Let's see now. We have Oprah, Whoopi, the blacks, feminists, socialists, and everyradical leftyon the warpath against Palin. If that isn't bad enough, the most influencial and powerful group of all is very upset. These pitbulls are going totake a chunk out of her backside by any means possible. Ya aint seen nuthin yet.Palin wil have to dosome major a$$ kissing, orrisk beingbeaten to a bloody pulp.
[url]http://www.nfmpolitico.com/2008/09/02/jewish-voters-may-be-w ary-of-palin/[/url]
Jewish voters may be wary of Palin
By: Ben Smith
ST. PAUL, Minn. Barack Obama has struggled for 18 months to lock down the support of a traditionally Democratic group, Jewish voters.
In the past week, John McCain may have helped Obama with his Jewish problem by choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.
McCain and Obama are battling over a portion of the Jewish community: older, conservative Democrats, largely in South Florida, some of whom backed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. McCain's secular, hawkish credentials appeal to many in that group, who are skeptical of Obama's relatively short record and have been deluged with rumors about his pro-Palestinian leanings.
But Democrats hope Palin's social conservatism, her paper-thin record on Israel, and perhaps most importantly her cultural roots in evangelical Christianity may be a major turnoff to Jewish voters, justas Republicans have tried to reach women disappointed that Obama didn't choose Hillary Clinton,
Democrats have already begun to to capitalize on the choice of Palin over Jewish Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman  in South Florida and elsewhere.
A prominent Obama backer, Florida Rep.Robert Wexler, has attacked Palin for appearing at a 1999 event with Pat Buchanan who has attacked the influence of the Israeli lobbyin America. And the same factors that are rallying the evangelical base to Palin may push away the Jews.
"There is almost always an inverse proportion between a candidate's popularity among conservative Christians and secular Jews," said Jeff Ballabon, a Republican lobbyist long active in Jewish politics who supports McCain. (snip)