North American Army created

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Canada and the U.S. have agreed to allow their respective armed forces to support each other in civil emergencies. Yes, that means that Canadian troops are now allowed to put down riots in Detroit or L.A. or wherever the president thinks it's necessary.

N. American Army created


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
That's because it's illegal for American troops other than the National Guard to fire upon its own citizens.

It wouldn't surprise me to see troops from other countries over here as well in the not too distant future.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Hey we Brits will send our lads to Iraq and Afghanistan, but no way are we sending any to Detroit. It is far too dangerous.

I suggest to negotiate for an African peace keeping force.


Nov 2, 2004
Howdy Devans

Don't send any Tommies to P.G. County Maryland, either. They'd be outnumbered 50 to 1 with Tsutsunis, Kenyans, Zulus, and bail bondsmen.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this is problematic on NUMEROUS counts, of course, but add that to the following:

The corporate behemoth MSNBC believes people who disagree with the government not only do not deserve First Amendment rights and protection, but also believe 9/11 truthers should be disappeared and tortured.

In response to the arrest of a 9/11 demonstrator during a Bill Clinton appearance in Corpus Christi, corporate media shill and former Republican Congress critter Joe Scarborough and his co-hosts demanded 9/11 truthers be tasered and taken to detention camps. "Where's the taser?" Joe wants to know as MSNBC runs footage of the man's arrest. "Tase him!" His co-host adds: "Led away in handcuffs and hopefully taken to one of those secret prisons in eastern Europe and never to be heard from again... I hope we have a special prison for 9/11 conspiracy theorists."

In other words, the corporate behemoth MSNBC believes people who disagree with the government not only do not deserve First Amendment rights and protection, but also believe demonstrators should be kidnapped by the CIA and taken to a "special prison" to be tortured and ultimately killed, as this is the fate many who disappear suffer.

Is it possible the United States is about to become like Pinochet's Chile? In 1973, thanks to the CIA and U.S. corporations, Chile became a brutal police state. Chileans were subjected to systematic and massive violations of their most basic human rights. Official figures indicate that nearly 3,000 people were executed, disappeared or lost their lives as a result of torture and political violence. It would seem "Morning Joe" would enthusiastically welcome the installation of a fascist state where those he disagrees with are disappeared, tortured, and murdered.

Last October, CNN host Glenn Beck called 9/11 truthers "insane" and "dangerous anarchists" in response to 9/11 truthers infiltrating the Real Time with Bill Maher show. "These truthers are exactly the kind of people who want to rock this nation's foundation, tear us apart and plant the seeds of dissatisfaction in all of us... [this is] the kind of group a Timothy McVeigh would come from," declared Beck, setting a precedence followed this morning by the scurrilous Joe Scarborough and his complaisant minions.

"In thousands of 9/11 protests over the course of the last six years, not one person has been arrested for violent conduct," Steve Watson wrote at the time. "To cart blanches suggest that the truth movement is dangerous, 'a threat to children' and intent on violence is extremely inflammatory and indicates just how afraid of investigating and debating the facts people like Glen Beck actually are."

much longer story with video here.