NHL TV Deal?


Dec 22, 2004
I don't see why the media is clapping about Comcast cable carrying NHL games. I hear they might put it on the OLN network which would be awful. For one thing that is a premium channel for most I think and not sure it is offered in all areas. Plus one would probably have to sign up for digital cable which is more expensive. Sounds like hockey might become like boxing. a sport only the willing and able are going to dish out bucks to watch. How can this be a good thing for the popularity of hockey? Deal has not been finalized but unless ESPN or another network jumps in hockey may end up like boxing: a niche sport with little room to grow.
I understand it will only be available in 30-million households.

At least, the Red Wings are still on locally, and we get CBC.
New NHL Television Deal may, just may, be a Blessing in Disguise

Well well, the NHL television contract goes to COMCAST after all. The "Outdoor Network," quite obscure indeed. Brings in a meager 72 million dollars to the cash-strapped league. A disaster, the NHL is marginalized like Major League Lacrosse and Arena Football. Seems that "George Bodenheimer" of ESPN [Bio anybody? Nationality? connections to Rothschild Empire?] can't bring himself to televise the vile white man's sport. He wishes the NHL well.

Sure he does. The fanatically anti-white ESPN utterly loathed the NHL and went into great contortions to rid itself of the Aryan white soo-premicist beast. We all know that. Will the NHL suffer from this snubbing from the mainstream media?

Yes and no. Yes, it will be marginalized for its absence from the biggest of the big sport conglomerates. Pro poker fans will get their prime-time slots where the Detroit Red Wings used to be. No: There is thebig HOWEVER: The new network WANTS the NHL. It will be positive and nurturing to its new baby industry. The new channel has no choice but to cater lavishly to the real audience of the NHL fanatic. Guess who that might be? The hated, despised Middle Class White Male hockey fan who brings the utmost dedication to his sport passion, pro-European ice hockey. COMCAST will be forced to love me!

So I have tapped in my order to Dish Network to extort $15 more per month from me to have the privilege of getting the Outdoor Life Network such that I can watch the NHL. But it's a labor of love don't you see? ... For the next few years, only those who really want to see white man's pro hockey will see it. But I think it's likely that COMCAST will be pleased with the ratings that it records with its new charge. Viewership will not be overwhelming, but rock steady and climbing as more white hockey fans find the NHL on the new network. Perhaps the cable and dish companies will relent on charging top-dollar for OLN. Even if they don't, our beloved sport will profit from NOT having the PC police of ESPN up its wazoo, demanding the multicultural NHL. Perhaps OLN's commentators won't even be the hare-brained PC shills that we are treated to on ESPN.

This new deal has potential. I say go for it. Order OLN!! Watch the NHL! With a bit of luck and some excellent hockey from the big-name teams, maybe in three years the big networks will come begging for hockey again. Would that we will be strong enough by then to tell them to go pound sand!

[url]http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/news?slug=nhltvdeal&prov=st& amp;type=lgns[/url]

Yuri [b[Buy CasteFootball Business Cards !!]
Real George is some kind of optimist. I think the deal with OLN is a disaster and a great step backward for caste. Yeh OLN might do a better job of coverage although only 2 games a week? And perhaps somewhere down the road the whole enterprise of OLN will take off and challenge ESPN. See recent SI article. But how can this deal be a good thing for the forseeable future? Yes the talent on the ice looks real promising and the game looks to improve but now the hard reality. Going from around 90 million to 60 million potential hockey watchers is a step backward and factor in many will now have to PAY just to watch hockey. And I understand that OLN might charge an increase to people who already get the station. So before this deal we were able to watch several national games a week on ESPN(2). Now, if OLN is not part of your basic cable(many people) you have to dish out for digital cable. What is the good news? White fans have to pay for a white dominated sportswhile other sports are availablefor far less money.The biggestproblem hockey has faced the last several years is inability to lure new crossover fans. This OLN deal makes that crossover even less likely and like boxing hockey looks to be a pay sport offered to the already coverted. OLN is just preaching to the choir. Meanwhile for ordinary folk either they watch local teams--if you are lucky enough to be in a big market or what? Overall I get the sense hockey is being put into a ghetto with the communist like set up that ensures owner income flow but does not address the NHL as a future big time player in sports. Very sad and yet another example of how our culture seems allergic to having spectacular white athletes put on display. I see the glass half empty and more on this one.
In Chicago(and most of the surrounding area) they don't televise home games, so I really don't see how this effects me much. I already watch all the White Sox games on Comcast.
Bear-arms you are referring to local sports. Some cities black out the home team home games. The NHL deal on OLN is about national games that feature teams throughout the league. For example how will I be able to watch the Red Wings ifI don't live in Detroit? ESPN would show Detroit amoung other teams but now that is gone unless I fork out money for a digital cable system which many hockey fans can't afford. Seems weird.A lot of hockey fans are middle class and often blue collar yet this OLN deal feels like something geared for the equestrian set.
The Veneer is Coming Off the NHL TV Deal
[Hey Sunshine! Looks like you are right]
It happened quickly! Only the second game into the season, and the new OLN network is dropping the ball (not the puck!). In a sickening display of tech snafu and executive "not-me-ism", the cowardly OLN screwed up their big game, the one featuring the return of Lemieux and newby Sidney Crosby, Pittsburgh Penguins -vs- Buffalo Sabres. The game was scheduled for Monday night 10 October at 7PM. Apparently many thousands of ticked-off OLN customers got jilted, judging from the volume of angry Blog traffic to OLN's site (OLN is asleep at the wheel ... dozens of frighteningly obscene email insults have piled up on their "feedback" site). I was among the few who got through to OLN by phone, to speak to an overwhelmed, non-technical sweet girl who didn't know WHAT to do with the flood of angry phone calls from angry fans demanding "Where's My Hockey Game!?"
A truly inauspicious start for OLN and the NHL. I'm not suprised one bit. Butthead Bettman IS a butthead and a money-grubber, if the details are missed so what.
Sample correspondence to NHL follows:
[Hello Pittsburgh Penguins Front Office! I tried to send this communication to NHL.com through it's "feedback" mechanism on its webpage, but like many parts of the new NHL, it's not working. Last night I tried to watch the Penguins on my newly-subscribed OLN Network connection. It was a disaster, and here's the story ...]
Dear NHL,
The OLN Network dropped the ball (not the puck) on Monday Night 10 October 2005. I'm one of the many thousands of OLN subscribers who did not receive a Penguins-vs-Sabres hockey game during the 7PM-9:30PM time slot (EDT).
The OLN network delivered an ordinary adventure show called "OI" instead of the game, and OLN is receiving thousands of adverse emails, phonecalls, and blogs on the subject.
I am a DISH Network subscriber, I paid for the "America's Top 180" collection which includes OLN as Channel 151. My OLN signal is clear and crisp. The opening game, Rangers-vs-Flyers, was delivered ontime and with high quality, and I was among the viewers. The second OLN game, to feature the Mssrs. Crosby and Lemieux, was advertised widely in the US media, including NHL.com. How disappointed I was to not receive the game. I live neither in the Pittsburgh nor the Buffalo area, so clearly "blackout" is not an issue
Technically, my DISH signal for Channel 151 was just fine. The DISH schedule channel clearly stated "NHL Hockey, Sabres vs Penguins", as did the Channel 151 moniker. The only problem? OLN transmitted something other than the game. I wonder if anybody with DISH got the game. Judging from the volume of angry email/blog/phone at OLN, the event seemed like a universal disaster where nobody got the job done.
This stinks. It's an inauspicious start for a fledgling TV net who's just a bit too arrogant as a newcomer to broadcast sport.
As for you NHL, if you're looking for fans to return to televised hockey in droves, you're already into damage-control mode.
My own calls to OLN were disappointing. My long wait was followed by a brief talk with a non-technical salesgirl who could only offer "It's out of OLN's hands" and "The cable companies are at fault." I left a message with a "Programming Representative" but do not have a warm-fuzzy-feeling that OLN will resolve this problem.
I wish USA Network had gotten the TV contract. They did a fine job in 1985.
Sincerely yours,
Ticked off Hockey fanEdited by: Realgeorge
OLN is just Pure, Raw Fraud
There's no denying it ... OLN has set us up. Two nights in a row, no hockey. I smell a NWO rat. Here's the advert and the lame apology:

So: No game on for two nights in a row, and a brush-off for angry viewers. Anybody got the scoop here? COMCAST owns OLN, why aren't they up in arms?
No Doubt in my Military Mind
The OLN weenies have offered a shred of truth ... after several weeks of non-programming. The OLN phone number, 1-800-OUTDOOR, delivers a canned voice informing DISH-Echostar users that the NHL games offered by the OLN network are "not available" for DISH Network subscribers.
Oh great. So I ponied up my extra nickels, upgraded my dish, subscribed to OLN, and received one measly game. One -- the season opener. All subsequent games are blacked out. Some sort of falling out between OLN and its various "satellite and cable providers". The result is a meltdown of the national NHL broadcast. I'm so pleased.
Well that's alright, we're all going to die in a few months anywaywhen W Bush nukes IRAN so I shouldn't fret so much about TV hockey
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