Obama "Greater Than Jesus"??!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More unbridled, limp-wristed, cultural Marxist propaganda (& heresy) by the PTB's MSM (Euro division).

'Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus'

Newspaper deifies American president, dismisses Christ

Posted: December 29, 2009
8:39 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

This messianic image of Obama was highlighted by ABC's Jake Tapper

An editorial in a Danish newspaper, citing both foreign and domestic policies pursued by President Barack Obama, is deifying the American political leader.

"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus â€" if we have to play that absurd Christmas game," opined the unsigned editorial yesterday in Politiken, which boasts of being Denmark's largest newspaper, in publication since 1884.

The English translation is provided online by Julian Isherwood.

It continued, "But it is probably more meaningful to insist that with today's domestic triumph, that he has already assured himself a place in the history books â€" a space he has good chances of expanding considerably in coming years."

The newspaper says Obama "is provocative in insisting on an outstretched hand, where others only see animosity."

And while "his tangible results in the short time that he has been active â€" are few and far between," his words "remain in the consciousness of their audience and have long-term effects."

"He comes from humble beginnings and defends the weak and vulnerable, because he can identify himself with their conditions," the newspaper said. "And no we are not thinking of Jesus Christ, whose birthday has just been celebrated â€" but rather the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama."

Here comes the (narcissist in) chief: Explore what makes 'the One' and only Barack Obama tick

The editorial noted that "the idea was naturally that the comparison between Jesus and Obama" would be made. "If such a comparison were to be made, it would, of course, inevitably be to Obama's advantage."

The editorial, written on the occasion of a legislative vote in favor of Obama's plan for a health care takeover by the government, cited "the right of every American not to be financially shipwrecked when their health fails" as well as the "biggest ever financial support package in America's history, a major disarmament agreement and the quickest-ever re-establishment of American reputation."

"On the other hand, we have Jesus' miracles that everyone still remembers, but which only benefitted a few. At the same time, we have the wonderful parables about his life and deeds that we know from the New Testament, but which have been interpreted so differently over the past 2000 years that it is impossible to give an unequivocal result of his work," the newspaper said.

"Well we all knew that this day would come," wrote Jeremy Wiggins on the American Family Association blogs.

"We knew that someone on the left side of the political spectrum would ultimately try to compare Barack Obama to Jesus," he wrote.

"What I want to know is this: How is any comparison made between a person who has done NOTHING and someone who has done EVERYTHING? President Obama has bowed before kings, but Jesus will have kings bowing before Him, because HE is THE King of Kings. I guess the closest comparison I could come up with would be comparing Obama to Jesus is like comparing an ant to a skyscraper, not only is one VASTLY greater than the other, but they are not even in the same category to compare!" he wrote.

WND has reported on the multiple references and suggestions of Obama's diety, including when British recording artist Sting said President Obama could be the answer to the world's problems â€" the divine answer.

"In many ways, he's sent from God, because the world's a mess," he said in interview with the Associated Press as the time.

"The Truth" by Michael D'Antuono

Earlier, it was an associate editor at a college newspaper who wrote, "Obama is my Jesus."

Maggie Mertens, the associate editor at the campus paper at Massachusetts' Smith College, said, "Obama is my homeboy. And I'm not saying that because he's black â€" I'm saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters T-shirts from a couple years ago that said, 'Jesus is my homeboy.' Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus."

Her confession came in the Smithsophian's commentary section recently under the headline: "I Will Follow Him: Obama As My Personal Jesus."

"While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshipping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I'm afraid it's true anyway," she wrote.

Also, an artist who planned to unveil a portrait of Obama in a Christ-like pose with a crown of thorns upon his brow canceled the event due to "overwhelming public outrage."

And it was Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who declared last year that when Obama talks, "the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

There also was the development during Obama's campaign when a website called "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?" captured the wave of euphoria that followed the Democratic senator's remarkable rise.

The site was topped by an Obama quote strategically ripped from a Jan. 7, 2008, speech at Dartmouth College just before the New Hampshire Primary in which he told students, "A light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote" for Obama.

The site includes this:


***Reference article...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Maybe someone will nail him to a cross too?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"On the other hand, we have Jesus' miracles that everyone still remembers, but which only benefitted a few. At the same time, we have the wonderful parables about his life and deeds that we know from the New Testament, but which have been interpreted so differently over the past 2000 years that it is impossible to give an unequivocal result of his work," the newspaper said."

New testament? No wonder his jewish lapdogs (especially around the globe) are beginning to turn on "messiah-boy."Â￾

Even the consistently dim-witted mounds of human clay, American whites, are getting bored with this gimmick. I could care less about approval ratings, but the Obongo Love Boat is obviously sinking faster than the Bush Twins (anti-white, wanna-be neocon clowns) and Wild Bill Clinton (shady in all areas of his entire life) combined.

That said, I'm kind of glad this pencil-necked little mutt-girl is "our"Â￾ president. Better a super-liberal "black"Â￾ person who'll admit that he hates whites, wants to replace them, and wants their money"¦.than the same old fake-conservative, super-liberal "white"Â￾ presidents who lie and lie and lie until we're watching the world's biggest puppet show.

May Obama, and all others associated with the American government, one day see the rotten fruits of their evil deeds.Edited by: Thrashen

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
Thrashen said:
"On the other hand, we have Jesus' miracles that everyone still remembers, but which only benefitted a few. At the same time, we have the wonderful parables about his life and deeds that we know from the New Testament, but which have been interpreted so differently over the past 2000 years that it is impossible to give an unequivocal result of his work," the newspaper said."

New testament? No wonder his jewish lapdogs (especially around the globe) are beginning to turn on "messiah-boy."Â￾

Even the consistently dim-witted mounds of human clay, American whites, are getting bored with this gimmick. I could care less about approval ratings, but the Obongo Love Boat is obviously sinking faster than the Bush Twins (anti-white, wanna-be neocon clowns) and Wild Bill Clinton (shady in all areas of his entire life) combined.

That said, I'm kind of glad this pencil-necked little mutt-girl is "our"Â￾ president. Better a super-liberal "black"Â￾ person who'll admit that he hates whites, wants to replace them, and wants their money"¦.than the same old fake-conservative, super-liberal "white"Â￾ presidents who lie and lie and lie until we're watching the world's biggest puppet show.

May Obama, and all others associated with the American government, one day see the rotten fruits of their evil deeds.
