Pansified "Leaders" = God's Judgement on the US(S)A?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
This article is funny yet borderline sacreligous in some parts. ****However, its "bottom line" is true...

"They exchanged the truth for a lie.......furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.....
ROMANS, 1:25-32.

Yep, Dixie more of the same taking place as we turn our backs on God. He didn't spare Israel or anyone, even believers, consequences when we turn away from him!
Dec 10, 2012
I agree with the author's point, that emasculated men is a telling sign of a civilization's active demise..
I also agree that America is currently in that demise.. but personally I can't distinguish the innate cause of our demise..
Is it our own fault (?), or are civilizations built by design to demise, and we're just acting out the inescapable script (?)

No great civilization has ever survived.. when we look @ the current landscape we're dealing with the premier Anglo-American empire in terms of hundreds of years (not thousands).. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Napoleonic, etc also all faded. Often for the same recurring reasons.. A loss of vitality, manhood, restraint & morality may be a built-in expiration date God has placed on every empire (Good or bad?).. almost like a guaranteed change of seasons.

In Genesis, God promises that he will spare a declining civilization for the sake of a few good members.. which I've interpreted to mean.. even if your Nation gets f-ked up, your family's bloodline & customs (if kept righteous) will survive.. only God knows
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I agree with the author's point, that emasculated men is a telling sign of a civilization's active demise..
I also agree that America is currently in that demise.. but personally I can't distinguish the innate cause of our demise..
Is it our own fault (?), or are civilizations built by design to demise, and we're just acting out the inescapable script (?)

No great civilization has ever survived.. when we look @ the current landscape we're dealing with the premier Anglo-American empire in terms of hundreds of years (not thousands).. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Napoleonic, etc also all faded. Often for the same recurring reasons.. A loss of vitality, manhood, restraint & morality may be a built-in expiration date God has placed on every empire (Good or bad?).. almost like a guaranteed change of seasons.

In Genesis, God promises that he will spare a declining civilization for the sake of a few good members.. which I've interpreted to mean.. even if your Nation gets f-ked up, your family's bloodline & customs (if kept righteous) will survive.. only God knows

Average American, go back to the, "Casual and not so casual everyday observations at work", thread. There you will find some reasons for our demise or simply do research about when prayer and The Bible were taken out of public schools in the early 1960's.

There you should find out things that happened that led to the demise of this country soon after this took place. Things like,

The rise of the divorce rate,
The rise in teen pregnancies,
The rise in abortions,
The rise in the violent crime rate, etc., etc.....
Dec 10, 2012
Average American, go back to the, "Casual and not so casual everyday observations at work", thread. There you will find some reasons for our demise or simply do research about when prayer and The Bible were taken out of public schools in the early 1960's.

There you should find out things that happened that led to the demise of this country soon after this took place. Things like,

The rise of the divorce rate,
The rise in teen pregnancies,
The rise in abortions,
The rise in the violent crime rate, etc., etc.....

CS, hey brother..
I basically remember your thoughts from that thread.. & I agree, removing the Bible from our public lives was a sign of & for our demise..

Here's my alternate take/thought.. When a piece of fruit rots out, it's not a fault of the fruit.. it's a part of it's intrinsic nature to eventually do that. Maybe the same applies to human civilizations. No matter how righteous, productive a society is, eventually it reaches a point of comfort, self-satisfaction etc, & it rots.
God (to date) has never allowed a civilization to prosper forever, maybe that's by design.. It's an inescapable reality of human life..(??)

Ultimately, will God spare a society for the sake of ten good people, Gen. 18:32 ?

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Average American, go back to the, "Casual and not so casual everyday observations at work", thread. There you will find some reasons for our demise or simply do research about when prayer and The Bible were taken out of public schools in the early 1960's.

There you should find out things that happened that led to the demise of this country soon after this took place. Things like,

The rise of the divorce rate,
The rise in teen pregnancies,
The rise in abortions,
The rise in the violent crime rate, etc., etc.....

The first three would be more of a result of feminism than "removing prayer from our schools," and the last one would be civil rights movement (aided by a "pastor") and multiculturalism in general. All of which are mostly the result of things like the Frankfurt school. Most evangelicals in this country are rabid Israel and Jew supporters, so more Bible talk probably wouldn't help.

The reasons for cultural decline are in a German book.


Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
CS, hey brother..
I basically remember your thoughts from that thread.. & I agree, removing the Bible from our public lives was a sign of & for our demise..

Here's my alternate take/thought.. When a piece of fruit rots out, it's not a fault of the fruit.. it's a part of it's intrinsic nature to eventually do that. Maybe the same applies to human civilizations. No matter how righteous, productive a society is, eventually it reaches a point of comfort, self-satisfaction etc, & it rots.
God (to date) has never allowed a civilization to prosper forever, maybe that's by design.. It's an inescapable reality of human life..(??)

Ultimately, will God spare a society for the sake of ten good people, Gen. 18:32 ?

AA, the Bible says their are none righteous, "As it is written, there are none righteous, no, not one" Romans: 3;10.

You're correct in that no matter how good we try to be, we can't save ourselves. Maybe, the fall of all the great civilizations is God's way of telling us to rely on him and not the things of this world.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him...... for all that is in the world, lust of the eyes, the flesh, pride is not of the Father, but is of the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. I John 2: 15-17.

I like the rotten fruit idea. Think of the fruit as us and the rotting is sin. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, Romans 3;23. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans: 6;23.

God has promised and always spared his people, going back to Noah, Moses, and now, by putting your faith in Jesus, you will be saved.
"That if you confess with your mouth, that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans: 10:9.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
The first three would be more of a result of feminism than "removing prayer from our schools," and the last one would be civil rights movement (aided by a "pastor") and multiculturalism in general. All of which are mostly the result of things like the Frankfurt school. Most evangelicals in this country are rabid Israel and Jew supporters, so more Bible talk probably wouldn't help.

The reasons for cultural decline are in a German book.


I am Christian and if you want to call me evangelical, you can, but I'm not a rabid Jew supporter and if you read the Bible, you would know that Jesus was not a rabid Jew supporter either. Many times Jesus warned the Jewish leaders of his time of their wrongdoings.

I won't argue with you about this, but you can put your faith in a German book, I'll put mine in Jesus.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
The first three would be more of a result of feminism than "removing prayer from our schools," and the last one would be civil rights movement (aided by a "pastor") and multiculturalism in general. All of which are mostly the result of things like the Frankfurt school. Most evangelicals in this country are rabid Israel and Jew supporters, so more Bible talk probably wouldn't help.

The reasons for cultural decline are in a German book.


It's interesting, that some people who talk about other people who are Jew supporters have more in common with Jews than they know.

Many Jews don't want to here anything about Jesus or Bible talk. They hate anything that's moral at all.

Right, Bible talk wouldn't help anyone as a guide for how to live.

Let's remove the Ten Commandments, we don't want to teach children, not to kill, not to lie, not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to be homosexual. Let's not obey our mothers and fathers.

Sounds like a Hollyweird "Jewish" directors script to me.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's interesting, that some people who talk about other people who are Jew supporters have more in common with Jews than they know.

Many Jews don't want to here anything about Jesus or Bible talk. They hate anything that's moral at all.

Right, Bible talk wouldn't help anyone as a guide for how to live.

Let's remove the Ten Commandments, we don't want to teach children, not to kill, not to lie, not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to be homosexual. Let's not obey our mothers and fathers.

Sounds like a Hollyweird "Jewish" directors script to me.

I'm on your side Carolina Speed. We could use more bible believing people. Not less. Yes some love Israel and support the agenda but others just love God and Jesus. The 10 commandments teach us how to live life in harmony with God and with each other. Ever since they have taken God out of the schools and government, things have went downhill. Just look at tv, movies and music today compared with the 1950's and earlier. Todays entertainment is mostly trash put our to destroy anyone from the youth to the adults. The same with pornography. They have just about destroyed familes and marriage not only here but around the world. My have times changed!

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
It's interesting, that some people who talk about other people who are Jew supporters have more in common with Jews than they know.

Many Jews don't want to here anything about Jesus or Bible talk. They hate anything that's moral at all.

Right, Bible talk wouldn't help anyone as a guide for how to live.

Let's remove the Ten Commandments, we don't want to teach children, not to kill, not to lie, not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to be homosexual. Let's not obey our mothers and fathers.

Sounds like a Hollyweird "Jewish" directors script to me.

You don't need the Bible to be moral, or dislike homosexuals. How did cultures before the spread of Christianity manage it? The Roman Republic was moral, the ancient Germanics drowned their **** in bogs. The New Testament as taught by Protestants teaches to turn the other cheek, love your brother in God, to give up your possessions and to live for the afterlife. Christians are very fond of converting the brown people, and interracial marriage is sanctioned by every church.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
You don't need the Bible to be moral, or dislike homosexuals. How did cultures before the spread of Christianity manage it? The Roman Republic was moral, the ancient Germanics drowned their **** in bogs. The New Testament as taught by Protestants teaches to turn the other cheek, love your brother in God, to give up your possessions and to live for the afterlife. Christians are very fond of converting the brown people, and interracial marriage is sanctioned by every church.

You are right Old Scratch, but no one is completely moral. As quoted before, the Bible says there are NONE RIGHTEOUS! Romans: 3;10. NOT ONE person is moral compared to God. That's why God sent Jesus. His life, born of a virgin, death, burial and resurrection, and the understanding that we have all sinned against God, is the basis for Christian faith.

I'm not God and I can't answer every question you ask, If YOU or I had all the answers, I wouldn't have much of a God, get it?

... but God doesn't require everyone to sell all their possessions.
He, Jesus, told one rich young man to do so, because his riches were his God. He wanted that young man to quit putting his faith in money and put it in God. Plenty of wealthy believers. Tim Tebow comes to mind.

Please, you don't have to believe, it's your choice, but don't lump all Christians as rabid Jew supporters, and in agreement with interracial marriage, etc. However, I have no problem sharing my faith with blacks if they are sincere and want to listen.

I could be wrong, but I think a lot of pastors in my area would disagree and or warn against an interracial relationship. I am a member of a large church and I have not seen 1 interracial couple.
Great discussion.
Sep 19, 2013
The Jews prefer weak leaders. Our leaders have to join approved clubs like CFR and AIPAC to pledge their loyalty and promise not to turn on the Jews.

People who blame lack of religion on our problems don't see the full picture.
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
On target article by Fred Reed:

Notes on the Pussification of America

Good article Don. While I believe there's some truth to it, I think a bigger problem is something I should have mentioned in a prior post on this thread, when Bible and prayer were taken out of public schools, we also have seen a sharp increase in out of wedlock pregnancies! Also, the rise in same sex marriages, where 2 women are raising a boy is just sick.

Too many absentee fathers out there not raising there sons. Parenting starts at home and fathers should teach their sons how to be men.

When a boy has no father figure at home and then goes to school and taught by all women, it probably makes it doubly difficult to know how to become a masculine man.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
That German book happens to be an incredibly erudite study of the morphology of culture and philosophy of history, whereas the Bible is vague and open to widely varying interpretations.

I will put more "faith" into this than the Bible, thank you.

Aside from the Talmudists and their lord the Devil himself, their servants, the Christian churches, have been in the forefront of the destruction of white civilization in southern Africa and everyplace else. Even now they are the most rabid supporteers of Zionism and the occupational government, anti-white, pro-pervert propaganda, celebrating diversity, open borders, and the whole witch's brew . They are importing cannibals into previously all white regions, what's left of them, in the USSA, like Maine and Idaho.

Nietzsche: Christianity is the Jews revenge against the goyim.

The USSA has had two homosexual presidents in a row now, little Dubya and little Barry.

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Christian churches importing "refugees" from the Congo into beautiful Lancaster County, PA, the heart of Amish country:

First Congolese settle in Lancaster Co. PA

Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 17, 2013

On-going conflicts in DR Congo is the US’s problem now—excuse for tens of thousands of “refugees” to be resettled in America.

This is your typical ‘formulaic’ story about a new refugee arriving in small town America. I’m posting it here just to remind you that we are expected to take 50,000 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo over the next few years...

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Aside from the Talmudists and their lord the Devil himself, their servants, the Christian churches, have been in the forefront of the destruction of white civilization in southern Africa and everyplace else. Even now they are the most rabid supporteers of Zionism and the occupational government, anti-white, pro-pervert propaganda, celebrating diversity and the whole witch's brew . They are importing cannibals into previously all white regions, what's left of them, in the USSA, like Maine and Idaho.

Nietzsche: Christianity is the Jews revenge against the goyim.

The USSA has had two homosexual presidents in a row now, little Dubya and little Barry.


So let me get this straight werewolf, ALL Christian churches and ALL Christians adhere to all of that crap you just spewed?

Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, there is no God.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
One can never underestimate the way pornography has been used to weaken society and traditional masculinity and femininity. Porn is used by Israel and the U.S. over subjected populations as soon as they take over.

Porn has become a favored outlet for all kinds of men (including many anti-feminists who are fed up with what feminism has done to women) but it weakens the soul because of its dehumanizing nature and is a very effective weapon in destroying traditional ways of living and believing. The U.S. was saturated with porn beginning in the late 1960s and now it's been mainstreamed in both overt and subtle ways.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
So let me get this straight werewolf, ALL Christian churches and ALL Christians adhere to all of that crap you just spewed?

Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, there is no God.

You need to work on your reading comprehension there, champ. No one said "ALL" Christian churches, and "ALL" Christians adhere to that "crap" as you call it, but which happens to be 100% true, but you don't fancy the way it looks in plain English so you call it names. And no one said that "ALL" Jews are evil either for that matter. And no one said "there is no God" either. So who the hell are you talking to anyway?

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
You need to work on your reading comprehension there, champ. No one said "ALL" Christian churches, and "ALL" Christians adhere to that "crap" as you call it, but which happens to be 100% true, but you don't fancy the way it looks in plain English so you call it names. And no one said that "ALL" Jews are evil either for that matter. And no one said "there is no God" either. So who the hell are you talking to anyway?

Wow! you called me champ, thanks, I like the sound of that, but somehow I don't think you meant that as a compliment werewolf.

My post wasn't a statement, but a question as indicated by the ?, at the end of the question. Maybe, you need to work on your reading comprehension brother, however, I guess I should have put the word "do" in front of "all" as in do all churches adhere to what you posted. Sorry for the mistake, I make them from time to time, but I thought it was understood.

I have no problem with the way it looks, but I don't believe Christian churches are responsible for the destruction of white propaganda, diversity, etc..

Yes churches do things in the name of "Christianity," but it doesn't necessarily mean it's Christian or the right thing to do.

You quoted Nietzsche, I was just quoting the Bible. DO I need to get approval from you to do that?


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Champ was meant as a compliment*. Yes, you should have included the "Do". I'm sure that you are a good person. I respect all truly good and/or religious people whatever they may call themselves. Peace. - ww

* ;-)