Open your homes


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Come on folks. Surely you can take a few homeless into your homes.How long they will stay? Maybe weeks or months. Okay, you don't have room in your home but how about your garage? But where will they go for food, water, showers and use the toilet? After you leave for work, then what? Do you know if they are crack heads or thieves or killers? So what, you're white, just do your duty. Be nice white people now, and open up. You might save money on day care, if you let them watch your daughters while you're away. Neigbors helping neighbors.

[url] chive/2005/09/02/MNhouston02.DTL [/url]

Houston Mayor Bill White asked residents today to open their garages and homes to hurricane refugees.
The Black churches in Houston and the area are doing virtually NOTHING to help the mostly black resdients who are fleeing the hurricane hit areas. Yet black pols and other idiots are hollering the loudest. Whites are shouldering much of the job.
The time projection for rebuilding New Orleansis getting shorter and shorter with each passing day. Wouldn't it have more sense to propose tent cities nearby rather evacuating them throughout the country.I don't recall debit cards being issued in other disaster areas, was it done previously?
Most of the rescuers and volunteers are white and most of the victims are black yet blacks are bitchin about racism in the relief effort more than ever. I think they should clean and rebuild their own city. If they are willing to do the work the charity fund money can be used to pay them to clean and rebuild. No more crying about unemployment and lack of opportunity. If they don't want to work they should get nothing.
I agree Kaptain, but all they will do is sit on their ample asses and chant "we need help, we need help!" as they did in front of the Superdome.

Rebuilding a major city takes organizational skills and technical know-how. the blacks of New Orleans are not up to the task.
I talked to someone from arizona today that said they are GIVING homes away to the "refugees". They also said that they had so much stuff given to them out of charity that it was ridiculous. They have no use for most of it and don't know what to do with all the extra.
There was an article in Sunday's paper about a man (white, of course) who is offering a rental property in the ritzier area of town to a black family, whom he selected himself while visiting the refugees at the Astrodome.

The family consisted of one matriarch, in her 40's, her three children, all in their 20's, and a couple of smaller kids of unidentified parentage.

In the article, LaFonda (I don't remember her real name) spoke about her family's decision to accept this man's offer of housing.

"We were offered housing in Shreveport, but we didn't want to go to Shreveport. It's too crowded over there. We took a look at the offers and decided to accept his. He's giving us three months free rent, and driving us there himself," LaFonda gushed.

From the tone of the article, and from LaFonda's own words, it appears that the refugees now have the luxury of picking and choosing from which white benefactor they will accept the most free rent and other goodies, instead of being grateful about being offered ANY housing at all.

I'm hoping there will be a follow up article about 3 months from now, so we'll all know if LaFonda and her family are paying rent or evicted, and if her sons are still free men.
Old kind-hearted white widow killed by -Katrina -evacuees.

Three hurricane evacuees were charged with capital murder Saturday in the strangulation of Betty Blair, a 77-year-old church leader, mother of three daughters and the widow of former Pasadena school board President Robert "Bob" Blair.

An active member of St. Pius V Catholic Church, Blair had been helping the three by paying them to do odd jobs and yard work on her property.

"It appears that those that she tried to help were the ones that murdered her,"
Two months ago, I predicted that the short-sighted Whites who opened
their homes to the "evacuaees" would have a devil of a time getting rid
of their new pets. And that is exactly what is happening.
The "evacuaees" are nothing but African parasites who will bleed their
hosts to death. They have lived off of handouts for centuries,
and they will continue to do so until the sugar-tit runs dry.

I have a neighbor that "took in" a po' black family after Katrina
(which was not appreciated in my all-White neighborhood). It was
supposed to be for a few weeks Now, two months later, 'dem folks is
still 'dere, and I don't see them leaving anytime soon. My guess
is that my neighbor will need a court order ejecting them from the
premises. Which means that they will probably come back and
burglarize my 'hood for revenge.

I HATE BLEEDING-HEART WHITES! We don't bring rattlesnakes,
scorpions, or Black Widows into our homes voluntarily, but we'll throw
our doors open to Africans, who kill more Whites in a week than those
other animals do in a year combined.
I knew the husband of that woman. He was a member of the Pasadena ISD school board back when I was a reporter.
American Freedom News