No White Endorsements

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
This is the sort of thing that makes shake your head and ask why. Jermain Taylor has lost twice to Pavlik and he is used extensively to promote boxing gear and now Juan Diaz who just recently lost to Cambell and looked one dimensional. When are we going to see undefeated Pavlik or Calzaghe endorsing boxing sports gear?

Everlast and Juan Diaz sign exclusive contract

New York, NY - March 19, 2008 - Everlast Worldwide Inc., manufacturer, marketer and licensor of sporting goods, apparel, footwear, and other active lifestyle products under the Everlast brand name is proud to announce that they have signed a long term agreement with professional lightweight boxer Juan Diaz. The agreement allows Diaz to exclusively wear Everlast footwear, apparel and gloves for all professional fights and Everlast sponsored events..

Diaz, a Mexican-American boxer from Texas, entered into professional boxing in 2000 at the age of 16. A champion in the lightweight division, Diaz has a record of 33 wins, 1 loss and 17 Knockouts.

Diaz is currently a junior at the University of Houston, majoring in Political Science and is an aspiring lawyer and politician. While taking a full class schedule every semester, Diaz finds the time to train daily with one of the most rigorous training programs in the industry. Diaz is universally considered one of the hardest-working and best-conditioned athletes in boxing. Diaz has always insisted on working around his schoolwork, keeping education a priority.

"Juan Diaz is one of the most skilled and exciting fighters in the sport of boxing, and a true champion in and out of the ring," said Matt Cowan, Director of Sports Marketing for Everlast. "His passion for the sport, and his commitment to education and the community embody the values upon which our brand was built. Everlast has a long heritage of world champions, and we are proud to make Juan a part of that legacy."

Diaz is as dedicated to excelling in boxing as he to promoting education causes and encouraging political involvement. As part of Diaz's contract, Everlast has agreed to donate to a cause related to education. Diaz is also greatly involved in voter registration in his hometown of Houston, working with The League of Women Voters of Houston.

Edited by: Maple Leaf
This is sad, unfair, and disgusting, and yet it has very little to do with the UNDENIABLE fact that when the best white boxers engage in basically a duel to the death with the best any other race has to put up against them, the whites will usually come out on top.

This fact holds true for most other aspects of life.

White children and obese repressed homosexual white sports fans have been brainwashed by their televisions to accept lies instead of the truth that their idols should be white because the world's best athletes are almost always white.

Case in point -- if a BLACK man won the decathalon in this year's Olympics he'd be trumpeted the world over as the greatest athelte on the planet, and he'd be all over fat kids' cereal boxes and Nike posters.

Has any lard-O American kid even heard of Roman Sberle or other great caucasian decathalete?

No, and it's not the kids' fault either, because it's their gay white dads shoving poptarts down their throats and cheering for Byron Leftwich who are fooled by the media that are to blame.

What a country.

I really, seriously don't think the powers that be won't be satisfied until every person in America is a hunch-backed Mexican with eight kids supported by welfare from the no longer existent white race.

There, I said it.
In this country there are no marketing deals. But in Europe Wlad Klitschko has deals similar to what Leonard and the early Tyson had. Some of the lack deals is reflection on boxing being a fringe sport in North America, some of it is because white boxers don't sell too. Anyway a boxing equipment deal is near worthless. I suspect Taylor gets 10K plus free equipment/clothing off the deal.
white is right said:
In this country there are no marketing deals. But
in Europe Wlad Klitschko has deals similar to what Leonard and the early
Tyson had. Some of the lack deals is reflection on boxing being a fringe
sport in North America, some of it is because white boxers don't sell too.
Anyway a boxing equipment deal is near worthless. I suspect Taylor gets
10K plus free equipment/clothing off the deal.

White boxers aren't allowed to sell. Boxing has been turned into a
fringe sport because Whites have taken over for the most part. This is
why we are seeing more and more "blast from the past" highlight shows
with clips of the Caste Ruler's favorite tools to shake White self-
confidence. Think about the build-up, the attention, the fawning that
fighters and fights with Leonard, Hearns, Duran, even today with De
LaHoya etc received. That doesn't happen with White fighters for a reason.
Boxing has been pushed out of the limelight for that reason. If things can
be "corrected" and brown and blacks put back in the top spots, we'll hear
endless stories, see droves of features about the "revival" of the sport,
and how it was saved from boring, uninteresting fighters with poor skills.
Tim Wise will no doubt host a big tribal party at his home, all of it would
be catered and paid for with tax-payer cash of course, tossed his way to
pay for his anti-white wailing (while he privately doesn't consider himself
white at all).
You might be right, for a white athlete to get a deal(that isn't a qb) he has to be head and shoulders better than his competition. Vince Young was an obvious bust and he got a bunch of regional and some national deals. As for harkening back to the 80's. Plunk acopy of Berbick vs Thomas or Tubbs vs Page and you will love every Wlad Klitschko fight.
Playing replays from 1971 seem to be a growing trend when it comes to ESPN and your other various networks televising boxing. I think Colonel Callan pretty much hit the nail on the head with his post.
aussieaussie31 said:
Playing replays from 1971 seem to be a growing trend when it comes to ESPN and your other various networks televising boxing. I think Colonel Callan pretty much hit the nail on the head with his post.

Yes, here on ESPN Canada and TSN we see the same fights over and over again: Ali vs. Liston, Tyson vs. Douglas, etc. Never once have I seen a classic fight where a white boxer wins. I wouldn't mind seeing Wlad's early WBO title defenses against Mercer, Barrett and McCline, or Wlad vs. Byrd I & II, or perhaps Vitali vs. Williams or Donald! But no, we get mostly a steady diet of Holyfield, Lewis, Bowe, Ali and Frazier.

When we rarely do see a white fighter, it's always his worst fight! They had Ibragimov vs. Austin on, when Sultan took the fight on short notice and was overweight, instead of Ibragimov vs. Whitaker or Briggs. Or, they repeatedly show Morrison vs. Lewis instead of Morrison's wins vs. Foreman, Williams, Thomas and Ruddock.

By the way, it's good to see you posting here again, Colonel Callan! There's always a lot of wisdom and insight in your posts - I wish more people were as aware as you.Edited by: JD1986
White Is Right:

I did not know Wladimir has European endorsements but it is good to hear. However, it's not about the money these deals generate from the companies seeking endorsements, the exposure and market enhancement of the fighter's name is more important. For white kids in North America to shop in Wallmart's sports section and find Taylor's face on a package of boxing gloves instead of the Wladimir Klitschko - the mightiest heavyweight on the planet- is a physchological victory for the "cultural markists" as they are called. Also, the familiarization of the fighter helps to sell ppvs. thus enrichening the fighter endorsing the product as well.
I think the blame goes to the advisors who set up these endorsements. But maybe Kelly has bigger things on his mind like beating all the middleweight strap holders and at the same time cashing. Maybe he does not give a f..k about 10k endorsement. Maybe he likes spending time with family. Maybe he thinks he doesn't need the 10k endorsement, becuase when opens his front door the entire boxing world will soon be his.

Maybe he is just a humble guy who doesn't want to be overexposed and concentrate on kicking ass in the ring. If I'm Kelly and the lucrutive prospects within reach ie: PPV deals, live gate, upper hand in negotations and the larger part of the pie, I say screw the 10K deals they are more trouble than they are worth. Come on get real. This is one superstar that the major endorsements will come to him. Reveal in his success!
The endorsement deal may also have been worked uped and the contract signed while Taylor was still the champ and the darling of US boxing.
In a sense, any sports figure that does endorsements becomes a hero to youthful males across the land. A mans skills on the field, or in the ring may make him a hero to some, however only by doing commercials and being seen repeatedly on the big screen will a individual become bigger than life. I think like every other facet of society, any black achievement in any field will be broadcasted to the world. This even includes black achievements that are really mere myths, i.e. a black man invented this, or Beethoven was black, or the many other absurd lies that are cited during Afro American history month. Therefore, I believe that the powers that be really don't relish putting a guy like Pavlik, or Wlad out in the limelight for our kids to appreciate. In a sense, a character like a Pavlik (probably not Kelly Pavlik personally) is at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to how the powers that be want our young boys to see themselves. I do not doubt for 1 minute that everything, and I do mean everything, that is seen on the television is analyzed, reanalyzed, scrutinized, and re scrutinized to ensure that the proper message is sent. Whether that message be in your face like a movie such as "save the last dance" or a more subliminal message like the background characters on a nightly TV sitcoms with interracial couples placed conveniently in the backdrop of the scene. My take is this: sports is just one more outlet used to indoctrinate our youth. I have no doubt of that.Edited by: aussieaussie31
aussieaussie31 said:
My take is this: sports is just one more outlet used to indoctrinate our youth. I have no doubt of that.

Aussie, this is essentially what the issue here is with these endorsements: the fact that there are so many white tigers out there in boxing and none of them are endorsing products here in North America.
white is right said:
In this country there are no marketing deals. But in Europe Wlad Klitschko has deals similar to what Leonard and the early Tyson had. Some of the lack deals is reflection on boxing being a fringe sport in North America, some of it is because white boxers don't sell too.

You make a good point. I think we have to understand that boxing is very tribal. Irish, Italians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, British, Filipinos, blacks, they all want to root for their own. Most of the best European fighters come from countries that aren't well represented here in America. There aren't too many Ukrainian-Americans, Danish-Americans, Kazakhstani-Americans, etc. An elite Irish or Italian fighter would very well here. A Polish fighter could also do pretty well.

Obviously race is always a factor. It's really an issue of demographics. What percentage of boxing fans in the U.S. are black or Latino? I would imagine a very large percentage. A white fighter is going to have a tough time selling sh*t to tribes that he doesn't belong to. But white fans? They're a lot more open-minded, for better or worse. Our country is huge and diverse, and it's unlikely that a large percentage of us are going to embrace the same fighter, unless he's black or Latino, preferably American (De La Hoya.) We're too disjointed to have just one guy, unless he can cross a demographic line or two. Klitschko, Calzaghe, and Pavlik can't do that, unfortunately- although Pavlik should benefit, at least somewhat, from being American. What can I say, life isn't fair. Edited by: JD074
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