Opra Winfrey


Apr 16, 2005
They keep showing a commercial for tomorrows Oprah winfrey show during tonights monday night football game. It is something about her 20 anniversary show or something where some white guy makes some racial comments, Oprah then responds "let me give you an education southern boy"with her emphasizing the word "boy" in the sentence. If anyone sees this I would like to hear the context of the exchange of words.
I'm glad I used the commercial breaks to doother thingsbecause I never saw it. I'm proud to say that I've never seen Oprah's show, though it does bother me greatly the influence she has over so many American women.
Didn't see and I did watch some of MNF tonight. From my understanding though Okras 20th anniversery show was several days ago because I had some lemming relatives that watched it.

Okras show is the type I call a 'psycho-cryfest' and all they try and do on that show is get White people to cry.

The most disturbing day-time shows however are the 'judge shows' because all the judges (with the exception of that one texas guy but he is not on anymore) are non-Whites of some variety, blacks & jews mostly and these shows are all about getting Whites to accept that in todays legal system there will be no 'judge & jury of your peers' (other Whites). It is all a charade to destroy White people and always find us guilty.
Oprah has probably had the most destructive effect on our culture of
any "celebrity" over the past 20 years or so. She is truly a goddess to
American women, especially white ones. They don't seem to care that she
is transparently egotistical (almost to the level of a black pro
athlete), arrogant and rude to a fault. It is a well-known secret that
when the cameras are off during the taping of her show, no one in the
audience is to speak to her. She smiles and throws out that phony
"girlfriend" nonsense a lot, but she clearly doesn't like the mindless
fans who adore her.

Oprah has a terrible reputation for mistreating those who work directly
for her, and being impossibly bitchy and demanding to those who are
forced to interact with her in the real world. The ridiculous incident
at the upscale French store a few months back, when she went nuts when
they refused to let her in (so she could buy a dinner present for Tina
Turner!) after the store was closed, was not surprising in the least. I
read some gossip once from a person who flew with her on an airplane,
who reported that she went crazy when a white stewardess greeted her
and asked if she needed anything. She demanded to see her supervisor,
and said she wanted a black stewardess, and forced them to get the only
black stewardess to come up to first class and wait on Oprah
exclusively, leaving those in her section with one less stewardess to
attend to their needs. What a monster! Yet... our grandmothers,
mothers, wives and daughters worship her.
I have no respect at all for her. She has never done anything for her home state of Mississippi, or even her home town, except belittle it. With her wealth, she could have done a lot to help out, but she's too selfish. I'm glad she doesn't have a house there or stay there, because then she'd be even more of a hypocrit.
KJV1 said:
They keep showing a commercial for tomorrows Oprah winfrey
show during tonights monday night football game. It is something
about her 20 anniversary show or something where some white guy makes
some racial comments, Oprah then responds "let me give you an education
southern boy"with her emphasizing the word
"boy" in the sentence. If anyone sees this I would like to hear
the context of the exchange of words.
It went something

Southern Man: "N!gger doesn't mean black person, it can be directed at a white, black, green, purple..."

Oprah: "Let me tell you something southern boy! There's no such thing
as a green person or a purple person, n!gger was used to dehumanize an
entire race..Blah, blah."

The segment was basically about this white man groveling at the feet of
the almighty queen Oprah. They aired clips of the said man protesting
blacks moving into his county. I mean, heaven forbid that the guy
didn't want blacks flooding into his crime-free white town. Good lord
we can't have that. If blacks want to flood your town, you better
welcome them with arms wide open southern boy!

But Oprah is a nice tool to be used. The show she had about blacks on
the down-low (Black males who secretly have sex with other males behind
their gf's/wives backs, thus spreading HIV) was telling. She's a
good resource to use when talkng with lemmings.
American Freedom News