Obama Hemorrhaging Votes

Kaptain Poop said:
For a guy who "absolutely hates" defending McCain, you sure do it a lot. I've posted equally negative topics on both candidates yet I have not seen one negative thing you have ever posted on McCain. I'm not fooled. I don't think you really give a rip about the immigration issue.

You can't 50%, 35%, 83% believe somebody. Either you believe him or you don't. So if you don't believe him on immigration - what's up?

Your have the exactly opposietly wrong on the "conservatives will hold his feet to the fire" comment. The party is led by the President's administration. It will be the true conservative whos' feet will be held to the fire. There will be absolutely no opposition left if McCain/Palin are elected.

If Obama is elected Republicans can still unite in opposition. With McCain - no chance. McCain is the worst choice that can be made.

First of all I don't appreciate you basically saying I am a dishonest poster. For a guy like you Poop who has over 1300 posts here, you sure do have a short term memory. I have posted many nasty things about McCain over the years at CF and I have posted many times on the topic of immigration, especially illegal immigration. In fact, when that issue came up last year. I made many phone calls and emails to congressman and Senators about that issue, me and others like me were the major reason that amnesty bill failed. I resent very much your last post and I will no further debate you in particular on this thread. I have been respectful to you in my posts on this thread and deserved much more than you questioning my honesty. Believe what you want to believe about me, you are obviously thinking like a woman today, all emotion and feelings based and accusing me of things that hundreds of previous posts easily disprove. Edited by: guest301
Boy, what a delicate flower. I just see you campaigning way too much for McCain and it irritates me. If taking heat when talking politics bothers you maybe you should give a rest for awhile - say about 4 days.
Kaptain Poop said:
Boy, what a delicate flower. I just see you campaigning way too much for McCain and it irritates me. If taking heat when talking politics bothers you maybe you should give a rest for awhile - say about 4 days.

Oh please! Don't deliberately gloss over the issue I have with you by calling me a flower(internet courage) You called me a dishonest poster and accused me of posting things I don't actually believe. I effectively disproved that emotion based contention of yours and that's why you didn't address it in your last post. The last time I checked you were not the owner of this site and so I don't think I will be giving it a rest for four days unless I feel like it. This thread was fairly calm and respectful among white brothers until you got involved. Case made, case closed and court adjourned! Vote McCain/Palin.
White Shogun said:
I have already said that I voted McCain/Palin for social and cultural reasons that have nothing to do with their stance on political issues.

I don't have to defend McCain on any issues, my vote was cast against the 'Hollywood' liberal left and their supporters (blacks, gays, etc) who would gloat and lord it over me for the next four years with an Obama win...

Both of these candidates are going to wreck the country, but which of their SUPPORTERS is least likely to cause me personal grief with a victory?

Besides, I want to see what happens when Obama loses.

That pretty well sums it up for me too.McCain would continue the slow but steadytrekto the edge of the cliff.But Obamawill galvanize the commie radicals of the sixties, and the militant blacks and browns with the help of the lefties in government and utterly lay us to waste. This is their dream come true. I don't think we would survive the onslaught. Rhodesia here we come. Seriously, if a radical marxist ant-white,affirmative actioned Negro like Obama can take the White House, what will it do to our collective psyche? He can't get in without tons of our votes. If he wins it means we have capitulated.

What about worse is better? We don't have enough white people educated and willing to fight, yet.Most will lay down like dogs. Riots and civil unrest will make them cower. Look at our history the past fifty years. We give in to the slightest threat of violence, and run for the hills (suburbs), as we offer them our jobs, and daughters to make peace.

If I believed the "worse is better" philosophy, I would singa different tune. Too many of our people are not yet informed. The internet can help us awaken those dwelling in darkness, and four years from now we surely will have a stronger base. I hope.
Suppose McCain wins...what incentivewill he have to placateconservatives?

Given his age, he's planning on being a one-term president(I believe he has said as much), so there is no reason for him to be kind to conservatives to get elected in 2012.

And Palin? Do you think that once elected,McCain's going to give her a prominent position at the cabinet meetings?Johnny will say: "Hey, you've served your purpose, Alaska girl, nowgo back to the kitchen,cook some moose, maybe have another kid...., "

And immigration? If elected, his first major legislative success will be to pass an amnesty bill. He's for it, so are most dems, He can use the prestige of victory, make appeals to a "bipartisan spirit", encourage his fellow republicans to "be responsible", "we can't deport 12 million", blah, blah. *This easy victory for McCain will be too tempting, despite his protestations that he now opposes amnesty.*

People like McCain do not think in terms of justice and what is really for America. They think like "responsible republicans" ---ie. in the shallow sense of "getting things done", passing bills, etc., etc. This gives them a sense of accomplishment. They do not understand that sometimes "legislative deadlock" is good for the country. Look at the anger he displayed towards a Senator for holding up "his bill".

Yes he claims that he is now serious about the border. But do Moderate republicanslike him really keep their word? Remember George Bush I? How he made to conservatives and to the whole nation his famous "no new taxes pledge"?

Remember how optimistic conservatives were? How George W. Bush was going to continue the Reaganite agenda? How he had learned from all those years with Reagan to "respect conservatives"?

He broke his word pretty quicklyand put conservatives out to pasture.

It's a safe bet that McCain will do the same if he's elected.The thrill of victory makes one forget all of one's promises.

Anyway, let's hope that the result which is best for the country occurs (whatever that means concretely speaking).
guest301 said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Boy, what a delicate flower. I just see you campaigning way too much for McCain and it irritates me. If taking heat when talking politics bothers you maybe you should give a rest for awhile - say about 4 days.

Oh please! Don't deliberately gloss over the issue I have with you by calling me a flower(internet courage) You called me a dishonest poster and accused me of posting things I don't actually believe. I effectively disproved that emotion based contention of yours and that's why you didn't address it in your last post. The last time I checked you were not the owner of this site and so I don't think I will be giving it a rest for four days unless I feel like it. This thread was fairly calm and respectful among white brothers until you got involved. Case made, case closed and court adjourned! Vote McCain/Palin.

Many posters here are voting McCain/Palin. Your one of the few who goes beyond that into actively campaigning for him. The last time I checked you and your 2,400 posts don't get to monopolize the thoughts on this election. BTW, I think I've been civil. My suggestion to stop campaigning was just that - a suggestion. We get it already - you like McCain. I still don't think you are campaigning for McCain because you are concerned about immigration. Me thinks you like him for other reasons. That's my opinion based on reading some of your 2,400 some posts. BTW, here's McCain talking to La Raza recently bragging about how he pushed for the amnesty bill while Barrack tried to stop it. His words:

McCain + La Raza
Kaptain Poop said:
..here's McCain talking to La Raza recently bragging about how he pushed for the amnesty bill while Barrack tried to stop it.

Did Obama try to stop that bill?

Obama will find himself in an interesting situation, if elected, when he tries to deal with the immigration issue, considering that blacks do not like Mexicans and feel that they are stealing all their jobs. Hm. Food for thought.
Bart said:
White Shogun said:
I have already said that I voted McCain/Palin for social and cultural reasons that have nothing to do with their stance on political issues.

I don't have to defend McCain on any issues, my vote was cast against the 'Hollywood' liberal left and their supporters (blacks, gays, etc) who would gloat and lord it over me for the next four years with an Obama win...

Both of these candidates are going to wreck the country, but which of their SUPPORTERS is least likely to cause me personal grief with a victory?

Besides, I want to see what happens when Obama loses.

That pretty well sums it up for me too.McCain would continue the slow but steadytrekto the edge of the cliff.But Obamawill galvanize the commie radicals of the sixties, and the militant blacks and browns with the help of the lefties in government and utterly lay us to waste. This is their dream come true. I don't think we would survive the onslaught. Rhodesia here we come. Seriously, if a radical marxist ant-white,affirmative actioned Negro like Obama can take the White House, what will it do to our collective psyche? He can't get in without tons of our votes. If he wins it means we have capitulated.

What about worse is better? We don't have enough white people educated and willing to fight, yet.Most will lay down like dogs. Riots and civil unrest will make them cower. Look at our history the past fifty years. We give in to the slightest threat of violence, and run for the hills (suburbs), as we offer them our jobs, and daughters to make peace.

If I believed the "worse is better" philosophy, I would singa different tune. Too many of our people are not yet informed. The internet can help us awaken those dwelling in darkness, and four years from now we surely will have a stronger base. I hope.

I agree completely with this sentiment. It will be a sad day when Obama gets elected, it will signal the end of white rule in America and the eventual extinction of our culture.
Hey Guest 301 I sense your in danger here. I sense some posters are surrounding you like the senators who cowardly murdered Julius Ceasar. Ask 89Glory and Kulcukan, pro white ex members who were experts in sports(football, boxing)and educated in politics. I pray Don will have mercy and cautions members who are brandishing the flame throwers as I write this.

Hey man, many here except for you, Shogun, Jaxvid, few others and myself understand what is at stake here. We all have major issues with McCain, but come on, having BO in the White House are you kidding! Just days ago, he kicked professional journalist off his plane due to the fact thier newspaper endorsed McCain. In their place, he had the writers of Essence and Jet magazines on board. In case some of you don't know, those are negro racist magazines. The only one missing is Ebony. Get a clue.

Voting for McCain if nothing else will avoid appointing leftist/socialist judges to the supreme court. Also not unfairly redistribute my income to deadbeats/people who don't pay taxes. Guest301 I have your back.
White Shogun said:
Kaptain Poop said:
..here's McCain talking to La Raza recently bragging about how he pushed for the amnesty bill while Barrack tried to stop it.

Did Obama try to stop that bill?

Yes, Juan McCain did his best to push amnesty. That was a calculated move designed to grab the Mexican voters on his march to the White House. Problem is the majority of them arestanding shoulder to shoulder with Obama. Ain't that a kick in the rear. They fight each other over turf, but when it comes to the nitty gritty, they join hands against Whitey. On the slim chance of a McCain victory, I'm hoping he learns from this, and exacts some revenge on the wetbackians.They say his temper can get the best of him.

A Youtubesegment of the Lou Dobbs show reveals that both candidates have catered to Pedro. Tune in at around 2:15 and listen to Obama getting all goofy.
Westside said:
Hey Guest 301 I sense your in danger here. I sense some posters are surrounding you like the senators who cowardly murdered Julius Ceasar. Ask 89Glory and Kulcukan, pro white ex members who were experts in sports(football, boxing)and educated in politics. I pray Don will have mercy and cautions members who are brandishing the flame throwers as I write this.

Siding with banned members will do you a lot of good in the flaming category. Say, how is it that a poster with only 53 posts knows so much about former banned members anyway? Hmmmmm ......... why so paranoid?

As far as the silly "cowardlY" and "surrounding" remarks goes, as far as I can tell I am the only poster arguing that Obama is the lesser of two evils. I'm a big boy - I got my own back. Vote Chuck Balwin!
Does any believe that having a black Democrat candidate wasn't orchestrated all along? What better way to ensure that a third party would never gain ground. Look how angry people get with prospect of a black president. So angry that they will even run to an anti-white white candidate and abandon any thoughts of a third party. They're playing us like the devil's fiddle.
Kaptain Poop said:
As far as the silly "cowardlY" and "surrounding" remarks goes, as far as I can tell I am the only poster arguing that Obama is the lesser of two evils. I'm a big boy - I got my own back. Vote Chuck Balwin!

Hey Kaptain,I'm sure everyone knows that you always been and still areone of the best posters here.Many of us are justfrustrated and rattled knowingObama or McCain will be the next president. Pick yer poison. It aint a pretty picture.
When I say cowardly and surrounding and I mean ganging up a frequent poster who is giving his opinion and not demeaning anyone. Alot of posts are based on opinion, nothing more or less. Why destroy ourselves?

If the NFL is any exmaple of how whites get pushed around when it comes to who plays, I fear for the country and US if this BO becomes president. It would be an all out assualt on whites, with assistance of whites! Posters should think of this and not be so quick to belittle another, just becuase you have a different opinon.

I could say that those voting for Barr/Balwin or whoever is just wasting their time and piece of cardboard. But I do not. It seems at times that we our worst enemy in life and on this site, sadly.

Kaptain Poop if you believe "they" have playing us like a fiddle, it started over 40 yrs ago. Whites are doing nothing about it. Belittling posters like me with less that 100 posts, that is great.
All I know is, it would be nice to wake-up Wed morning and realize that white men of European descent are 44/44 in US Presidential elections.
Kaptain Poop said:
Does any believe that having a black Democrat candidate wasn't orchestrated all along? What better way to ensure that a third party would never gain ground. Look how angry people get with prospect of a black president. So angry that they will even run to an anti-white white candidate and abandon any thoughts of a third party. They're playing us like the devil's fiddle.

"anti-white" candidate? you're the one talking about voting for Obama.

dude you realize you harp on this issue as much as any "pro"mccain guy on here. and then when Guest301 or westside try to defend their views you bitch about how much they talk about McCain. look i will make it really simple for you....some people on here get almost physically ill when they think about how in 2 days we will be saluting a black muslim-named president. thats it in a nutshell.

and btw since you are accusing guest301 of "campaigning" for McCain, i will state that i think you are wholeheartedly "campaigning" for Obama. you love reiterating the fact that you think he's better than McCain. but when someone tries to explain why they are supporting McCain you go off on some hyperbole laced diatribe. as if its your duty to limit the McCain vote. are you a sock puppet for Olberman?

it is my great hope that McCain wins and then takes on the corporate influence in Washington. i hope that as president he takes stock of his life and decides to fight for some of the principles of his idol Barry Goldwater. i hope once in office he cut all the waste and bs spending in washingtom. these are some of my hopes but in the end he has my vote because i will not take part in electing the first black president. i will not vote third party bc i know that will do nothing to help stop Obama. yes i get your 3rd party argument and i respectfully decline. you have every right to vote for whomever the hell you want. but in this election, where Obamas race has given him a free pass on evry issue, in an election where the MSM were so scared of offending blacks that they devoted the last months of the election to mercilessly beating up on a guy they used to love, in this contest where the blacks have chosen and supported their man, i will not make their battle an easier one. win or lose i will not go gently into that good night and the "darkness" it brings. i will caste my vote not for McCain the candidate but for what McCain has become, my great WHITE hope.
Well stated Johnnyboy! I believe White Shogun best summerizes why members should support and vote for McCain, both cultural and social.

This BO has gotten a pass on being in a Racist church, admitted cocaine abuser, friends with domestic terrorists, real estate fraud, defender of ACORN, never passed a law while in the Senate, friends of a PLO terrorist sympthesizer,infantcide supporter. His crowning achievement is being a f..king community organizer.

If the media has looked the other way on these things, just think how they will cover for him the first two years of his presidency! After those two years it may be too late. There are those in our country who feel the same, look at the mad rush to buy firearms in defense of their rights and fear of the messiah.

What is sicking is watching all of these dumb whites voting him in! I still can't believe what I am witnessing. It is sorta like the drunk white fans clamouring for BO, except worse, they are not drunk! God help us and America!

The only thing I agree with obuma is his being friends with a PLO "terrorist." I'm one 100% against the Zionist state and anyone who is against the Zionists, I'm with on that score. However, there is always something we can agree on with our worst enemies. I even found myself agreeing with the clintons on different issues. This doesn't in any way mean I'd ever consider voting for the likes of the clintons or this bum, obuma.

Tom Iron...
johnnyboy said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Does any believe that having a black Democrat candidate wasn't orchestrated all along? What better way to ensure that a third party would never gain ground. Look how angry people get with prospect of a black president. So angry that they will even run to an anti-white white candidate and abandon any thoughts of a third party. They're playing us like the devil's fiddle.

"anti-white" candidate? you're the one talking about voting for Obama.

dude you realize you harp on this issue as much as any "pro"mccain guy on here. and then when Guest301 or westside try to defend their views you bitch about how much they talk about McCain. look i will make it really simple for you....some people on here get almost physically ill when they think about how in 2 days we will be saluting a black muslim-named president. thats it in a nutshell.

and btw since you are accusing guest301 of "campaigning" for McCain, i will state that i think you are wholeheartedly "campaigning" for Obama. you love reiterating the fact that you think he's better than McCain. but when someone tries to explain why they are supporting McCain you go off on some hyperbole laced diatribe. as if its your duty to limit the McCain vote. are you a sock puppet for Olberman?

it is my great hope that McCain wins and then takes on the corporate influence in Washington. i hope that as president he takes stock of his life and decides to fight for some of the principles of his idol Barry Goldwater. i hope once in office he cut all the waste and bs spending in washingtom. these are some of my hopes but in the end he has my vote because i will not take part in electing the first black president. i will not vote third party bc i know that will do nothing to help stop Obama. yes i get your 3rd party argument and i respectfully decline. you have every right to vote for whomever the hell you want. but in this election, where Obamas race has given him a free pass on evry issue, in an election where the MSM were so scared of offending blacks that they devoted the last months of the election to mercilessly beating up on a guy they used to love, in this contest where the blacks have chosen and supported their man, i will not make their battle an easier one. win or lose i will not go gently into that good night and the "darkness" it brings. i will caste my vote not for McCain the candidate but for what McCain has become, my great WHITE hope.

Dude, try reading a little bit and see where I told people to vote for Obama. I've been for Chuck Baldwin all along as nearly every one of my posts clearly says. Posters "defending" their views by calling me "cowardly" or "woman" is a joke, dude. I've stuck to the issues. I still think your strong feelings that you must vote for the supposed "lesser" is as orchestrated as any fine symphany. I choose not to play that game. I won't be their puppet. Gee I wonder how and why we got an unknown black man as a candidate over a popular white lady??? Don't you wonder? Now stick to the issues, dude and think with your head not emotion. Vote Chuck Baldwin!Edited by: Kaptain Poop
There is no way I would ever reward the republican party for picking such a piece of dog crap candidate like Mr. Amnesty-John McCain. The republican party needs to suffer greatly to cleanse itself of the radical neocons. McCain if elected now would ruin all hopes of a conservative being elected in 2012.

John McCain is a puppet of Jewish radical Joe Lieberman and will surely lead us into war with Iran and possibly Russia. I agree w/Poop McCain is the worst choice for White Nationalist. Vote third party, don't reward the neocons.

McCain is radical Lieberman's puppet
I don't really wan't to say much more on this thread because I have already said plenty. I thank Westside and Johnnyboy for their support. As far as Kaptain Poop is concerned, what in the hell is the matter with you? Talk to anybody that been around CF for awile even the ones that don't like me will tell you that I am certainly no McCain fan and have posted many times against him before it came down to a choice between the Obama and the MAC. Hell you have been around here long enough to know that I have had issues with McCain over immigration, campaign finance, global warming and taxes. I still don't appreciate you questioning my honesty in this thread, it's beyond ridicoulous. That's why I said you were thinking like a woman yesterday, because your emotions based charge against me is so easily refuted by hundreds of other posts.
As far as me being a active campaigner on this thread for McCain, yes that's true. Because I am scared to death of Obama getting in and I am trying to influence as many members here at CF and all the lurkers who never post to see things my way. Shoot I went to church this morning and the wife of my sunday school teacher is so afraid that Obama is going to win Tuesday that she openly talked to a CCW instuctor in my class of taking his course and buying a gun. I am not being dishonest about anything I have posted and you really look silly here questioning my honesty. I am certainly not losing sleep over it but I am astonished at your behaviour. Vote McCain/Palin.
I agree with KP and Mr Lutefisk. If you vote for McCain you will have no leverage as a conservative AT ALL. McCain may pass your beloved "conservative" supreme court justices but the flood of hispanics he will usher in will vote democratic. And in another 4-8 years you will have no choice, no voice, and the liberals victory wll be complete.

Vote 3rd party in large number to let the republicans know they must hear our voice and REPRESENT us to get our vote. Obama wins, the economy collapses (its already doomed) and he is blamed for it, the liberals lose the next set of elections to a vitalized conservative party purged of its failed neoconservatives.

That is your only course of victory.
I respect the opinions of all the posters here, and I wish we were in a more sane society where we had better prospects to vote for. But so far as my vote goes, McCain is about the biggest scumbag that could've possibly been put up for election, and I have to vote for Obama. This country simply cannot stand to go to war with every nation the Israelis pick a fight with.
I understand the negative psychic impact that a black president will have on our people right now, and I regret that it has to happen. But McCain is not a white person. He is a warmongering, murdering tool who spits on us every chance he gets, and I'm voting against him.
DWFan said:
I have to vote for Obama. This country simply cannot stand to go to war with every nation the Israelis pick a fight with.

Uh... maybe you are still listening to the speeches Obama gave in the primaries, but he has since modified his views to say that some of our soldiers must stay in Iraq indefinitely, and that no option is off the table to keep Iran from going nuclear. He has expressed his support for Israel (and the Palestinians, too, depending on who is listening), and seems certainly likely to conduct wars on Israel's behalf just like all of our other presidents.
You might be right; perhaps he has changed and will start as many wars as McCain would. But looking at his voting records regarding invading the world, I tend to think that any pro-war statements he makes are simply political maneuvering. Edited by: DWFan
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