Pat Tillman's Brother Speaks Out

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Pat Tillman had character of the highest quality. It gives me at least some hope for this country that America still produces such an admirable man.

But in the aftermath of Tillman's death the military lied, covered up, and lied some more, symbolic of the policies and the shameful administration that is destroying the U.S.

Pat's brother Kevin served with Pat in Iraq and Afghanistan. The following article written by Kevin is powerful, but it isn't for the faint of heart or for those who still support the low-IQ "Decider" in the White House and those who pull his strings. thday/

It is Pat�s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military. He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice� until we got out.

Much has happened since we handed over our voice:

Somehow we were sent to invade a nation because it was a direct threat to the American people, or to the world, or harbored terrorists, or was involved in the September 11 attacks, or received weapons-grade uranium from Niger, or had mobile weapons labs, or WMD, or had a need to be liberated, or we needed to establish a democracy, or stop an insurgency, or stop a civil war we created that can�t be called a civil war even though it is. Something like that.
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Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.


Somehow our elected leaders were subverting international law and humanity by setting up secret prisons around the world, secretly kidnapping people, secretly holding them indefinitely, secretly not charging them with anything, secretly torturing them. Somehow that overt policy of torture became the fault of a few �bad apples� in the military.

Somehow back at home, support for the soldiers meant having a five-year-old kindergartener scribble a picture with crayons and send it overseas, or slapping stickers on cars, or lobbying Congress for an extra pad in a helmet. It�s interesting that a soldier on his third or fourth tour should care about a drawing from a five-year-old; or a faded sticker on a car as his friends die around him; or an extra pad in a helmet, as if it will protect him when an IED throws his vehicle 50 feet into the air as his body comes apart and his skin melts to the seat.

Somehow the more soldiers that die, the more legitimate the illegal invasion becomes.

Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on the ground.

Somehow those afraid to fight an illegal invasion decades ago are allowed to send soldiers to die for an illegal invasion they started.

Somehow faking character, virtue and strength is tolerated.

Somehow profiting from tragedy and horror is tolerated.

Somehow the death of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people is tolerated.

Somehow subversion of the Bill of Rights and The Constitution is tolerated.

Somehow suspension of Habeas Corpus is supposed to keep this country safe.

Somehow torture is tolerated.

Somehow lying is tolerated.

Somehow reason is being discarded for faith, dogma, and nonsense.

Somehow American leadership managed to create a more dangerous world.

Somehow a narrative is more important than reality.

Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.

Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world.

Somehow being politically informed, diligent, and skeptical has been replaced by apathy through active ignorance.

Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.

Somehow this is tolerated.

Somehow nobody is accountable for this.

In a democracy, the policy of the leaders is the policy of the people. So don�t be shocked when our grandkids bury much of this generation as traitors to the nation, to the world and to humanity. Most likely, they will come to know that �somehow� was nurtured by fear, insecurity and indifference, leaving the country vulnerable to unchecked, unchallenged parasites.

Luckily this country is still a democracy. People still have a voice. People still can take action. It can start after Pat�s birthday.

<CENTER>Brother and Friend of Pat Tillman,

Kevin Tillman


Edited by: Don Wassall


Dec 28, 2004
I have nothing but respect for Pat Tillman.I at one time had respect for the US military.I know the Rangers,Seals,Marine Recon and Green Berets would have no body if young White males didn't enlist.But at this point in time I feel young White males should not join the service.Tillman was as close to a real hero as we have had in a long time.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Does anybody know if there were any black athletes who gave up professional sports to enlist after 9/11?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
<H1 =sublinemain>New Big Screen Documentary Exposes Pat Tillman Cover-Up </H1>

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A new documentary set to hit the big screen this summer lifts the lid on the cover-up behind the death of Pat Tillman, the pro-football star who gave up a lucrative career to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq before preparing to return to the U.S. as an anti-war icon, at which point he was killed in a so-called friendly fire incident that more closely resembled a deliberate assassination.

Whether or not the documentary delves into the question of whether Tillman's death was a targeted act of murder remains to be seen, but the evidence strongly indicates that Tillman was deliberately assassinated in order to prevent him from becoming an anti-war icon and derailing public support in the United States for the ongoing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Tillman sacrificed the good life and a multi-million dollar football career in the belief that he was defending his country from outside enemies, and soon after 9/11 turned down a contract offer of $3.6 million over three years from the Cardinals to enlist in the U.S. Army.

It was during Tillman's second deployment to Afghanistan, after previously serving in Iraq, that he was killed by what the U.S. military initially claimed was a Taliban ambush. It later emerged that the ambush story had been concocted by the Pentagon in an attempt to exploit Tillman's death for pro-war propaganda. Subsequent investigations claimed that Tillman was killed as a result of a friendly fire accident.

However, in July 2007, the results of an Army medical report found that Tillman had been shot three times in the head with an M16 from a mere 10 yards away, clearly suggesting that the incident was a targeted assassination.

"Army medical examiners were suspicious about the close proximity of the three bullet holes in Pat Tillman's forehead and tried without success to get authorities to investigate whether the former NFL player's death amounted to a crime,"Â reported the Associated Press.

"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor who examined Tillman's body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators. "The doctors â€" whose names were blacked out â€" said that the bullet holes were so close together that it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away."Â

The report also states that "No evidence at all of enemy fire was found at the scene â€" no one was hit by enemy fire, nor was any government equipment struck."Â

The article also reveals that "Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments."Â

The doctor who autopsied Tillman's body tried to pursue an investigation into the question of whether Tillman was murdered but was prevented from doing so by higher-ups at the Army's Criminal Investigation Division.

The motive for the murder would undoubtedly have been Tillman's plans to return to the U.S. and a vocal critic of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions.

The evidence points directly to it and the motivation is clear â€" Tillman abandoned a lucrative career in pro-football immediately after 9/11 because he felt a rampaging patriotic urge to defend his country, and became a poster child for the war on terror as a result. But when he discovered that the invasion of Iraq was based on a mountain of lies and deceit and had nothing to do with defending America, he became infuriated and was ready to return home to become an anti-war hero.

In September 2005, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that a friend of Tillman had set up a meeting with author and prominent war critic Noam Chomsky, which was scheduled to take place after Tillman's return from Afghanistan. Chomsky confirmed that the meeting was arranged.

As far back as March 2003, immediately after the invasion of Iraq, Tillman famously told his comrade Spc. Russell Baer, "You know, this war is so f**king illegal,"Â and urged his entire platoon to vote against Bush in the 2004 election.

During a July 2007 appearance on Keith Olbermann's MSNBC show, four star General Wesley Clark stated that "the orders came from the very top"Â to cover-up the nature of Tillman's death as he was a political symbol and his opposition to the war in Iraq would have rallied the population around supporting immediate withdrawal.

Watch the trailer for The Tillman Story, which is due for cinema release in August.
(This link hasthe trailer from the movie.)