Palmeiro Caught

The retard in question is of course our resident ******* Supremacist god-awful-pignuts-faux-farter, now posing as a baseball expert with his usual crypto-racist garbage, which he masks behind code words like "talent" and "reflexes". Why don't you just go ahead and say "y'all crackers ain't got no rhythym and can't dance" while you're quoting old canards?
I think you are right again White Savage. He is a persistent rascal,but is good for laughs.
Bart said:
We shouldn't be too tough on Barry. He's had a heck of a
time rehabbing that leg which just doesn't seem to get better. He will
most likely not play at all this year. Poor Barry, the first year MLB
authorizes drug testing just happens to be the same
yearhecan't play. Not to worry, by next year he'll have
recoverd, all traces of juice will be long gone and then he will be
tested andfound to be clean,quieting all

And be totally, 100% , insufferably racist about it , rubbing it in
Whitey's face.And, on every single sports and regular TV talk show,
there will be other black racist "athletes" , comedians, actors, movie
directors , phony reverends galore ,and , especially,Bryant Gumbel,
also rubbing it in, totally defending "th' bruh-thuh" , and
making more psychobabbly excuses than even White and Jewish
sportswriters normally come up with. Especially</span>,when Satan's Favorite Son passes Babe Ruth - Judas,that's</span> what he really</span> cares about most , more than passing Aaron. We know that the devil wants to do that,deliberately; in Lucifer's own words:

"...because he( Ruth )'s your ( Whitey's ) guy." Any more evidence needed?

Won't that be a great moment in the history of American sports - for all people?

Hey Whites:Whatever</span> you do , don't boo this cold-blooded,selfish,soulless ,black racist devil , every time he comes to the plate,or hits a HR.

Don't show even one ounce of Racial Pride and togetherness , as a black
racist devil,who has had nothing but racism and hatred in his "heart"
and "soul" towards Us, deliberately tries to break a record , not for
any reason related to sincerity or honesty , but only</span>
to deliberately pass a truly beloved player, simply because he was
White , and stick it to White People ,White Race,and White Civilization
(The same one that allowed his daddy to play the game in and get very
rich and allowed him to grow up middle class,and then ,totally deny it
and lie,and get away withy it,because he's black ,a race with total PC
protection ), like so many black racist "athletes" before him.

Don't rightfully scream "RACIST!!!!",or "BLACK RACIST!!!!"
,or "BLACK RACIST DEVIL!!!!" , or other righteous ,correct epithets/
terms at the evil prick , as it self-righteously struts to the plate,
exuding it's racism and hatred against all people different than his .
Don't keep</span> booing with
every ounce of righteous hatred against one of the truly most evil
individuals to ever disgrace OUR game ( Which their race never,ever</span> could have invented, something to rub in their</span>
faces ) every second he's at the plate,or on base, or circles the
bases after hitting a cheated HR,or throw any garbage at
the thing as he's going back to the dugout, or as it's in the outfield.

While we're on home runs.... whatever you do, don't boo the hell out of any</span>
Black American and/or Hispanic pitcher that the devil
"hits" any home runs off of - you know damn well, "bruh-thuh" pitchers
are all too willing to give another "bruh-thuh" a freebee; Al Downing
gave Aaron his 715th ( Which the devils will always either deny,or,
confirm it to smugly rub Whitey';s face in it , of course. ), and it will </span>happen again</span>.
THAT!!!! ).

Don't boo any other "bruh-thuh" players that also defend him, because they will , believe Us.

No, don't do any of these things,don't be proud of your race,and
things We have every right to be proud of , especially, games that We
invented,and that Blacks have a history of bringing nothing but
abomination to. Hear me?
I hear you loud and clear Weltner. Good post. There is no doubt in my mind that blacks are bigger racists on average than whites. The most hateful person that I ever saw was a black woman at a "civil rights museum" in Selma. She looked at all us whites like she wished us dead. I guess that stop was more educational than I thought, because I learned a lot about hate and who the biggest haters of them all are. They are blacks.
"They are blacks."

Well...maybe, maybe not. There's "God's Chosen people" to contend with. Also, I don't recall blacks building a wall around their country like the Chinese...but then again, might just be because they don't know how to build walls
But I tell you who the prize for bigger haters DOESN'T go to-Whites, who have historically always been relatively non-ethnocentric in comparison to other peoples. Which may be our chief racial flaw.
I heard a rumor that someone else had tested positive, and it's another big name player. Can anyone confirm this?
That's what Dan Patrick was saying on his show today. He said this player will get a 50 game suspension, but didn't name any names.

He also said that MLB knew about Palmeiro's positive test before he got his 3,000th hit, but waited until afterward to make the announcement.
Barbecued Birds

Palmeiro gets caught, Ponson beats up Judges, and Mazzilli gets the axe. It's a sad year for the Barbecued Birds of Baltimore, the sad sack of the Peter Angelos dynasty. The stuff about foreknowledge of Palmeiro's drug test, that was ugly. Local press says that the Orioles players found out in early June -- just about when the team began to play poorly and plunge in the standings. Doesn't speak well about a team that folds with a wisp of controversy. This is big-boys business. Controversy is expected.

Poor Mazzilli takes the fall ... but it seems the players didn't care much for the guy anyway. They had a team meeting to discuss "Let's win anyway, despite our clueless manager." So one Sicilian departs and another takes over: It's Sam Perlozzo, the longtime Bench Coach. Seems the players respect this fellow a tad more than his predecessor. They jumped up and won two games for him.

When Rafael returns it will be interesting to see what the team reaction is.

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YuriEdited by: Realgeorge
Palmeiro is scheduled to play tonight or tomorrow, will the fans react with cheers or boos? Baseball pitcher Todd Jones wrote an article about drug testing, he says he's been tested once this year in late July. Apparently a computer spits out who is to be tested. I don't get it, can some guys test repeatedly and others avoidall together?

I didn't have my first test of the season until late July. One day, the Marlins were notified that tests would be administered. The next day, the head trainer received a list of guys who had been randomly picked by computer. I was on the list. It's not a rookie thing or a star thing as to who takes the test. And even after you're tested, you're not home free. You have to test every time the computer spits out your name. So, believe me, there's no conspiracy. Barry Bonds and Rafael Palmeiro go by the same testing rules as everyone else.
Yes, that's how it was where I worked, it's suppose to make it more fair. But it really depends on the drugs you use because some drugs get out of your system quicker. Marijuana stays in your system for 2 to 3 weeks, but if you take cocaine it's 6 to 8 hours. Steroids I think last 3 to 6 months or even a year.Edited by: Bear-Arms
Not all drug tests are the same. Some can find much smaller amounts of drugs than others. So if you have stopped smoking pot for a week you might pass or fail, depending on how many parts per thousand the drug test is capable of finding. The toughest tests canl catch you even if you stopped smoking a month earlier. The other variable is how much you have in your system. With all the variables involved, I think the risk is pretty high. Palmiero is an idiot, he could have coasted to the HOF just below the steroids radar.
You think that is why Bonds is sitting out this year, so he can clean his system?
Bonds is probably taking the time off to let the steroid uproar die down. I
have little doubt that if he was tested at all, he turned up positive and the
folks in charge, from Selig on down, let it go. The attention on Bonds was
forced on MLB by outside sources. One of the lead investigators in the
BALCO case was a former national class high-jumper who is dead set on
going after drug users in sports, as he had to put up with facing so many
juiced competitors while he was active in the sport.

Bonds' hat size has gone up, which is a sign of HGH (Human Growth
Hormone) use along with steriods. You mix the two, and this is what can
happen. By using the HGH, his reflexes would improve - be as good or
better than they were in his 20's, and his eyesight would improve also.
Steroids do not help in this area. Combine the muscle growth from HGH
and 'roids (this is what bodybuilders do) with faster reflexes and other
drug induced factors and you have the potential to hit many more
homeruns, raise batting average etc. Add to this a ridiculously small
strike zone (who's behind helping Bonds in this fashion?) and you have a
guy hitting better from age 37 on than he did his entire career.

Bonds will probably continue with the drugs to keep his performances up,
although you can fight age only so long. He will use different drugs, or
MLB will help by looking the other way - this way they no doubt feel the
hoopla will die down. It's a disgrace.

Does anyone wonder what a healthy Mickey Mantle would have been like
on some of the stuff Bonds and others use? A little off the beam, but I
sometimes wonder how guys from the old days would do under these
circumstances. It is enough just to wonder how the Mick would have
ended up if he had been healthy for his entire career - never mind facing
today's horde of mediocre pitchers (and a lower pitcher's mound).
Vitamin B-12 !!
Sick, sick, sick the sports world is. Now the evil bad guy of baseball is Miguel Tejada of the Baltimore Orioles. His crime? He offered Vitamin B-12 injections [not tablets, that was incorrect] to Rafael Palmeiro, many months ago, and Mr. Palmeiro sez that this chemical led to his positive drug test for steroids.
Gosh. I should do hard time in Sing-sing because I take B-12 tablets every day. I stuff my old mom with B-12 on direction of her doctor, and we inject her with the stuff once a month. What criminals we are!!
The pooh-depths of this discussion comes from a "sports reporter" on 980-AM in Washington ... who stated that "B-12 is a controlled substance that can only be ordered by subscription." Someone should tell that to Safeway food stores, whose B-12 tablets I purchase often. Vitamin B-12 supplements are in every health food store in America, heck, in every grocery store inthe western world.
The woeful Orioles have dismissed Mr. Palmeiro and decided to help Mr. Tejada keep his career. But the sordid tale of the Barbecued Birds continues. Management sleeps at the wheel while a very talented team self-destructs over the highly bogus Steroids scandal.Edited by: Realgeorge
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