No white HS speed prospects


Dec 22, 2004
I have just scanned two important high schoolshowcases and all the speed guys are black.
The top two prospects for the 2005 draft are black speedsters and more just below them. What the heck is going on. If this trend continues there will be close to no white speed players in MLB in 3-7 years. And things are not so great today either.This trend is beginning to resemble the football situation and I am very disturbed over this pattern. Not to long ago young white prospects were holding their own in the 60 yard dash test but now I see one black after another break 60 yard dash records while the white guys seem to be getting slower. There is an appaling trend that appears to be gathering steam: young fiesty black prospects are getting faster while white prospects are getting slower. I am getting sick of it and if this continues may give up following sports. I do not feel like hearing the song-"-blacks are faster" everyday for the rest of my life. The more I hear that" blacks are faster" refrain I more am convinced people are trying to push black racial superioity down our throats. And whites should just go off in a corner and genuflect to the new gods.
There are many fast white players. Rocco could
come back and tear up the league. Scott Posednik is the greatest
baserunner in the league. Black players have often followed Ricky
Henderson's example and have inflated their stats for no reason except
to look good. It is sad how baseball is now being taken over by
show bloating players. Baseball is being infected with its own
Terrell Owens and Deion Sanders. Oh I forgot, Sanders did play.
What a joke that was. That was a big publicity stunt and he was an embarassment to baseball.
There are some fast white players in MLB and the minors. The point is at allthe lower levels white speed appears to be disappearing in the same way that whites don't play cornerback in college anymore. And if this trend holds firm then I expect there will not be a Rocco or a Podsednik in the near future.. Just black guys while whites man the pitching, the slower corner positions and catcher. Like the NFL where whites are the kickers like in this years Super Bowl. The trend is bleaker than we care to admit but the first step in reversing an ugly trend is to recognise it and try as hard as heck to reverse it.
That's not good news, but I wonder how many of the black speedsters will actually become good pro baseball players. American-born blacks have been steadily dropping in representation in MLB for 30 years now. After Barry Bonds, baseball is bereft of black superstars and Bonds will turn 41 this season. There are lots of fast black guys who when they reach the majors can't hit for average, or lack power, or can't field, sometimes all three, so hopefully this isn't the beginning of the reversal of a 30-year downward trend.
It is not good news and remember the trend in football started slowly before snowballing into an avalanche. The main problem is blacks are targeting the speed positions and it is amazing to see the drop off for whites in speed at the high school level now. Sure the overallnumbers may suggest that blacks have fallen in the ranks but a closer look reveals that they are simply taking over the key star positions more than ever and ignoring positions like pitching and catching.. We have to admit that there is a deep and foreboding crisis here in the states in regard to developing white speed. It astonishes me that so few white speedsters show up on any of the prospect tallys anymore and as a result we could see the same thing that happened in football occur in baseball. SometimesI wonder if the white athlete in the US has given up all hope. I have been very discouraged as of late because I have not seen any encouraging progress for young white baseball speedsters. You will see this trend up close in the 2005 MLB draft where black speedsters predominate and look for themto be shoehorned into MLB as fast as possible- ie :B.J Upton and Carl Crawford of the Devil Rays. Both are very young and were targeted out of HS as speed guys destined for the bigs.
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