danny Woodhead, Clay Matthews, Wes Welker, etc. etc. for young guys to emulate, we can overcome. My son and myself just watched Cam McDaniels highlights this evening, so even an up-and-comer can be an inspiration to a young white athlete. To many of our fine white high school and middle school athletes give up before they even start as a result of the endless barricades placed in front of them.
Patrick said:
Hillis only had 13 attempts in 2009 for Denver?  Was he injured most of the year? 

No, he was playing for Josh McWhigger, who benched him in favor of negro supermen like NoShow Mareno and 87-year-old Correll Buckhalter.
Patrick said:
Hillis only had 13 attempts in 2009 for Denver? Was he injured most of the year?

No, but his head coachat the timesuffered an his F***ING brain!!!
article from bleacher report about top 15 white RBs of the Super Bowl era.

here's the link

Peyton Hillis And The 15 Greatest White Running Backs of the Super Bowl Era

Peyton Hillis has been one of the biggest stars of the 2010 NFL season.

His hard running, his come-from-nowhere appeal, and his tremendous production have helped contribute to his notoriety.

But so has one other factor: his skin color.

For whatever reason, white running backs have been few and far between in recent years. And for whatever reason, there have been three relatively big-name white running backs in the NFL this season: Hillis, Minnesota Viking Toby Gerhart, and New England Patriot Danny Woodhead.

Yahoo!Sports addressed the issue of Gerhart and the absence of white running backs before April's draft.

"One longtime NFL scout insisted that Gerhart's skin color will likely prevent the Pac-10's offensive player of the year from being drafted in Thursday's first round.

'He'll be a great second-round pickup for somebody, but I guarantee you if he was the exact same guyâ€"but he was blackâ€"he'd go in the first round for sure,' the scout said. 'You could make a case that he's a Steven Jackson typeâ€"doesn't have blazing speed, but he's strong and powerful and versatile.'"

Two years earlier,'s Jemelle Hill wrote about the same issue in her piece: "Whatever happened to the white tailback?"

The more complex issues of this debate are for another time.

But the topic of the white running back got us thinking about other great white running backs in recent NFL history.

A few qualifications

1) They have to played at some point in the Super Bowl era, i.e. 1966 and beyond.

2) Fullbacks are allowed.

another white running back article, by a black writer from (if that was posted before, i apologize dearly!)

Peyton Hillis a rarityRB eschews race factor, but it's hard to ignore when you look at history of position

By Jeffri Chadiha

Cleveland Browns running back Peyton Hillis hurdled the question as easily as he's cleared hapless defenders this season.

I wanted to know how much he'd been asked about his success as a white featured back in the NFL this season. He wanted no part of the inquiry.

"I don't put race into the equation," Hillis said. "I'm a human being just like everybody else."

It was a predictable answer to a predictable question, and I don't blame Hillis for assuming the politically correct position. What I can't do is look at his breakout season and act as if his skin color isn't part of the storyline. Yes, the man clearly has talent that has been ignored for far too long. But it also has been even longer since we've seen a white man running through pro defenses the way he has this year.

The 6-foot-1, 240-pound Hillis has gained 726 yards through nine games, while scoring eight touchdowns and averaging a healthy 4.8 yards per carry. He's also accomplished all this while playing on a Browns offense currently led by a rookie quarterback (Colt McCoy) and a bunch of skill players who aren't going to make any defensive coordinators lose sleep in the near future. Hillis basically is the biggest reason why Cleveland fans have a chance to see a competitive game every week these days. His hard-charging, smashmouth style has turned him into an immediate hit with those long-suffering locals.

You'd have to go back decades to find a white runner who has meant this much to his team. Merril Hoge had some decent years in Pittsburgh in the late 1980s and early '90s. John Riggins was a dominant offensive force for the Washington Redskins in the late '70s and early '80s. Let's also not forget about those old-timers who cracked the 1,000-yard mark in the 1970s, men like Miami's Larry Csonka, Oakland's Mark van Eeghen and Pittsburgh's Rocky Bleier.

As for more recent years, there hasn't been a white running back who's even been capable of driving this kind of conversation (and please don't say Tampa Bay's Mike Alstott -- he never looked as dangerous as Hillis has become). Blacks have dominated the position, and it's become nearly impossible to even find promising college runners entering the league who aren't African-Americans. To put this into greater perspective, only eight of the top 100 career rushers in league history have been Caucasian. So when somebody like Hillis comes along to crash the party, you've got to be startled by how rare a guy like him has become.

Keep in mind, this is a man who waited a long time to be a featured back. That opportunity never came when he was playing fullback at Arkansas, primarily because the Razorbacks already had two exceptional backs who eventually would become first-round NFL draft picks (Darren McFadden and Felix Jones). When the Denver Broncos made Hillis a seventh-round pick in the 2008 draft, his prospects didn't look any brighter. Aside from having the versatility to be an effective fullback in the West Coast offense run by then-head coach Mike Shanahan, he had given nobody any reason to dream big about his future.

Then a funny thing happened: Hillis got a shot. When several Broncos runners suffered injuries in 2008, he proved he could do the job by gaining 343 yards and scoring five touchdowns before a torn right hamstring ended his season. The production was enough to keep Hillis on the NFL radar even though he vanished last season in the offense run by head coach Josh McDaniels. And the Browns eventually acquired Hillis (along with a sixth-round pick in the 2011 draft and a conditional pick in the 2012 draft) in a March trade that sent quarterback Brady Quinn to Denver.

When Hillis looks back on those days, he can't come up with an adequate explanation as to why nobody could see him in a feature role. Even in Cleveland, he started as a fullback until injuries led to a shot in a Week 3 game against Baltimore, a chance that Hillis turned into a 144-yard effort.

"I think it was about not being in the right place at the right time," he said. "Or maybe it was about not being in the right scheme. But I'm not worried about that now. I'm just focused on being in the right situation here."

Since Hillis can't make sense of his past, I'll take a stab at it. His previous coaches likely spent so much time looking for runners with certain skill sets that they never envisioned that Hillis could be more than what he was. He got placed in a box, and that's not just because of his skin color. It's because this is what happens when people don't have the vision to see beyond the expectations they've already established in their own minds.

If you think this is flawed logic, just consider the plight of black quarterbacks in the past. Many were labeled as "athletes" or "scramblers" and rarely given a chance to show their abilities as passers because they didn't fit a certain NFL mold. The irony now is that mobility is a treasured asset in quarterbacks, but that's also beside the point. In those days, if you didn't look the part, you didn't get the part.

In Hillis' case, some people will see race attached to this story and assume it's an attempt to be controversial. It's actually just an attempt to be honest. Hillis is showing us something we haven't seen in the league in awhile. In the process, he's reminding us of what makes sports so special in the first place -- that the whole point of competition is to make us understand what can happen when somebody gets a chance.

In fact, Hillis was so confident in his own ability that he promised to be the steal of that offseason trade when he arrived in Cleveland. It was a little out of character for such a humble man, but as he said, "I always felt I had the talent. It was just a matter of getting an opportunity."

As it turned out, Hillis was quite prescient in his thinking. What he couldn't have imagined, however, was that his ability wouldn't be the only reason he'd turn heads in the league this season.

Senior writer Jeffri Chadiha covers the NFL for
backrow said:
Since Hillis can't make sense of his past, I'll take a stab at it. His previous coaches likely spent so much time looking for runners with certain skill sets that they never envisioned that Hillis could be more than what he was. He got placed in a box, and that's not just because of his skin color. It's because this is what happens when people don't have the vision to see beyond the expectations they've already established in their own minds.

If you think this is flawed logic, just consider the plight of black quarterbacks in the past. Many were labeled as "athletes" or "scramblers" and rarely given a chance to show their abilities as passers because they didn't fit a certain NFL mold. The irony now is that mobility is a treasured asset in quarterbacks, but that's also beside the point. In those days, if you didn't look the part, you didn't get the part.

This is the money part of the article. The black QB comparison is good when working with the feeble minds of typical DWFs. Over the weekend, I spent a considerable amount of time looking at high school teams across theMidwest as they played their championship games. With few exceptions, the winning teams had white playmakers at all positions.In spite of their superiority in playing and producing, they will be weeded out going to the next level because of the "expectationsthey've (coaches and scouts)already established in their own minds".
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