Patrick Little

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You guys are aware that Tuesday is a primary right? Do you still think 1% is the ceiling? Most people don’t vote in primaries, making it possible for a fringe candidate with a hardcore following to get a bigger percentage of the vote.

I could be wrong but I think he’s got a chance at 2nd, behind Feinstein, tomorrow. In California, the top 2 regardless of party advance to the general. It’s also an open primary meaning disgruntled dems, greens and independents can vote for Pat. There are 30 something candidates, most with no name recognition, to split the vote. Conceivably if Feinstein gets the majority of votes, 2nd place could be had with 5-10%. Last thing to remember is that Little is pro-White but he’s running a counter Semitic campaign and is openly appealing to all other races. He knows you can’t win California only with Whites now.

I don’t know what percentage to predict but I’d be shocked if he only gets 1% based off internal polling numbers being made reference to in different interviews.

You're not wrong I think he has a great chance at 2nd place. At the very least he'll make a respectable showing. I'll be shocked if he gets less than 10%. And if we had more time to prepare I think he'd be guaranteed to advance to the next round . I don't know about you but I only found out about his campaign a couple of months ago. It really sucks that the biggest alt right sites are purposely ignoring him
You're not wrong I think he has a great chance at 2nd place. At the very least he'll make a respectable showing. I'll be shocked if he gets less than 10%. And if we had more time to prepare I think he'd be guaranteed to advance to the next round . I don't know about you but I only found out about his campaign a couple of months ago. It really sucks that the biggest alt right sites are purposely ignoring him
I probably heard about him around the same time as you. I think it was on Cantwell’s show.

Fully agree that the silence of some sites and personalities is very telling. They are either controlled opposition or stubbornly adhering to their strategy to “tone things down after Charlottesville”. As if we’re ever going to win this thing from behind keyboards and without naming our biggest (((adversary))).
Well, the results weren't what we had hoped and we have to wonder if there was any tampering of the numbers.

Little's blog this morning has his thoughts on the results:
Well, the results weren't what we had hoped and we have to wonder if there was any tampering of the numbers.

Little's blog this morning has his thoughts on the results:

In this era of electronic voting, it is so easy to rig the results, how can we believe any results whatsoever anymore? The key is to have tech-savvy people who are on our side in as many places as possible. We have the truth on our side. If we don't back down and are vigilant, eventually we will win.
There was no tampering, there was no need to tamper. His claims are pure bs without a scintilla of evidence to back them up. He got exactly what I predicted he'd get, for the reasons I outlined earlier in this thread. A candidate with no name recognition, no media support, no financial support, and zero grassroots organization is not miraculously going to be a serious challenger, especially in a huge state with 40 million people, most of them non-White. Sorry, but a few YouTube videos and favorable mentions on 4Chan doesn't change that. It doesn't matter if he's a nazi, a communist, a whatever. Political results come only painstakingly, through long-term, dedicated grassroots activism, something racially aware Whites avoid like the plague.

Let's just take one of the numbers he throws out -- 10,000 people viewed his platform, and I was one of them. How many of those 10,000 were registered voters in California? Ten percent maybe, so we're down to 1,000 platform readers, in a state of 40 million people. Of those 1,000, how many liked his platform, to the point that they decided to cast their vote for him? Even if all 1,000 did, that still leaves tens of millions of voters who never heard of him or found what they read about him and his views repugnant.

And his non-White coalition claims? Lol The Learned Elders of the Republican Party have for decades now been trying to convert non-Whites into conservatives, with no success and no chance ever of success. But Little somehow galvanized them into voting for someone who is commonly perceived as a Nazi? Please, think people, think. His platform openly states he's a White advocate for Whites. To almost all non-Whites he'll never be anything but someone who wants to deport or outright kill them.

Lots of wishful thinking behind this guy's candidacy by people who have no actual experience in grassroots politics. And btw who ever heard of Patrick Little before? There's no vetting, just lots of people desperate for a miracle to happen. One of his platform planks calls for sending an asteroid to hit Mars. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was all an act. And if it isn't and he's serious, he needs to concentrate on building an actual organization behind him, as do racially aware Whites in general. Sorry, but the internet alone will never come close to getting the job done. And if no one will help because they're afraid of being doxxed, then the approach has to change to one that is far more pragmatic and populist oriented. But I know that will never happen from long personal experience, which is why American Whites are doomed; the racially aware among them are too lazy, afraid and complacent to do anything about what's being done to them (with a few exceptions of course). Racially aware Whites will still be posting anonymously on the internet on their marginalized sites on the White cyberspace ghetto and doing nothing else as the White population drops to 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, tick, tick, tick.
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Don, I agree with every word you just written. I am at a complete lost at what is becoming of the White race. There is no sense of pride in Whites of being White. They seemed to be embarrassed at being White. I don't see a hand full of Whites willing to stand up and saying I am proud to be White. The end is a lot closer now for Whites than ever before, look at Europe and South Africa and you can see the future for Whites in America.
I'm going to lock this thread because I think it's served its purpose. I have a lot of respect for some of the posters who had unrealistic expectations and don't want to continue a back and forth, especially with anyone who resorts to the "he would have come in second but the election was stolen" nonsense so let's leave it be. Whites can only survive if a lot more of the racially aware ones begin to sacrifice financially and through their grassroots labor in pragmatic and intelligent ways. Anything else is a pipedream, and even political activism may be a lost cause at this point but we'll likely never know because racially aware Whites continue to do very little to try and save themselves.
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