Peyton Hillis

Jack Lambert said:
Denver fans seem to be a lot smarter than all other DWFs of NFL teams. They echo our thoughts here at CF.

Eminem is undoubtedly shocked that Hillis has so many supporters. In his experience White players have always been screwed with impunity.

I know he's very young for a coach but there's something about him; he always reminds me of a big little kid, sort of like Tom Hanks in "Big."
McPunk strikes me as an only child that grew up having never suffered through adversity, nor having been told that he was wrong. My guess is that Mommy and Daddy probably gilded his dirty diapers and placed them on the mantle for all to worship during gatherings and Holidays. Edited by: WHITE NOISE
I guess that humble, gee shucks "white boy" act didn't work so well, did it, Peyton? Yes, this kid certainly has a lot to risk by speaking out- let's see, last week, he reacted to the mild furor his lack of playing time has created, by submissively accepting his non-role. McEminem's response to this team loyalty was to give him ZERO snaps with the offense the next game.

Those DWF comments posted here do give us a bit of hope. They are shocking to me, but they represent a real chance to strike a small blow against the Caste System. The time is ripe for Peyton Hillis to speak out; he clearly has great support among the fan base, and even the local media is puzzled over his lack of playing time. Talk about a golden opportunity- here you go, Peyton- speak out! Brag about what you did last season. Say that you know you are a running back. Say you know you can catch the ball. Say you know you're great in short yardage. The Broncos are collapsing, and McEminem has no defense for not playing you. Go for it!
BUR...I completely agree. Hillis has nothing, nothing to lose by speaking out on this travesty; further more, he doesn't even need to use the race card, IMHO. He is quite simply the best back that Denver has.

"McDumbass, get me the fricken' rock, and I'll own the red-zone."

There, Peyton. That wasn't so hard was suck-up! You are going to find yourself hoping that your college-indocrinated education can get you a decent paying dead-from-the-neck-up paycheck like the rest of us welfare providers, because you don't want to make waves.

Wake the F up!
I think something quite fascinating is happening in Denver. I'm not sure that I've seen this level of support for a white player (or maybe any player) by the fans and local media that's directed towards Peyton Hillis right now. I'm having a lot of fun with all of this, so here is some more good reading. (the comments from the fans are superb, and it really helps keep my blood pressure under control every time I think about how badly Hillis has been screwed this year)

First, a couple of columns from the Denver Post:

Familiar fade pattern for Broncos


It's beginning to look a lot like last year. The more things change for the Broncos, the more they stay the same.

The early run and the late collapse. It's becoming a Denver football tradition.

There's a new coach roaming the sideline, but he seems at least as stubborn as the old one. If keeping fan favorite Peyton Hillis glued to the bench in the absence of injured Correll Buckhalter wasn't Josh McDaniels' way of reminding the rest of us who's in charge, it signaled that egress from his doghouse might require a special dispensation from the pope.

Rookie Knowshon Moreno's second half was horrific, but McDaniels kept going to him, like a man unwilling to admit there might be a better way.

Moreno carried nine times for negative 1 yard after intermission. Four carries for no gain and three more for losses, one of them at the goal line.

The question must be asked: Is it simply impossible for McDaniels to admit that his 215-pound first-round draft choice might not be his best option in short yardage? Is it impossible for him to admit that a bigger back might be more effective? Would he rather fail to score than admit he's wrong?

"It's not the back," McDaniels insisted. "The running game is everybody. When it works well, it's a lot of people working well together. And when it doesn't work well, there's a lot of people that need to do something different, something a little bit better to make it go."

Maybe, but for the second week in a row, Moreno averaged less than 3 yards a carry. It was 2.7 against the Colts, an anemic 2.2 against the Raiders. By contrast, LaMont Jordan, who carried the ball five times in relief, averaged 5.4. Moreno has carried the ball 224 times in his first pro season. The kid might just be gassed.

Another column:

Broncos fall back into playoff pack


But they continued the same old offensive stuff that has gotten them in trouble and gotten them beat six games in November and December. Plus, the players were languid, and the coaches were arrogant and the crowd was unenthused.

At least you can't blame any of that on Peyton Hillis.

Knowshon Moreno had another of those abysmal 2.2-yard rushing averages, and there was a rare LaMont Jordan sighting â€" for a useless 27 yards.

And now my favorite part, some comments from the fans:

(this is my favorite comment by far)

Stubbornness loses playoff spot should be the headline. First and goal from the 2, if you give the ball to Hillis four times, the Broncos win. With Josh, he's either brilliant or and idiot, there is no in between unless of course you include stubborn, most of all he's stubborn and not learning from the feedback of films, history, etc.

Peyton Hillis who happens to be very similar in size and heart to recent Heisman hopeful Gerhart, a future #1 pick, is also the hero of last year's team. Bronco fans like stories like Hillis's, treated poorly at Arkansas, found in Denver. Hillis is like our newest Mecklenberg, Rod Smith, Terrell Davis, or Braxton. Yet Josh has absolutely no concerns for our Bronco history. Hillis is a find, and Josh for whatever reason wants him out of football. Regardless, one thing is clear; most Bronco fans without reviewing any films know that Hillis moved the pile last year behind a very similar line. Most Bronco fans know that Hillis would have scored if given the ball four times yesterday from the 2.

I'm sure all week long they worked on short yardage with Josh's players. I'm sure all week they heard, "let's run it again."Â Hillis probably watched as they "ran it again."Â Look what happened, running it again, with that personnel package, the same guy that fumbled against the Chargers, cost you the game against the Raiders. The Broncos don't deserve to make the playoffs any more. Who wants to go to Baltimore and watch Moreno fumble again?

Most importantly, hopefully management knows or has come to realize that Josh McDaniels, for all his upside is not learning much from on the job training, and over time, stubbornness like yesterday usually gets you fired in the NFL.


Woody, you are the best in the D.P. by far, but why are you really soft stepping the situation?
Why not tell it like it is? McMuffin had a lucky run to start out and then the reality came home! Ego to the point of lunacy becomes evident. NoWhere instead of giving Hillis a "REAL" chance? Hillis proved himself last year and Shanahan would still be here if Hillis had not been injured - and so would Cutler. I do not know if the defense would have improved, which pretty much condemned them.??
A childish ego driven little boy does not belong here (and I do mean little boy - like a teeny-weanie, or yes and I'm sure that too, thing) playing with the big boys now and yes he is JUST playing!
Wears me out just thinking of punkey boy.

Hi gang. First time post. I don't think I have ever been more frustrated about the Broncos then I was yesterday. McDaniels is the most stubborn egotistic maniac I've ever seen as a coach. Peyton Hillis was supposed to be the back up to Moreno, but since the media made such a big deal about not playing Hillis last week, McDaniels promotes LaMont Jordan over Hillis just to stick it to the media and Bronco country. I am sick and tired of not having a running game due to this moron. We had the same personnel last year (O-line) and ran all over teams, and this year we can't b/c McDaniels wanted to use his scheme. Part of it is his stubborness in playing Moreno, but the whole running game scheme is different and it is driving me crazy! I hate to say this, but at least Shanahan was not this stubborn when something didn't work offensively.

Not trying Hillis just one time in the red zone is unexcusable . I say there is absolutely not excuse for it McDaniels . I think back to the over the top display of total excitement of win over the Patriots--Players were well modivated and you had a good game plan----but saw very little of that for the SanDiego and Raiders games.Why McDaniels. I think you need to address us fans as to why you are not playing Hillis most of the not al all. Also I think you dp reporters need to ride his a** on this one. I do not believe that if came up in the new conference after the game. Come on Woody get on him. Also McDaniels you seem to put all these failures on the players but look in the mirror you are the one with the game plan and one I might add very predicktable oops misspelled. To mad to care.

(another great comment follows below)

It was largely agreed that if Hillis had stayed healthy and on the field last year the Broncos wouldn't have lost their last three games, would've been in the playoffs and the season would've been considered a relative success.

This year, the Broncos continue to slide, the season is going down in flames and Hillis is not on the field... just like last year. The difference is, Hillis is healthy. What in God's name is he doing on the sideline? It is a tragedy and an embarrassment.

Oh, by the way, the play calling has been unimaginative and predictable. Boring is fine if it gives us wins. But this is just ridiculous.

Bench Moreno. Play Hillis.


Woody....seriously, you and the Denver Media need to attack McD on his predictable play calling. And when NO-SHOW can't God they need to insert Hillis. What is the problem with the coach and Hillis??? HELLO???

You watch, he'll be dealt next year and the team he goes to will reach the playoffs and Hillis will show us all, what a HUGE mistake we are making.


(man, I'm really starting to like Denver fans, another great comment follows below)

Mcd's arrogance is out of control. His ego driven thinking has been the single most deciding factor in our 2-6 out of the last 8 game slide.

In the KC game, Hillis was put in to mop up and did a great job (6.7yds/carry) - too great in fact. The idea that Mcd's hand picked Moreno could be shown up in one of his better performances of the year was too much for Mcd's ego to handle. So Hillis was rewarded with just one carry the following week - for 2 yards. But even that was too much since those two yards would have been enough to keep several other drives alive - had Hillis been inserted on them. So the next week (yesterday) Hillis is benched all together in favor of Lame-mont Jordan. This, in Mcd's mind gives those pesky doubters of his genius no ammunition to work with.

The second half of Mcd's genius strategy worked somewhat in that the Broncos only managed another FG while struggling for 5 minutes to accomplish that feat. Don't be surprised if Mcd pulls the coin toss strategy out next week as well or for the rest of his tenure for that matter. Oh and, you can rest assured the Indy game was Hillis' swan song to Denver. Been nice knowing you Peyton, hope you tear up the league where ever you land.

Where is Hillis in those situations, the guy fumbled returning a kick (which he shouldn't have been doing anyway) and that means he's on the bench for the rest of the season????

The guy is the best north-south runner we have and you trust Orton on 3rd and 1????? McGenius!!!

McDaniel's ego is a sign of his immaturity. He is a typical 30 year old that shows up with to a new job with a nice new suit and a chip on his shoulder.

Some handle it better than others.

Failing to put Hillis in on goal line carries, where Hillis has previously proved his value, is nothing short of being immature. Failing to put Hillis in, ahead of KM who was averaging less than 3 YPC against an awful run stop defense, is indefensible in the NFL.

Part of managing people is knowing how to handle personalities, this comes with experience, age, and wisdom. However, we are not talking about the normal work place. We are talking about the NFL. Time to grow up.

Can anybody (except the idiot Charger fan) tell me one good reason why the Broncos won't consider using Peyton Hillis? McDaniels keeps on with the coach-speak..."we play the players that give us the best chance to win the game"... but I don't know what the hell Peyton did to make anyone think that he shouldn't get some chances during short yardage situations that we are OBVIOUSLY having a hard time with.
I want to know why this is happening!!!

Like many on here, I have repeatedly noticed that Buckhalter and Moreno fail a lot in third and short yardage situations. Like many on here, I keep hoping and calling for Hillis to get his opportunity in these situations. Like many on here, I have come to like the coach but there is no way in hell I can be led to believe that KO on a qb sneak on third and two is our best option. There is no way in hell you can convince me that Hillis shouldn't have had on or two opportunities from the two yard line against the Raiders. More frustrating than that is that there seems to be no way in hell the coach is gonna give #22 a shot.

I'm sick of this team. Why didn't Hillis get any snaps? Jordon is a total waste at RB. It's funny we all know how good Hillis can be. Didn't he rush for like 180 yards last year against the Jets? It's frustrating see Orton out there. I hoped to god they don't resign him.

Stokley, Scheffler, Hillis and Royal are all being underused. I think all but Royal will be elsewhere next year and that is a shame.

If they would just give Hillis a chance we wouldn't have a problem in the red zone. Moreno is a good change of pace back ...He has not showed what so ever he can get the yards when they are really needed...

Dear Josh McDaniels: His name is Peyton Hillis, he wears #22, and he plays on your team. He's not auditioning for "Dancing With the Stars" like some players on your team (Knowshon), and all I want for Christmas is for you to GIVE HIM THE BALL!!!!!!!
Edited by: foobar75
Thanks, Foobar, for posting the comments. Maybe McEminem's pro-Caste extremism will turn out to be one of the best things we could have hoped for. I know none of us here, even the most jaded pessimist, thought that Hillis would be totally screwed the way he's been this season. Hopefully more than a few Hillis fans, in Denver in elsewhere, have noticed the glaringly obvious and will be more attuned to what's going on in footballrather than alwaysregurgitating the opinions the media wants them to have.
I agree Don. I always thought that the most extreme caste scenarios can awaken some fans (like Rivals having one, yes one, white in their top 100 WRs). Moreno averaged 2.2 YPC in the loss to Oakland, but McDaniels would rather sacrifice the Bronco's chance at winning a Superbowl than play Hillis. Hillis averaged 5.4 YPC in the games he started at tailback last year. I have NEVER heard of a more dominant performance by a rookie in YPC (for games started in a season) then Hillis's since I started watching the NFL about 10 years ago and this got him demoted to 4th string tailback.

McDaniels is so arrogant that he will never play Hillis now because Hillis will make him look stupid. We can only hope that Denver's team continues to go down like a Submarine to the bottom of the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean and McDaniels is replaced after next year and Hillis comes in and averages his 6 YPC that he looked like he is capable of- and yes make McDaniels look like a fool!
Woody Paige speaks the truth. McDaniels is a racist, and Hillis will be free to pick his team at the end of the season after M&M releases him for his lack of pigmentation.
The NFL's caste system as with Liberalism in general has degenerated into a farce. Even the NFL network that bastion of PC mocked NoShow. I don't know if they did it this week, but last week with the sound off at the bar all I could say was that it looked like a blooper reel. NoSho to the line stopped, standing upright tackler grabs both legs NoShow fall down, hilarious. My advice to the Broncos fans, they need to ask point blank what are the reasons for not playing Hillis, and why he is destroying their season.
Could it be possible that McDaniels is getting his orders from higher up? Perhaps it's not the coach that is the problem here. If that's the case, and the owner gave the word based on a policy that all the owners must follow, where in the hell do we go from here?
Edited by: GWTJ
You think it's possible that the owners have an inflexible policy that white men shouldn't play RB, GWTJ?

The Caste System is one thing, but to think that there is some sort of agreement they all must follow to keep white men out of the backfield....

That's going overboard.
I think it(whites not be allowed to be a feature back) is similar to the time when the NFL thought and rightfully so that affelets could not consistently perform at a high level playing quaterback. It started to change when Doug Williams played and finally won a Superbowl.

We now know they can't play the position for the most part. McNabb and Moom were the exceptions and not the rule. Hopefully Toby Gerhart will be our Jackie Robinson next year and put a huge crack in the caste system against white players at the skill postions, 1st RB then CB.
Its a cult. I assume most people gladly joined the Nazi party or the Communist party or partook of the kool-aid knowingly. These outfits go on till responsibility and reality come crashing down on their heads.
Van_Slyke_CF said:
You think it's possible that the owners have an inflexible policy that white men shouldn't play RB, GWTJ?

The Caste System is one thing, but to think that there is some sort of agreement they all must follow to keep white men out of the backfield....

That's going overboard.

Not only is it possible, it probably goes beyond just the RB position. From our observations here at CF, any white player that shows mad athleticism has been funneled out of the NFL in one fashion or another. It's a long list that has been documented here many times.

A white athlete is better off being a Tom Brady type than a Matt Jones type.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the owners are upset at Wes Welker's success. He has become the model for the slot receiver. And that means more whites in the starting lineup throughout the league.
great posts in this thread.

and i'm loving the comments from Broncos' fans ... i wonder if they understand the "real" reason behind Hillis' benching, though. hopefully, they are waking up. after all, up in Colorado there are an abundance of talented White running backs. not only in the state's high schools, but also in the state colleges.
Way to keep us up on the pulse of the fans, foobar75.

This is so egregious that I would like to see the offensive line, in unison, walk into McDaniel's office and put it to him point blank: You want to get to the playoffs? We'll get you there. Play Peyton Hillis!

What's Posh McDaniels going to do then besides wet his pants? Bench ‘em all? It's obvious the bum is not going to change his position. A little reality check is in order in case like this.
Kaptain Poop said:
Not just in Denver are they questioning M&M about the non-use of Hillis. This article by Woody Paige bashes Moreno and asks the Hillis question. No time for me to quote. I gotta shovel show. Here's the link:

Woody paige on the Moreno and Hillis - Philly Inquirer

KP, thanks for posting this! It's good to see journalists in other cities take note of YOshown's ineffectiveness & the shafting of powerhouse Hillis!
GWTJ said:
Van_Slyke_CF said:
You think it's possible that the owners have an inflexible policy that white men shouldn't play RB, GWTJ?

The Caste System is one thing, but to think that there is some sort of agreement they all must follow to keep white men out of the backfield....

That's going overboard.

Not only is it possible, it probably goes beyond just the RB position. From our observations here at CF, any white player that shows mad athleticism has been funneled out of the NFL in one fashion or another. It's a long list that has been documented here many times.

A white athlete is better off being a Tom Brady type than a Matt Jones type.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the owners are upset at Wes Welker's success. He has become the model for the slot receiver. And that means more whites in the starting lineup throughout the league.

GWTJ: I'm well aware of what has gone on at CF for the past few years, and the battles this site is fighting on behalf of white athletes.

I've done my fair share of commenting here as well.

I just wanted to confirm your position that you think it's possible the 32 NFL owners are conspiring by unwritten rule to keep as many white men out of skill positions in the NFL as possible-i.e. that orders come down from the front offices of the NFL to the coaching staffs to NOT play white men at RB, WR etc.

Thanks for the enlightening opinion.
backrow said:
Woody is a columnist for Denver Post, actually, so he's not out of town.

This is a great article with some eye-popping stats about how absolutely horrible Kn0sh0wn M0ren0 really is in short yardage situations, and pretty mediocre elsewhere.

As someone else mentioned, the little vermin Mcd is now in a tough spot. If he allows Hillis to play, and we know Hillis will pick up those yards, he'll look even dumber than he does now for not playing the team's best RB all year.

So, most likely, he'll sacrifice the Bronco's season instead just to satify is own ego. I hope that spells his own doom. It really makes me wonder if he has any respect amongst the players in that locker room.
Eminem's tried to earn "respect" from a mostly black team by eliminating any role by Hillis in the offense, and greatly reducing the playing time of Tony Scheffler and Brandon Stokley. Scheffler could be one of the top receiving tight ends in the league, and Stokley is still a more than capable slot receiver. The only black player whoseproduction has been reduced is Eddie Royal, and he's been a starter all season but hasn't found a role in Eminem's new offense.
I remember I used to like the Broncos because I thought at the time (early to mid 80s) they were mostly white. They had his white reciever named Watson, first name Michael I believe. He would always score on these long TD passes from a former Cowboy QB, Morton I believe.

Anyways, I remember Watson burning a black Charger CB named Elvis Paterson several times. After this game in which the Broncos blew out the Chargers, Paterson's nickname from that point on was "toast"!
Don Wassall said:
Eminem's tried to earn "respect" from a mostly black team by eliminating any role by Hillis in the offense, and greatly reducing the playing time of Tony Scheffler and Brandon Stokley.  Scheffler could be one of the top receiving tight ends in the league, and Stokley is still a more than capable slot receiver.  The only black player whose production has been reduced is Eddie Royal, and he's been a starter all season but hasn't found a role in Eminem's new offense.

But I wonder if this has worked as the season has progressed, since the glaring shortcoming in the offense is an overall lack of running game, particularly in short yardage situations. They are now losing games because of it. The black players would actually not mind if a white skill player came along made some plays because ultimately that makes them look good. (as long as the said white player is kept in check, because you don't want him to perform too well.

I believe it was reported that Hillis was a favorite in the locker room, and especially the offensive line loved blocking for him because of how hard he ran. As much as we know about black solidarity and how certain things can upset team chemistry (such as having one too many white skill players), I think there are those occasional white players who somehow manage to rise above that, and Hillis was one of them.

It would not surprise me if some of the players have spoken to McDaniels about it, but were rebuffed. In any event, Hillis' nightmare will be over in 2 weeks. Let's hope the Texans, Packers, or whereever Shannahan ends up is where Hillis will be in 2010.
Van Slyke,

How could you possibly not think there is a conspiracy to keep white players from playing RB? When Danny Woodhead ran for over 150 yards in the last preseason game this year, then was summarily cut by the Jets, what other reason, short of conspiracy, could explain why none of the other teams put in a waiver claim on him?

If every owner/general manager wasn't a part of this, there would be great interest in severely underutilized backs like Hester and Leonard (not to mention, of course, Hillis). Also, great college receivers like Mike Hass and John Standeford would be claimed by some team during one of their many trips back and forth to the practice squad.

This is all part of something much bigger than football. And it is indeed, by definition, a real conspiracy. Edited by: bigunreal