KJV1 said:
They keep showing a commercial for tomorrows Oprah winfrey
show during tonights monday night football game. It is something
about her 20 anniversary show or something where some white guy makes
some racial comments, Oprah then responds "let me give you an education
southern boy"with her emphasizing the word
"boy" in the sentence. If anyone sees this I would like to hear
the context of the exchange of words.
It went something
Southern Man: "N!gger doesn't mean black person, it can be directed at a white, black, green, purple..."
Oprah: "Let me tell you something southern boy! There's no such thing
as a green person or a purple person, n!gger was used to dehumanize an
entire race..Blah, blah."
The segment was basically about this white man groveling at the feet of
the almighty queen Oprah. They aired clips of the said man protesting
blacks moving into his county. I mean, heaven forbid that the guy
didn't want blacks flooding into his crime-free white town. Good lord
we can't have that. If blacks want to flood your town, you better
welcome them with arms wide open southern boy!
But Oprah is a nice tool to be used. The show she had about blacks on
the down-low (Black males who secretly have sex with other males behind
their gf's/wives backs, thus spreading HIV) was telling. She's a
good resource to use when talkng with lemmings.