White Shogun said:
Interesting article Shogun. The democratic party sure has pissed alot of women off this year, I hope it shows on Nov 4th.
White Shogun said:
Kaptain Poop said:I'm voting for Baldwin -- I don't care that he doesn't have a chance. I don't trust Bob Barr.
Obama or McCain? Which is the lesser of two evils?? Easy: Obama.
Reason: Either way we get a liberal neocon and an extension of the failed existing policies. We lose big either way -- and about equally big. To all you McCainiacs: If McCain wins we have a liberal anti-white neocon for at least four years. The Republican party will be rewarded for ditching conservativism. In 2012 we will all be guaranteed of having exactly the same non-choice -- two liberal anti-white neocons. The cycle repeats.
If Obama wins, there is an outside chance that real conservatives (Ron Paul wing) may have an outside chance of wrestling the Republican party away from the scoundrels. We all know the Democratic Party has no chance of electing anything that resembles conservative pro-white values. Given the choices, Obama is easily the lesser of two evils.
Expect more Hollyweird plastic surgeons to be filing for bankruptcy then........Bart said:Kaptain Poop said:Given the choices, Obama is easily the lesser of two evils.
Perhaps you are right Kaptain, but have you considered this? There may be an upside in voting McCain.
style="WIDTH: 247px; HEIGHT: 137px" height=267 alt="" src="http://www.bild.de/BILD/news/bild-english/home/2008/10/ 29/10707002__a-heidi-english-1225295200.jpg" width=474>
InfamousOne said:Kaptain Poop said:I'm voting for Baldwin -- I don't care that he doesn't have a chance. I don't trust Bob Barr.
Obama or McCain? Which is the lesser of two evils?? Easy: Obama.
Reason: Either way we get a liberal neocon and an extension of the failed existing policies. We lose big either way -- and about equally big. To all you McCainiacs: If McCain wins we have a liberal anti-white neocon for at least four years. The Republican party will be rewarded for ditching conservativism. In 2012 we will all be guaranteed of having exactly the same non-choice -- two liberal anti-white neocons. The cycle repeats.
If Obama wins, there is an outside chance that real conservatives (Ron Paul wing) may have an outside chance of wrestling the Republican party away from the scoundrels. We all know the Democratic Party has no chance of electing anything that resembles conservative pro-white values. Given the choices, Obama is easily the lesser of two evils.
Your wasting time speaking logic to them. Especially guest who thinks McCain is different them George Bush in any way.
You have no choice gentlemen. Voting McCain is going back to the man who beats you muttering "he loves me he can change".![]()
Americans will decide next week whether the next president will be a socialist or a national socialist. Lest you think I exaggerate, consider McCain' campaign theme of "country first" before everything else - your private life, your job, your children, your education, your marriage, everything. Ask yourself how this differs from the philosophy of German fascism, which preached "the common good comes before the private good" (see Paul Lensch, Three Years of World Revolution).
Or consider the fact that McCain supported the Wall Street Plutocrat Bailout Bill. A defining characteristic of fascism was that all profits were private, but losses were socialized. And oh yes, military imperialism (a.k.a., "national greatness conservatism") and a dictatorial executive were also key features of European fascism. Recall that McCain promised that if elected (paraphrasing), "I will order the Secretary of the Treasury to buy up all of the foreclosed mortgages." Is that really a part of the delegated powers in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution?
Then there is Comrade Obama, who has announced that he wants to "change the world" by "spreading the wealth." Didn't Marx and Engels say the same thing in 1848? As is well known, Obama has long had a close association with ACORN, the far-left political organization that employed him as its legal counsel in Chicago. It is ACORN-style "community organizing" that Obama claims is his political forte and qualification for running for president. He boasts of having worked with ACORN to register tens of thousands of new voters and has defended the organization against all critics. It is safe to assume that there must be a congruence of interests between Obama and ACORN....
According to the 1983 ACORN Members Handbook, "We will continue our fight until the American way is just one way, until we have shared the wealth . . . our freedom shall be based on the equality of the many . . ." Socialism, in other words.
Poacher said:Obama is fading down the stretch.
The media have been conducting psyops on behalf of this guy for the past six months in an attempt to depress voter turnout for Mccain.
This one last time I'm going to pick the lesser of two evils and vote for Mccain/ Palin. For me this election is about the Supreme Court. One, probably two liberal justices are likely to leave over the next four years and while sadly there is no guarantee that Mccain will pick conservative nominees we know what we will get with Obama.
jaxvid said:Ha ha good post Solomon, as always! You have finally brought a bright spot to next weeks coming disaster. If you look at it like you posted then it's a no lose situation for most of us.![]()
foobar75 said:It really pains me to say this, but I think Obama will win in a landslide. I hope, just hope, that somehow, by way of a miracle, McCain can pull off the upset.
Not that I'm a McCain fan, we're just talking about the lesser of two evils, IMO.