Pay to play-on the way?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I don't see any good coming out of this either. If players get paid to play they should have to pay their own tuition.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Along with the Caste System, rule changes, conference realignments and the birth of the "power five", this latest ruling is more against the game of football than the NCAA. Still, I don't see any good coming from this for the White athlete, for the game of football, or for "higher education."
There could be many benefits if players can make what they can in endorsements on the open market. I could see a basic stipend plus free tuition and for star players money held in a trust fund from autograph signings and endorsements. The system as it is now is a sewer where only the most noble of athletes stays pure.

Fat cats that run the NCAA and the conferences all make 6 figures to maybe even low 7 figures, yet football players and to a lesser extent basketball players literally pass out from hunger pangs on weekends when on road trips. I would prefer a minor league system like baseball and hockey but we know the NCAA doesn't want that and neither do the leagues. So we got this ball of wax and the problems that we see today.


Aug 22, 2012
I've said it before but these players are being extremely naive. Look at the CFL for instance, many of those players were standouts in college yet now they only make about ~$100,000 a year. The average NCAA player isn't anywhere near the CFL caliber let alone the NFL caliber. If they were stripped of their scholarships and paid in cash they'd make ~$40,000 a year max. They'd leave college in debt.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I've said it before but these players are being extremely naive. Look at the CFL for instance, many of those players were standouts in college yet now they only make about ~$100,000 a year. The average NCAA player isn't anywhere near the CFL caliber let alone the NFL caliber. If they were stripped of their scholarships and paid in cash they'd make ~$40,000 a year max. They'd leave college in debt.
Technically the average starter and quality back up(even from the power conferences) isn't even an arena league player and they make 25 to 50K a year(maybe quarterbacks make more), but the interest the power conferences generate is much higher than even the CFL. That's why I suggested endorsement money and appearance money should be kept in trust for the players. But does a starter in the MAC generate any crazy money for the schools?

Ps here is a story about life in the new revamped AFL and salaries are curtailed the players now make 18K but have subsidized housing, so that can add up to another 6K+ in pay if their lease is for the year.....