Orrin Hatch's Hanukkah tune


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Well, golly gee. That explains a lot. Another con-servative. I guess we know why he didn't deliver the goods so many times. So touching.Christmas will eventually be replaced with Hanukkah.


Orrin Hatch's Hanukkah tune is his gift to Jewish people

By Mark Leibovich
New York Times News Service
Wednesday, Dec. 09, 2009

WASHINGTON -- The canon of Hanukkah songs written by Mormon senators from Utah just got a little bigger.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, a solemn-faced Republican with a soft spot for Jews and a love of Barbra Streisand, has penned a catchy holiday tune, "Eight Days of Hanukkah."

The video was posted Tuesday night on Tablet, an online magazine of Jewish lifestyle and culture, just in time for Hanukkah.

Known around the Senate as a prolific writer of Christian hymns and patriotic melodies, Hatch, 75, said this was his first venture into Jewish music. It will not be his last.

"Anything I can do for the Jewish people, I will do," Hatch said in an interview before heading to the Senate floor to debate an abortion amendment. "Mormons believe the Jewish people are the chosen people, just like the Old Testament says."



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Hatch is another Globalist shill & puppet of the Z.O.G. These AIPAC pawns are infuriating.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Bart said:
"Anything I can do for the Jewish people, I will do," Hatch said in an interview before heading to the Senate floor to debate an abortion amendment. "Mormons believe the Jewish people are the chosen people, just like the Old Testament says."


How pathetic that even Mormons, the only whites on planet earth that can successfully out-breed minority races, take the bible so literally. What were some of the song titles? "The Mantra of the Moron" sounds pretty fitting.

Why can't whites grasp the fact that the bible was written entirely by jews, for jews, and about jews....why the hell WOULNDNT they be the "God's chosen people?"

It's difficult to comprehend the billions of zionist-christian white men and women who have been so physically, mentally, and spiritually weakened as a result of taking the bible at face value. I'm not trying to bash the bible, just those who "play by the rules"Â￾ (which have only ever applied to whites) like sheep being lead to the slaughter house.

For instance, "righteousness"Â￾ has been warped into adopting non-white children as opposed to creating your own. "Holiness"Â￾ now means yielding to the "Sunday Race Hustle,"Â￾ as you place money into the collection plate to be sent directly to South America, Africa, Asia, or non-white "Americans."Â￾ "Piety"Â￾ now equates to sharing the DNA of your sons and daughters with any non-white man or woman willing to fornicate with them. "Godliness"Â￾ now means to "turn the other cheek"Â￾ and forgive the non-whites who rape, murder, and rob your family and friends. If these are the activities in which a "good person"Â￾ engages in, count me out.

If the bible had never been written, whites would have easily ruled the world 1,000 years ago, took no prisoners, and never looked back. Real men and women would be permitted to exist"¦..as opposed the infectious, indifferent, treacherous human waste currently "alive."Â￾Edited by: Thrashen


Apr 13, 2005
Thrash, Mormons don't take the Bible at all. They have their own book, the Book of Mormon. Mormons are not actually Christians.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good points Bronk. It's heresy to add or subtract anything from the Bible (God's Word) that's presented as Doctrine, and the Book of Mormon is a supposed "continuation". IMO, the CJC-LDS is a cult...like Jehovah's Witnesses.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Jul 14, 2007
I have no problem with the Bible at all. White Christian nations did great things in this world for centuries. It's only been more recently that Christianity has been co-opted in favor of personal-pasivism, interracial marriage, and helping strangers out before helping your family and friends.

I know there's contention within various Christian sects about taking the Bible "literally." I know there are millions of great folks who say they take every word in the Bible literally, mostly readers of the King James Version. The problem is that King James and his men chose to write words in a way they thought God meant versus what they actually saw in the original texts. Also, King James wanted to subtract some books from the Bible, such as the book of James.

I say that there are very few if any people who actually take the Bible literally, because how many people do you know who sell all their things and follow Jesus, don't even look back and bury their dead, and don't even say good-bye to their mother and father? I know there are some that will rationalize that they in fact take those charges literally.

Either way, I know a lot of good Christian people and I know some that are quick to sell out their race and bash all things about strong, white men. Then I know some who do a lot of great things, coach kids in sports, have lots of kids themselves, stay married to their wife, and oppose anti-white things at the same time. I consider myself a Christian, but I know there are many out there that would be quick to throw me under the bus. That's okay because everyone has their own belief, I will just stay away from those that don't have my best interest at mind.


Mar 23, 2009
ES, that leads me to a tough question. What is you order of priorities? For instance, do you believe in family first, race, then religion, etc? I'm inclined to go with this order, religion (to God NOT to all Christians), family, then race. All other things after that are much, much less important to me.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Bronk said:
Thrash, Mormons don't take the Bible at all. They have their own book, the Book of Mormon. Mormons are not actually Christians.

Right, I was trying to point out how insane it was for a mormon to make a comment pertaining to the old testiment of the christian bible. Sometimes my sarcasm doenst translate well via the net, haha.