Obama Hemorrhaging Votes

The election can't happen soon enough for Obama, his lead and his votes keep dwindling each day. In my opinion the race is tied and McCain pulls this out. I want go into the multiple reasons why I think that, but Obama has nothing new to say these days and McCain is on the offensive and Obama is playing prevent defense. Edited by: guest301
Kaptain Poop said:
I'm voting for Baldwin -- I don't care that he doesn't have a chance. I don't trust Bob Barr.

Obama or McCain? Which is the lesser of two evils?? Easy: Obama.

Reason: Either way we get a liberal neocon and an extension of the failed existing policies. We lose big either way -- and about equally big. To all you McCainiacs: If McCain wins we have a liberal anti-white neocon for at least four years. The Republican party will be rewarded for ditching conservativism. In 2012 we will all be guaranteed of having exactly the same non-choice -- two liberal anti-white neocons. The cycle repeats.

If Obama wins, there is an outside chance that real conservatives (Ron Paul wing) may have an outside chance of wrestling the Republican party away from the scoundrels. We all know the Democratic Party has no chance of electing anything that resembles conservative pro-white values. Given the choices, Obama is easily the lesser of two evils.

Your wasting time speaking logic to them. Especially guest who thinks McCain is different them George Bush in any way.

You have no choice gentlemen. Voting McCain is going back to the man who beats you muttering "he loves me he can change".
InfamousOne said:
Kaptain Poop said:
I'm voting for Baldwin -- I don't care that he doesn't have a chance. I don't trust Bob Barr.

Obama or McCain? Which is the lesser of two evils?? Easy: Obama.

Reason: Either way we get a liberal neocon and an extension of the failed existing policies. We lose big either way -- and about equally big. To all you McCainiacs: If McCain wins we have a liberal anti-white neocon for at least four years. The Republican party will be rewarded for ditching conservativism. In 2012 we will all be guaranteed of having exactly the same non-choice -- two liberal anti-white neocons. The cycle repeats.

If Obama wins, there is an outside chance that real conservatives (Ron Paul wing) may have an outside chance of wrestling the Republican party away from the scoundrels. We all know the Democratic Party has no chance of electing anything that resembles conservative pro-white values. Given the choices, Obama is easily the lesser of two evils.

Your wasting time speaking logic to them. Especially guest who thinks McCain is different them George Bush in any way.

You have no choice gentlemen. Voting McCain is going back to the man who beats you muttering "he loves me he can change".

When did I ever say that McCain was different than George Bush in anyway? I don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth. My whole case for McCain is how truly awful Barack Obama is and how much regard I have for Palin. Your shot at me can also be interpeted as a shot at everybody else at CF who is holding their nose and voting for McCain. I have been very careful to show respect to the posters here that are voting third party and so I see no reason for you to fire a shot across the bow like that. If you are going to criticize me, then do it for what I have actually written and not for something I did not. But whatever, vote McCain/Palin.Edited by: guest301
Election day will be interesting,

I have said that whatever happens we are screwed, and I stand by that.

But you can look at it another way.

*Whatever happens, some unpleasant overrated person who deserves to suffer a humiliating defeat will suffer a humiliating defeat.*

In that sense, we can feel the fierce thrill of justice as at least one ofthese two major league jerks is sent packing. Consider...

If McCain loses...we can all enjoy that. A major blight is removed from politics: A crazy neocon adulterer with a temper problem and a limitless contempt for real conservatives and all borders, language, and culture patriots. The neocons willbe exposed as the ones who destroyed the Republican party; and we won't have to look at this arrogant, senescent, teeth-gritting SOB for a while.

If Obama loses...we can all enjoy that,probably even more. A mysterious, slick, "buh-lack"ACORN activist, picked by elites, whose intelligence and background have never been challenged, who has ridden a wave of weird and inexplicable adulation, goes down to a humiliating defeat. Michelle Obama is off the tube and we don't have to look at Obama's Malcolm X GQ poses anymore.
Ha ha good post Solomon, as always! You have finally brought a bright spot to next weeks coming disaster. If you look at it like you posted then it's a no lose situation for most of us.
Obama is fading down the stretch.

The media have been conducting psyops on behalf of this guy for the past six months in an attempt to depress voter turnout for Mccain.

This one last time I'm going to pick the lesser of two evils and vote for Mccain/ Palin. For me this election is about the Supreme Court. One, probably two liberal justices are likely to leave over the next four years and while sadly there is no guarantee that Mccain will pick conservative nominees we know what we will get with Obama.
Poacher, I have read several articles recently that have discussed exactly what you mentioned - that the media has been conducting psyops. Everything from fake polling, manipulated media coverage, constant 'journalism' attacks on Palin but none on Obama/Biden, etc. It's so ridiculously blatant a deaf dumb and blind dude should be able to see it.
just to stir the pot a bit...

Socialist or National Socialist?

some poignant excerpts:

Americans will decide next week whether the next president will be a socialist or a national socialist. Lest you think I exaggerate, consider McCain' campaign theme of "country first" before everything else - your private life, your job, your children, your education, your marriage, everything. Ask yourself how this differs from the philosophy of German fascism, which preached "the common good comes before the private good" (see Paul Lensch, Three Years of World Revolution).

Or consider the fact that McCain supported the Wall Street Plutocrat Bailout Bill. A defining characteristic of fascism was that all profits were private, but losses were socialized. And oh yes, military imperialism (a.k.a., "national greatness conservatism") and a dictatorial executive were also key features of European fascism. Recall that McCain promised that if elected (paraphrasing), "I will order the Secretary of the Treasury to buy up all of the foreclosed mortgages." Is that really a part of the delegated powers in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution?

Then there is Comrade Obama, who has announced that he wants to "change the world" by "spreading the wealth." Didn't Marx and Engels say the same thing in 1848? As is well known, Obama has long had a close association with ACORN, the far-left political organization that employed him as its legal counsel in Chicago. It is ACORN-style "community organizing" that Obama claims is his political forte and qualification for running for president. He boasts of having worked with ACORN to register tens of thousands of new voters and has defended the organization against all critics. It is safe to assume that there must be a congruence of interests between Obama and ACORN....

According to the 1983 ACORN Members Handbook, "We will continue our fight until the American way is just one way, until we have shared the wealth . . . our freedom shall be based on the equality of the many . . ." Socialism, in other words.

it's an interesting perspective from one of the writers over at LewRockwell.com.

i know several of you are simply holding your nose and voting for the lesser of two evils, but this again shows just how truly little less evil McCain is. of course, Obongo would be even more horrid.

so i voted Baldwin and went down fighting.
If you look at the electoral college it's Obama by a comfortable margin. Forget the polling numbers, the election is not won by total votes but by states won and their votes in the electoral college. There are too many large states that are safely Democrat.

I cannot see a McCain win, even with an October surprise it's too late. I'd plan for socialism over national socialism for the next four years.
Poacher said:
Obama is fading down the stretch.

The media have been conducting psyops on behalf of this guy for the past six months in an attempt to depress voter turnout for Mccain.

This one last time I'm going to pick the lesser of two evils and vote for Mccain/ Palin. For me this election is about the Supreme Court. One, probably two liberal justices are likely to leave over the next four years and while sadly there is no guarantee that Mccain will pick conservative nominees we know what we will get with Obama.

Solid points Poacher. This election to me is also about the Supreme Court. Conventional wisdom at the moment suggests as much as three vacancies for the next administration to fill. That's why our vote has to be McCain/Palin. I predict if Obama wins that the nation will be quickly disgusted by his and the liberal congress actions and within two years alot of those guys will be thrown out of office in the midterm elections and Obama gone after four. But if he gets three Supreme Court judges in then he continues to screw us with his legacy long after he is gone.

I still think McCain/Palin wins this election but Obama is overconfident and is really feeling his oats now. A report just ran across Drudge that the Obama campaign has just kicked the Dallas Morning News, The Washington Times and The New York Post of his campaign plane. All those newspapers endorsed McCain.Edited by: guest301
jaxvid said:
Ha ha good post Solomon, as always! You have finally brought a bright spot to next weeks coming disaster. If you look at it like you posted then it's a no lose situation for most of us.

Thanks, Jax, I aim to please!
Because of his lead in the big electoral vote states, Obama has the advantage. Kerry would have won in 2004 if he had carried Ohio. He would have still been over 2 million behind in the popular vote, but would have been elected by the electoral college. Obama's popular vote total may well turn out to be lower than projected. In some of the smaller Red states, Obama may get very few votes, but it will not matter.
It really pains me to say this, but I think Obama will win in a landslide. I hope, just hope, that somehow, by way of a miracle, McCain can pull off the upset.

Not that I'm a McCain fan, we're just talking about the lesser of two evils, IMO.
foobar75 said:
It really pains me to say this, but I think Obama will win in a landslide. I hope, just hope, that somehow, by way of a miracle, McCain can pull off the upset.

Not that I'm a McCain fan, we're just talking about the lesser of two evils, IMO.


NWOBY SATURDAY: McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all...
I suspect the race will be tighter than most think, at least partly because of the Bradley Effect, but</A>I will be very glad when the whole thing is over. Chuck Baldwin already has my vote, and I feel great about having voted for him! Edited by: Colonel_Reb
That NWOby one day poll that came out last night is very telling and it rings true with everything I have posted on this thread so far. I think the election is effectively tied now with seemingly most of the undecideds breaking McCains way.There also seems to be more exitement and enthusiasm on the Republican side, Palin drew 20,000 people at one of her events this week and Biden drew a paltry 800. Even Obamas crowds have dwindled and not been at full capacity in the past month. Momentum is on the McCain/Palin side and the wind is at their backs. Edited by: guest301
For all you "lesser of two evils" people, what will happen when John McCain plays his Republican loyalty card to instill liberal policies such as massive immigration. Who will be left to oppose such liberalism? Answer: nobody. How will Repubilicans in congress oppose liberal policies when their leader is twisting their arms? If McCain wins, what will be the choices in 4 years? In four years, what will the chance of a true conservative winning the nomination of his party? None of course. Don't give me that "lesser of two evils" BS.
The answer is that conservatives will have a moderately better chance on those immigration issues with McCain as president than Obama who according to WorldNetDaily today has a illegal aunt living in the slums of Boston. This is not the simple "lesser of two evils'argument we are all too used to and fed up by. Obama is evil personified,(just look at his associations) he will be a unmitigated disaster and millions of Americans may very well die on his watch. I am dead serious about that, so there I tried to spare you the "lesser of two evils" BS. Vote McCain/Palin.
Oh please, McCain authored the amnesty bill. They are both "evil personified" just look at both their associations. Millions of Americans (oh, I'm scared) may also die on McCain's watch especially if he again sides with the Jewish Supremacists that own him (war with Russia?). I am dead serious about that. So there. Vote Balwin! Whatever you do DON'T vote McCain/Palin!!!!
I absolutely hate to be placed in a position of defending McCain, a man as a conservative republican I have detested since 2000. But he has said he regrets that amnesty bill and will focus on securing the border first the next time. Do I 100% beleive him, no I don't. But conservatives have a far better chance on holding his feet to the fire on that issue than we would with Obama. Vote for who you want to, I respect all those here who vote third party. You have your reasons but many of us here at CF can't do it this year. We have to vote against Obama and vote McCain. Just for future conservative Supreme Court Justices alone is enough of a reason to vote McCain.
For a guy who "absolutely hates" defending McCain, you sure do it a lot. I've posted equally negative topics on both candidates yet I have not seen one negative thing you have ever posted on McCain. I'm not fooled. I don't think you really give a rip about the immigration issue.

You can't 50%, 35%, 83% believe somebody. Either you believe him or you don't. So if you don't believe him on immigration - what's up?

Your have the exactly opposietly wrong on the "conservatives will hold his feet to the fire" comment. The party is led by the President's administration. It will be the true conservative whos' feet will be held to the fire. There will be absolutely no opposition left if McCain/Palin are elected.

If Obama is elected Republicans can still unite in opposition. With McCain - no chance. McCain is the worst choice that can be made.
I have already said that I voted McCain/Palin for social and cultural reasons that have nothing to do with their stance on political issues. I don't have to defend McCain on any issues, my vote was cast against the 'Hollywood' liberal left and their supporters (blacks, gays, etc) who would gloat and lord it over me for the next four years with an Obama win.

No thanks.

Both of these candidates are going to wreck the country, but which of their SUPPORTERS is least likely to cause me personal grief with a victory?

Besides, I want to see what happens when Obama loses.
I don't care how "big" the election is this year or how much Obama is villified by the neo-con talking heads on radio and Faux News or McCain, I won't buy into the lesser of two evils agenda. It never works and it never will. I don't care who you are, you are just beating your head against a wall by voting for the perceived lesser. All it succeeds in doing is promoting the long broken "two" party system. If we are ever going tosee change, it will come through pressure from outside the main parties.
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