
White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Apparently the Japanese want us off their islands almost as bad as we want off of them. The United States had asked for Japan to pay the $8 billion price tag for moving our troops out of Japan, but the Japanese have countered with an offer to 'loan' us the money. How would you like that, having to pay a foreign country to get their troops off your soil?

At any rate, the main reasons the Okinawans want U.S. troops out of Okinawa? Its not national pride:

Nearly all the marines there are located on Okinawa, where residents have expressed a desire for a rapid reduction in US forces because of long-standing concerns about crimes, safety and environmental problems posed by their presence .


Oct 19, 2004
I would hate to think that we are to the Japanese what blacks, hispanics, and muslims are to us....

Either way, we should get out of there, and S. Korea, and Iraq, and pretty much everywhere else. There's a certain 2,000 mile border where some of these soldiers could be re-located....


Sadly, this is sort of the case, from what I can tell from my pretty good amount of experience with them...although they're far too polite to admit so to your face.

Imagine 100 million Americans living on an island the size of Minnesota, and you'll realize how agreeable (or deeply self-restrained) these people are.

The one consistent pattern here is endocrinology..

Endocrinologically speaking:

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I hate to think that I was ever thought of on this board as a war-mongering neo-con.

I'm ready to bring ALL of our soldiers overseas home; Okinawa, Germany, South America, Iraq... but instead we're throwing more out there, to Iran, Syria, and who knows who's next? Chavez in Venezuela? I know we've certainly ratcheted up the rhetoric against him recently.

What hubris


Oct 19, 2004
reminded me of a little fact that I somehow forgot: the US military is anything but "lily white," so to speak. Quite the contrary. We don't know for sure which group or groups within the military is causing all these problems, and we shouldn't assume that it's us. It may very well be the same people who are causing problems for us here in the States....

Edited by: JD074

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There have been several cases over the past decade or so of black American GIs raping and murdering Japanese women and girls. I don't remember all the details of each incident but know that the Japanese were angry enough that the incidents made news in the U.S. Of course here the media slant (no pun intended) was used as another opportunity to lecture and castigate the Japanese for their "racism" against the black soldiers stationed on their land. One of the reasons the Japanese fell out of favor and have been replaced by the Chinese as the U.S. establishment's "most favored nation" in Asia is because they refuse to embrace "multiculturalism," especially Negro culture, but that's a subject for another thread.

U.S. troops should have left Okinawa and everywhere else in Japan and Europe many years ago. That they are still there 60 years later is testimony of Washington's insatiable drive toward world domination and control.
Dec 18, 2004
Some twenty years ago, I read something in National Review (I think) about the problem of black American GI's raping women in Germany. The writer said something about not having so many blacks in overseas locations, which is rather unworkable.

I remembered this about a decade later when I happened upon a piece by liberal columnist, Molly Ivins. Writing about the "Blackhawk Down" incident, Ivins wrote that we shouldn't have white American soldiers in an African country. I would bet that Ivins has no objection to having black soldiers in either Europe or Japan.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Prior to America's entry into WWII, Hitler told his people that the US would invade Germany with a "black army" to rape and pilage the Aryans.....and that's exectly what we did.

About 2 years ago, I heard an Iraqi civilian state that it was "humiliating" to his people to be invaded and occupied by an army of blacks.

Here's the sad fact" The JewSA is engaging in racial warfare across the globe. We aren't spreading "democracy" around the globe; we're spreading the "black plague" around the world. The globalists are using blacks to destroy civilizations at home and abroad.

Let's not forget that Gen. Wesley Clark (a Jew, not-surprisingly) said that it was America's job to "bring Europe into the twenty-first century, and we're going to do it with multi-racial states," i.e. by polluting White nations with Africans and dusky Muslims.

I may sound extreme in my views, but we are under the control of a depraved cabal of occultists and mysticists that want nothing more than to destroy the free-thinking European man, in order to bring the globe under a single (Jew-controlled) government. If you disagree with that last statement, then you don't have a clue as to how the world works. This isn't open for debate; it is what it is. You either see it or you choose not to.


Dec 28, 2004
To all young White Men don't go into the military. You are at the very bottom of the food chain when you do. Most of those killed in Irag have been our White Brothers, and for what reason? So some camel jockies can vote.
The US should get out of all the oversea's bases and protect our borders from the Mexican invasion.
Where is the cry for diversity when 80% of the war dead are White?
The only way to save the Army/Marines is to have a whole division of nothing but White men serving under White officers.
The only reason a White man should be in the military is to improve himself through a college education,by going into ROTC or West Point,Etc.To join as an enlisted man is not a smart thing to do.


May 20, 2005
Sounds like most of the Japanese objections come from blacks.

Whites only commit crimes at a rate 3 times that of the Japanese, as compared to 30-50 times for that of black vrs. white. I suspect if you compared say Norway to all of Asia (As opposed to comparing tiny Japan to all of America) you'd reverse that ratio. [


The one consistent pattern here is endocrinology..

Endocrinologically speaking:

Really? It's all endocrine is it Jervey? Why then do MidWesterners and the afore-mentioned Scandinavians who consume unbelievable amounts of meat and dairy have such low crime rates? Why do semi-starving Africans still behave like...well Africans? You don't think small brains and low I.Qs (Around 70 average for Afrians, around 85 for African-Americans, highly cross-bred with Whites) has anything to do with it?

The one constant actually here is genetics and membership in more or less cleary defined races.

Not that Japanese or Whites are fit to live in each other's civilizations in mass numbers. But Africans are clearly unfit to live in ANYONE'S civilization in mass numbers.



Crime rates obviously have a lot to do with population density, and in this case Japan's urban densities are really incomparable to Scandinavia. There are 12.5 million people crammed in Tokyo alone...the largest cities in Scandinavia barely exceed 1 million (if that...maybe Stockholm, a-million-and-a-half or so?)

The great mass of the developed world OUTSIDE of the U.S. (including Europe) strictly regulates use of bovine hormone and other such things in agriculture (the Japs, for example, ban it outright.) I recall a height thread here a few days ago where Americans are listed at 5'10" can credit your bloated, carcinogenic BGH-infested beef and milk for an inch or two of that (not to mention girls menstruating at age 8 and Florida 'gators with non-functioning micro-penis deformities...) I'm no vegetarian, FYI, and so I have no political interest in these unfortunate facts.

Even at his most blatantly racialist, Coon could find no more than something like a 100cc deficit among the average 'Black' cranial capacities...the Asians got another 50cc or something on us anyhow. I don't have the numbers in front of me now, but you get the picture.

The point then is what? People who all think the same and speak the same language and worship the same gods and share the same narrow gene-sets tend to get along better? Truly a revelation! I guess everyone either knows this outright (and is loathe to admit it because, after all, diversity is sorta fun...jazz! miscegenation!! slam-dunk!!!) or knows it intuitively, although it remains unexpressed publicly. It's doubtful they exist, but people who fall under a third category are amoeba, evolutionarily. Cretins maybe.

Anyhow, you'd all do good to take a piece of sage advice from ol' Sailer there, and figure out why and how different groups learn differently, and at least work on some systems to teach them differently...because they aren't leaving and the 'RACE WAR' boogeyman ain't a-coming anytime soon.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
jerveygotgypped said:
you'd all do good to take a piece of sage advice from ol' Sailer there

Who's this 'you'd all' you speak of, Jervey? And why should anybody take Sailer's advice, and what does any of that have to do with a race war that is or isn't coming?
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
"I guess everyone either knows this outright (and is loathe to admit it because, after all, diversity is sorta fun...jazz! miscegenation!! slam-dunk!!!)"

JerveyGotGypped, I almost fell out of my chair when I read this because it is so timely. There are people who actually think this way.

Last week, a coworker of mine -- who I always considered to be staunchly conservative and at least somewhat racially aware -- came out in favor of desegregation, and he actually said "diversity makes us better." I was stunned into silence.

After picking my jaw up off the floor, I asked him to name even one real contribution that blacks have made to the world. Without hesitation he said, "I think jazz is the most perfect form of music ever created, and it wouldn't exist without black people living in America." Again, I was dumbfounded by this guy's sheer dumbassedness. Notwithstanding the fact that this dolt has ignored the genius of Mozart, Handel, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Wagner, et al., I asked him whether he thought it was worth the ruin of our cities, the thousands of rapes of White girls each year, the tens of thousands of black-on-White murders since desegregation, all just to have jazz (which, in my opinion, is a gutter "artform" that is a mockery of real music).

He said . . . "yes". I wanted to beat him into a pulp right then and there. At that moment, this guy went from a casual after-work buddy -- we actually attended a few baseball games together when our wives didn't want to go -- to persona non grata. I will never treat this guy as a friend. Blacks are worthy because they invented jazz? Just thinking about it makes me want to march down to his office and shove a jazz CD up his nose.


White Shogun said:
Who's this 'you'd all' you speak of, Jervey?

You all...Americans...I'm not American. Unlike a lot of self-congratulatory Brits, Canadians, Aussies and others, I have no hate for America, and actually have a great respect for its contributions, cultural and otherwise (including the Black parts.) I know very few of you guys here are educators (maybe youth coaches, i guess) but you can do something in spreading seeds of honest (and, yes, sensitive) social discourse in your country, companies, PTA meetings, what-have-you.

White Shogun said:
And why should anybody take Sailer's advice

I just happened to remember reading something that guy wrote about the different ways that different ethnic groups (and genders) seem to learn, that's all. Part of honest discourse on social maladies is a common-sense approach to the facts of biodiversity. It's unfortunate that (like what we're seeing now with Islam) the only biodiversity-aware people and opinions that tend to be heard (in popular media, anyway) are the noisy & marginally-well-informed.

White Shogun said:
and what does any of that have to do with a race war that is or isn't coming?

Don't be coy. We all know where this sort of Nordicist Skadi-prop and anti-Semitism ultimately reduces. Put down the Turner diaries and come out of your home-made basement rec-room training bunkers, already. Of course part of me might want to think that the one tiny, little valley somewhere around about the Caspian sea where some of my particular genes originated was the landing strip for the mother ship and the seeding ground and whatever other fantasy, but I don't let it cloud my capacity for social realism.

As for Jazz, it is sort of over-rated, actually, but of course I'd never say that in polite company. I understand that most Jazz "improvisation" (even by the great virtuosi) was really heavily rehearsed replayings with only subtle variations of theme. Of course these guys rarely put their little pieces of 'improv' to paper, so, like oral traditions, they carry a certain mystique. Not unlike 'free-style' rapping. This 'improv' is really just variations on a few hundred common rhyming pairs; guys practice that sh*t every day for a decade through adolescence, stoned on their mom's couch, so it's not exactly a mystery how they excel at "trash talk" and what-not. I know plenty of White, Asian and East-Indian slacker guys that are friggin unbelievable "free-stylers." The fact that Sailer can't deduce that math speaks to his flawed reasoning.

Southern Knight said:
I asked him whether he thought it was worth the ruin of our cities, the thousands of rapes of White girls each year, the tens of thousands of black-on-White murders since desegregation, all just to have jazz

...equating the worst of humanity (rape, murder) to the best of its expression (jazz, Mozart) is the sort of reductio ad absurdum best left in the dust-bin of pseudo-logic. The fact that a (White) guy could love jazz and maintain a steady (presumably very demanding) job says something, anyhow.

White people are "barbarians" to the Japanese, but I'd imagine few (shy of Yukio Mishima, maybe) could stand reasonably against the memes the "hakujin" brought them.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
Crime rates obviously have a lot to do with population density, and in this case Japan's urban densities are really incomparable to Scandinavia. There are 12.5 million people crammed in Tokyo alone...the largest cities in Scandinavia barely exceed 1 million (if that...maybe Stockholm, a-million-and-a-half or so?)

Maybe not Scandanavia but other European cities have population densities comparable to Japan.

Tokyo, Japan 13,333/km²

Paris, France 24,448/km²
Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain 20,230 /km²
Monaco 16,329/km²
Barcelona, Spain 15,764/km²
Moscow, Russia 10,275/km²

JerveyGotGypped said:
The great mass of the developed world OUTSIDE of the U.S. (including Europe) strictly regulates use of bovine hormone and other such things in agriculture (the Japs, for example, ban it outright.) I recall a height thread here a few days ago where Americans are listed at 5'10" can credit your bloated, carcinogenic BGH-infested beef and milk for an inch or two of that (not to mention girls menstruating at age 8 and Florida 'gators with non-functioning micro-penis deformities...) I'm no vegetarian, FYI, and so I have no political interest in these unfortunate facts.

So let me get this straight. Americans are biggger and stronger then the rest of the world and it's a PROBLEM? Our carcinogenic meat? How do you figure? What do gator penises have to do with our carcinogenic meat? And the gator population is exploding! Not bad for animals with "non-functioning micro-penis deformities." Which I think also describes the Brits and Canucks eh?

JerveyGotGypped said:
Even at his most blatantly racialist, Coon could find no more than something like a 100cc deficit among the average 'Black' cranial capacities...the Asians got another 50cc or something on us anyhow. I don't have the numbers in front of me now, but you get the picture.

I don't get your point? 100cc is a HUGE difference in brain size. Are you insinuating that it is not? Has your lack of beef caused you to be a few dozen CC's short in the brain dept?

JerveyGotGypped said:
Anyhow, you'd all do good to take a piece of sage advice from ol' Sailer there, and figure out why and how different groups learn differently, and at least work on some systems to teach them differently...because they aren't leaving and the 'RACE WAR' boogeyman ain't a-coming anytime soon.

How patronizing! "work on some systems to teach them differently" Why is this the white man's burden?

As for a race war, guess what. It's already started. Races and cultures compete against each other all of the time. You don't need a formal declaration of war, (just like Geo. Bush.)

White people that have been driven out of the cities their ancestors built are saying: "What race war?"

The Europeans that are being driven out of their owncountries by muslims are saying: "What race war?"

The whites being driven out of southern California are saying: "What race war?"

The whites in South africa are saying....well they are probably aware of it by now.

Someday you or your children might be among the few remaining whites, you will still be saying: "What race war?"

Question Jervey, at what point in the defeat and extermination of your culture and people will you think it is a good time to finally declare that: it's a war!!!


Aug 10, 2005
"White people are "barbarians" to the Japanese, but I'd imagine few (shy of Yukio Mishima, maybe) could stand reasonably against the memes the "hakujin" brought them."

I guess that's why they have imitated our culture for so long. The standard deviation for Whites' IQs is higher ,so we have more creative geniuses than they do. We have a mix of testosterone and brainpower that had served us so well for centuries. That's why the West conquered virtually every nation in the world at some point in history. I admire the Japanese to a point ,but they are not better than us. I have to chime in with Southern Night on one thing. They don't have the disadvantage of secular (not all) Jewish/communist influence that is rotting our society from within. If we weren't in decline because of this weakness, we would still be using "gunboat diplomacy" with the Japs like the Brits used to.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
Question Jervey, at what point in the defeat and extermination of your culture and people will you think it is a good time to finally declare that: it's a war!!!

What culture and people does Jervey identify with?Jervey wrote:Of course part of me might want to think that the one tiny, little valley somewhere around about the Caspian sea where some of my particular genes originated ...

Could be Khazarian for all we know.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
Question Jervey, at what point in the defeat and extermination of your culture and people will you think it is a good time to finally declare that: it's a war!!!

What culture and people does Jervey identify with?Jervey wrote: Of course part of me might want to think that the one tiny, little valley somewhere around about the Caspian sea where some of my particular genes originated ...

Could be Khazarian for all we know.

I think Jervey identifies only with the Jervey gene.