Non black benching discrimination


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Here's my list of guys who
should be seeing much more playing

Atlanta: Estaban Batista- Lorenzen Wright has never been good and Batista is a very talented international from Uruguay whois only 23...he may be part Native American. Atlanta should give him a chance to see what he can do.

Houston: Vassilis Spanoulis, Steve Novak- The the most pro-caste team in the league has 2 great white players not seeing any minutes. Van Gundy has always been a caste wimp from his days in NY, appeasing black players like Spreewell who was welcomed into NY after choking his coach in Golden State. Spreewell is a horrible human being. Remember in Minnesotta "I demand a new contract, I won't be playing hard until I get one b/c I have a family to feed." I guess 50 million dollars isn't enough for his selfish arrogant ass. A family to feed? he could probably feed all of Uganda with that kind of money and still have plenty for his family. He may be the only player in sports other than Ray Lewis that I literally hate. The explanation of the situation is this. You have Vassilis Spanoulis who is an unbelievable talent from a Greek team coming off great showings in international play and he has seen litterally no minutes despite having a bad PG ahead of him in Rafer Alston, he is a lousy passer for a PG and an unproductive scorer. Steve Novak has seen virtually no minutes at SF despite being a great talent. The only positive is Yao Ming who, has passed the offensive foul posterboy Shaq as the best center in the league. "GO YAO!"

Indiana: Jeff Foster- This veteren is a monster on the boards and is "selective with his shot" which is not always a good thing when your shooting such a high FG%

NY- David Lee- Why is Lee still not listed as a starter. Lee is shooting a ridiculous 60% (2nd in the league)and is averaging around "18 RPG" in 48 min. production stats (the only 2 who appeared to be ahead of him "maybe" were Drew Gooden and Dwight Howard, Jeff Foster was up there also) he is also getting some steals, grabbing 5.4 rebounds per game compared to Lee's 8.9 RPG. A mediocrity known as Channing Frye is taking playing time away from Lee, as is Jeffries.

LA- Yaroslav Korolav- He was a high pick in last years draft and he has a mediocre player in Tim Thomas playing ahead of him. Thomas is shooting around 40% and is not a great rebounder. Korolav has more upside and I think would help the Clippers more. I think he would rebound better and shoot better than Tim Thomas. Thomas is a scorer who has to shoot too much to get his points. You've gotta play your young talent to develope it.

Orlando Magic- Carlos Arroyo, Travis Diener- Yes Jameer Nelson has recovered from a horrible start to the season, and was fairly given a chance to play out of his slump He is now shooting a good FG%, but both Arroyo (Puerto Rican) and Diener are good players. Both shoot good FG%'s also. Jameer is a poor mans TJ Ford small fast-paced and turnover prone. However he isn't the playmaker that TJ is and he doesn't draw the foul as well. I would assume the magic will give JJ Redick a chance when he comes back from injury. Redick reminds me alot of Drazen Petrovic, maybe Jeff Malone and he is
not a poor athlete like some paint him out to be. He has decent athleticism for a 2 guard. I looked at his workout numbers ( If Reddick works on his passing and defense he could be another Jeff Hornecek. He could also best case scenerio be a Michael Redd type scorer. Michael Redd is also an average passer. Did I break the forbidden rule of comparing a white guy to a black guy... I don't have a problem with Reddick "starting" his career as a 6th man. Grant Hill is playing well and Reddick can learn from a guy who was a good if not great player when healthy.

Philidelphia- Shavlic Randolph- Randolph is an "athletic freak" and a great rebounder...Chris Webber is washed up and a shadow of his former self and shooting 38.4% Webber still deserves solid minutes as he is a good rebounder and passer still, but Randolph is a difference maker, a high energy athletic freak who has grown out of the high expections and pressure he had at Duke that contributed to a sub-par college career. I was just reading an Yahoo sports NBA newspost that says that Webber is complaining about losing minutes to Randolph in the 4th quarter. Typical selfish arrogance from a black player who is appalled that a white player could actually help his team win more than him when the team needs an energetic spark. Randolph should complain right back that he isn't seeing enough minutes. Webber has apparently been injured with a sore back for the last few games. Webber has had numerous injuries and is past his prime and with his 20 million salary should shut his arrogant castesystem supporting mouth.

Toronto: Jose Calderon; When TJ Ford was injured Calderon's minutes went up and good things happened for the Raptors. In most people's opinions Calderon is outplaying TJ but is seeing less minutes. This is partially due to the big multi-million dollar contract that Toronto signed TJ to in the offseason. Ford is a pretty good player, but Calderon appears to be a stud.

Now I bring to you the most biased cuts made to quility white players. Not surprisingly they are all American whites.

1.SG Luke Jackson- This 10th pick in the 2003? draft looked good in short showings when healthy, but I guess a couple injuries and your done if your white!
He is a good athlete which is important for a SG.

2.SG/SF Matt Walsh: The Florida sensation sharpshooter had height and decent athleticism, but I guess he pissed off too many black guys like he did to Corey Brewer at Florida.

3. SG Mike Gansey- A poor mans J.J Redick. I guess when J.J Reddick the AP Player of the year is already being ripped on as "not an athlete" and "overrated" than a poor mans JJ Redick certainly has no place in the NBA. -notice a trend here they're all shooting guards. I guess white guys aren't athletic enough...they can't shoot either..Oh wait a second... white's have a higher average FG%. I guess the league forgot this. Where's Chase Budinger when you need him he's an athletic freak and can shoot...The caste system has even victimized elite talents such as him though...lets hope those days are over!

4. Kevin Pitsnoggle- This second Mountaineer is not a very good defender, but a good tall face the basket scorer who spreads defenses and rebounds decently. There are already alot of players like this in the league, but Pittsnoggle is certainly good enough where he should make a roster spot...starting his career coming off the bench.

5. Jon Barry- Did this veteren get cut? Did he retire?
because if he was cut, I'd move this to number 3 on my list...he definitley had some more solid years left in the tank. Oh wait he was on guess is Van "Gun the white guy out of town" cut him!

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
5. Jon Barry- Did this veteren get cut? Did he retire? because if he
was cut, I'd move this to number 3 on my list...he definitley had some
more solid years left in the tank. Oh wait he was on guess
is Van "Gun the white guy out of town" cut him!

He's commentating now. He was probably ready to move on.
As to the Magic and JJ Redick, the black GM Smith got all upset when several fans asked why Redick was not playing. According to Smith we all cant have what we want simply because we want it. He then stated that Redick is not hurt but simply is not ready yet. He claims he hasnt played competitive ball since the college season and will take some time to get in shape. He basically got mad about all the comments about Redick and told the fans to shut up and wait. he stated there was still plenty of games left and he is sure Redick will eventually get to play. It was a disgusting display. GM Smith also got upset when questioned about the fact that Milicic was not getting the majority of time instead of the slug Battie. The only time Smith seemed ok was when a fan put down Garrity or if they applauded a black player on the Magic. Diener has only played in three games, one of them for a grand total of 46 seconds. This was all on the Magic home page.
Yeah, you're right,I looked at News and notes about Orlando and they may be a lot more pro-caste as a team than I realized. Reddick who apparently is now recovered should immediatleybe 6th or 7th in the rotation due to his talent andhall of fame college career,but only saw his first "3" minutes, and is not even listed on the 10 man depth chart. He should certainly move ahead of Keyon Dooling who is the current backup SG. Dooling is only shooting42% and is nowhere near the 3 point shooter Reddick is, which could ignite the Magic. The only bench player who maybe shouldseemore time than Reddick at this pointis Carlos Arroyo who they have chosen as Nelson's backup over Deiner and should be seeing more minutes in replacement of him.In fairness thus far Grant Hill is playing great basketball as are the magic for Reddick to average more than 20 minutes a game "at this point".

I also wouldwholeheartedly agree that Darko should be starting alongside Howard. Both can play either Center or PFand would be a dominantBig man tandem. Currently Darko is only seeing around 20 minutes a game and that "slug" Battieis seeing 23 minutes. This is outright ridiculous. I guess I'llhave to cheer for the Utah Jazz!!! ...and I was wrong about Bob Sura although not listed on the injury report, he had a very bad knee injury last year and is not back to full strength. He is also 33 and past his prime. He was actually contemplating retirement after the injury last season but hopes to get back to full strength and crack the rotation this year.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Redick compared to "Rudy", from the Duke Basketball Report:

JJ played his first minutes for the Magic tonight. The game was a blowout versus the Hawks. The crowd was chanting for JJ throughout the entire second half. He finally entered with 3 minutes left in the game for scrub time. He nailed one 16'-18' jumper from near the top of the key, and he missed one 3 that went in-and-out. He also stepped out of bounds while setting-up for a 3 in the corner. The crowd gave him a standing ovation when he came in, and it was by far the most energy in the crowd on the night.

Most interesting, though, was the post-game interview where one reporter made a "Rudy" reference, and JJ responded by saying that he hoped he had more talent than Rudy (of Notre Dame). He seemed pretty perturbed throughout the entire post-game interview, and I can't blame him. First, he's struggling to get over an injury; second, he's on a deep team which is especially deep at guard (JJ had a hard time getting in, and Grant Hill was not even at the game because of his grandmother's funeral); and finally, JJ has a reporter comparing him with the talentless R
A healthy Redick has now played a grand total of 2 games in the 20 the Magic have played. He also has amassed a "large" total of 6 1/2 minutes played in those two games. If a black player, picked in the first round and with the college credentials that he had, had came in to the league and played this small amount there would be a major stink erupting. But no one seems to care except some Magic and Redick fans. I guess, being white, he loves to sit on the bench. I find it real hard to watch this team.
I added Calderon back to my list b/c of his steller playmaking abilities and more productive scoring than TJ Ford.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I was surprised I didn't find more cases of discrimination than I did on active NBA rosters. Maybe the main discrimination in basketball happens as far as drafting and developing young white talent out of college and the European leagues. More than half of the players in Division 1 are white but there are more whites sitting on the bench. There are alot of white players that have to wait until they are already in their mid to late 20's to get a chance to develop their talent in the NBA also.

The only white players who are not in danger of losing their starting jobs are elite talents who are respected veterens like Nash and Nowitski. Certain teams in the NBA seem to be "white friendly" due mostly to the personel they have on a team. A team with a complaining headcase like Spreewell or Marbury would not be a friendly environment for whites and usually have coaches that appease them.

I think location can play apart as well. For instance Utah is a very white state and they also have a respected no nonsense veteren coach in Sloan. I also respect many of the black players on the Jazz who seem to be team first players like Deron Williams, and Jarron Collins (Stanford)and Boozer (Duke) who obviously have brains considering where they graduated from.

I'd like to see a someone do a similar thread in the college forum on college players that are being cheated out of playing time. I know little about college basketball and only follow during March Madness. Forgive me for the rant...I'm done for a at least a while now on this thread!
J. LucasDNP - Coach's Decision
S. NovakDNP - Coach's Decision
V. SpanoulisDNP - Coach's Decision
B. Sura DNP - Coach's Decision
J. Tsakalidis DNP - Coach's Decision
B. WellsDNP - Coach's Decision

Whenever I look at Houston I notice that 4 out of the six guys who get no playing time are white and three of them are good players! Those players are Novak, Spanoulis, and Sura. To me Houston is the most pro-caste team in the league even though they have Yao Ming; he's "The big Thing." Sura and Spanoulis should be getting playing time instead of their dud PG R. Alston

The Spurs are a very very white and international team. However three things bother me about them. 1st why is Bruce Bowen still playing more than Brent Barry. Bowen was used in the past because he was an NBA 1st team defensive player. But if you watch him now his defense is no where near what it used to be and he is not the productive scorer Brent Barry is. The next thing that is bothering me is with Tony Parker injured why are they now giving most of the PG time to Jacque Vaughn. Vaughn has been a bench warming dud his whole career so why aren't the Spurs using the younger and talented B. Udrih. Third it seems the Spurs have decided that Francisco Elson is now the starting center (although the Spurs rarely play the centers) instead of Fabrico Oberto. Oberto was starting at the beginning of the year and playing well and Elson has done nothing to prove he's better. Oberto has been getting about 10 min a game and Elson usually about 20 min.

Here is some food for thought. This is Keyon Doolings 7th year in the league and he hasn't been much of a player. In fact if you believe it the stats below are a better than average year for him. So to my knowledge Reddick, with the resume that he has from college and the potential he has, should clearly be seeing the court more as a backup to Hill.

Keyon Dooling:
4722:23&nbsp ;;2.97.2&nbs p;; 40.832.9 &nb sp;1.6

2.078.1&nbsp ;; 1.41.5 ;1.10.7 ;0.2&n bsp;
PPG: 8.1

J.J. Redick:
G&nbsp ;MINFGM&nbsp ;FGA3pt%&nbs p;; FTMFTM
2415:24&nbsp ;; 2.04.8 ; 40.938.2 &nb sp;1.2

1.485.3&nbsp ;; 1.30.9 ;0.50.4 ;0.0

PPG: 6.0

This shows Redick is already outplaying Dooling as a more productive scorer PT:FGA ratio, a better 3pt shooter, a better rebounder, less turnover prone. The only areas he slightly lags behind in production are assists, steals and blocks but it is barely significant.

Two more teams I have thoughts on: The Clippers have four white players yet only one of them sees the floor that being Chris Kaman. Rebraca is injured at center and the Clippers also have Aaron Williams at center so I don't have a problem with Paul Davis not seeing the floor. However, Yaroslav Korolev a forward out of Russia is a freak athlete. I have seen pictures of him dunking. He was the 12th pick in the 2005 draft and has a great deal of untapped potential. Tim Thomas a forward seeing much playing time is overrated you can tell by looking at his stats! They also cut Luke Jackson in preseason..

Another team that is getting on my nerves is Atlanta. This is because they have a bad player name Lorenzen Wright who has never done anything good in his career after being the 7th pick in the draft in 1997 who they kept in place of Matt Freije who they cut. Lorenzen Wright is seeing about 17 minutes a game behind Zaza. He is in a rotation with Sheldon Williams switching at either PF or Center. Either Estaban Batista or Slava Medvadenko, (both listed as forward-centers also) who has always done a good job in limited minutes, should unseat Wright in the rotation because they have far more untapped potential than Wright. I will not post Wright's stats, but believe me they're bad!

There is good news though Steve Blake is getting alot of minutes in Denver and is performing well after being buried on the bench in Portland. Now we at this site want to see Deiner brake free from Orlando.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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