Ni**er beating and robbing old white lady

Jan 19, 2005
Copy and paste this link. It shows a typical negro coward thug beating an old white lady. That could be your mother next time!!!

America!! How much more are we going to have to take before we take action!!

I hope that lowlife, piece of sh*t, scumbag, is rotting in jail. If I had an opportunity to get at him, he'd be begging for mercy. An animal like that has no right to be amongst people.

Edited by: onewarrior5
I hope he dies a horrible death.
Why did he need to kick her over and over, shes old, what is the point?
Bear-Arms said:
Why did he need to kick her over and over, shes old, what is the point?

Because he is your typical gutless coward house ni**er.These are the type of animals that need to be dealt with not just in america but all around the world.You would think that even someone like that would have at least one ounce of heart and not attack an old lady like that.Just simply disgusting.I would kick the living sh*t out of this ni**er coward if we ever crossed paths.
This piece of sh*t is going to be royally screwed when he gets to prison...literally. I hope the Aryans have him wearing lipstick and a tube-top in lock-up, while he's pimped out for half a pack of smokes.
I posted the video on It has it's own forum.
First reply to the video: (cut and paste)

June 28
Look like the old lady tried to attack him, or she said a racial
slur that set him off. Thats what I saw.
"June 28
Look like the old lady tried to attack him, or she said a racial
slur that set him off. Thats what I saw."

Is this an actual quote!?

What possible provocation could warrant what this scumbag did?

This video made me sick.
She probably told him that white boys have bigger dicks, and that the "truf" is getting out about this media propaganda!!
Ground Fighter said:
This piece of sh*t is going to be royally screwed when he gets to prison...literally. I hope the Aryans have him wearing lipstick and a tube-top in lock-up, while he's pimped out for half a pack of smokes.
That's too funny I know Marv Albert would pay a fig cigs for him, maybe Mel Kiper too.......
American Freedom News