May 8, 2007
I repost something from the past if I could, but I can't find it, so I'll just repeat it:

The NFL and NBA are Black because it is the only way the management of those sports have to keep their labor costs down, something Major League Baseball has found only profitable with Hispanic athletes.

The NFL and NBA are Black (or, these days in the NBA, European) because these are the players management can hire cheaper than "troublesome" White Americans - the NFL is popular throughout America, so management hires people adequately skilled in that sport, meaning Blacks. The NBA is popular in both America and Europe, so management goes after the cheapest athletes - Black Americans and Eastern and Southern Europeans (as well as the occasional Chinese). Baseball is VERY popular in the Caribbean, so it is only natural that management reduce labor costs by hiring foreign labor, whenever possible, from that area (particularly the Dominican Republic).

The question is: why is baseball less Dominican than football and basketball Black?

The answer: because baseball is MUCH MORE appealing to White people, due to the favorable union contracts, AND because the union IS so much more powerful in baseball than it is in either basketball and football. As a matter of fact, if you look at the MOST POWERFUL union sports, it is the NHL. The NHL player's union has pretty much destroyed the management of the NHL; it would surprising if the NHL continues to exist, as we know it. Hockey will be played, but separate management won't control the game and the players, as it does in basketball and football - don't be surprised if baseball isn't also, at some point, run by the players and not "management".

The think basketball and football have "going for it" is that Americans have been brainwashed into believing Blacks are "superior athletes", especially in the games of football and basketball - this same media is trying to convince Americans that Hispanics are superior baseball players. As an alternative, the media convinces Americans that Polynesians are better at football than Whites, and that Slavs are better at basketball than American, and that the Japanese are better at baseball than Americans.

Essentially, whatever the media can do to convince White Americans that they are physically inferior, they will. Meanwhile, in the background, White Americans and Europeans will continue to excel at sports in which they are encouraged; Rugby football, Soccer, swimming, tennis, golf, weightlifting, wrestling, the decathlon, etc.

Never forget: there hasn't been a Black decathlon gold medalist for MANY MANY years!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Black Athletes play for cheap.What a joke.Tell guys like Kobe,T-Mac,LeBron,Iverson,Garnett,etc. and that is just basketball.I guess the nfl players don't get paid well.See Terrell Owens,M.Vick and countless others.That hypothesis has no basis.

How about Baseball?A-Rod plays for cheap.Ha.ha.How about A.Pujols,or P.Martinez.Give me a break.These guys are as greedy or more greedy than the white american athletes.Just about all athletes now want to get paid.That is why the average fan can't go to a game.
May 8, 2007
white lightning said:
Black Athletes play for cheap.What a joke.Tell guys like Kobe,T-Mac,LeBron,Iverson,Garnett,etc. and that is just basketball.I guess the nfl players don't get paid well.See Terrell Owens,M.Vick and countless others.That hypothesis has no basis.

How about Baseball?A-Rod plays for cheap.Ha.ha.How about A.Pujols,or P.Martinez.Give me a break.These guys are as greedy or more greedy than the white american athletes.Just about all athletes now want to get paid.That is why the average fan can't go to a game.

"Cheap" is a relative term. You have no sense of logic.


Nov 25, 2004
I really don't think money is the issue here. Many more talented and deserving white athletes are more than willing to play for the league minimum just to get a chance at playing. I think it simply boils down to the multi-cultural agenda (real meaning = anything less white) that is perpetuated throughout our society. The elites hiding behind the curtain, like the wizard of OZ, have an agenda that even sports cannot escape.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
Catholic_Hammer said:
white lightning said:
Black Athletes play for cheap.What a joke.Tell guys like Kobe,T-Mac,LeBron,Iverson,Garnett,etc. and that is just basketball.I guess the nfl players don't get paid well.See Terrell Owens,M.Vick and countless others.That hypothesis has no basis.

How about Baseball?A-Rod plays for cheap.Ha.ha.How about A.Pujols,or P.Martinez.Give me a break.These guys are as greedy or more greedy than the white american athletes.Just about all athletes now want to get paid.That is why the average fan can't go to a game.
"Cheap" is a relative term.  You have no sense of logic.

Of course its "relative", Hammer. So What? All of the issues concerning the value-meaning of payment-levels are "relative". No one is denying that, and neither did white lightning. He made some good points regarding non-whites commanding monster salaries. (If I recall aright it was the Hispanic A-Rod who first broke the 20 mil per year barrier). You should answer him with your own evidence instead of baselessly accusing him of having no sense of logic.

Your intuitions about this issue may indeed be correct, but you need to back it up with some evidence. Show us that non-white salaries are consistently and substantively cheaper than white salaries, and show us that the cheaper salary is not because of a real difference of talent, or a difference between local markets, or because a salary was attained during an owner-friendly free-agency year, etc., etc.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
I doubt that labor has much to do with it. If that was the case the NFL would be full of mestizos who would play for $50 a game.

The reason Blacks are over-represented is because its the social engineers (leftists) have created a system that perpetuates it. They crave diversity in the University system (which they firmly control) and they can't get them in through the front door (Academics) so they bring them in through the back door (Sports Scholarships). It gets them their equal outcome that they use to prop up their myth of equality. The professional sports leagues shop at the stores stocked with Black Affletes, and their rosters reflect this. When you throw in the media (which they also firmly control) pushing the stereotype of the superior Black male, the masses buy it hook line and sinker and they unknowingly favor the Black afflete over their equally and sometimes more talented White counterparts.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
A great post
especially :

reclaimsocal said:
The professional sports leagues shop at the stores stocked with Black Affletes, and their rosters reflect this.

hits the nail right on the head. Well put!

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I think a lot of you are missing Hammers point. I believe the point he is trying to make is by forcing more blacks and other nonwhites into major league sports, they create weaker labor unions. The reason for this is because pro sports these days are run just like multinational corporations. They want an influx of nonwhites because they want to dilute the overall intelligence level of the general populace. Because as we all know, a stupid populace is one that is much easier to control than one that is educated about society. Its the same reason rap-crap music is pushed ad nauseum. What better way to control the population than by having (mostly white kids) imitate a culture that is considered to be the lowest form of society there is. While I agree that most black athletes are probably on average more greedy than white ones (they gots to get paid yo!) White-run players unions are a much bigger headache to the owners than ones that are predominately black and therefore for that reason, the owners want more subserviant employees, and by subserviant, that generally means black

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
I think a lot of you are missing Hammers point. I believe the point he is trying to make is by forcing more blacks and other nonwhites into major league sports, they create weaker labor unions. The reason for this is because pro sports these days are run just like multinational corporations.

As I stated in the previous lengthy thread on this topic, labor-management issues and negotiations are now handled roughly the sameby the BigFour -- football, baseball, basketball and hockey. The players unions and the owners have entered into an era of stability and uniformity in the way their respective sports are run. Three of the four sports now have salary caps -- and in baseball the "luxury tax" and dramatically increased revenue sharing from television revenue has resulted in a lot of money going to the small market teams in recent years. The only quibbling point of substance any more between labor and management when new collective bargaining agreements are being hammered outcenters aroundthe percentage of revenues received by the owners that will bepaid out to the players in salaries and benefits.

Professional athletes of all races are paid fantastically well compared to the fans that root for them. The reasons for the Caste System and the goals of it are not related, except possibly in the most tangential of ways,to trying to save "labor costs."Edited by: Don Wassall

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I agree with you wholeheartedly Don. I think the issue with the caste system is two-fold. One is because most of the pro-sports leagues in this country are financed by multinational corporations who's goal is to promote multiculturalism (in other words, to destroy white christian america) and the other is to create a weak labor union


Dec 15, 2005
Then why are salaries at record highs? Dominicans number a lot fewer than Black Americans.

Players' Unions have to be stronger today than ever before. When the league was as white as it is black today, a lot of players worked a second job. Good players too.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
I agree with you wholeheartedly Don. I think the issue with the caste system is two-fold. One is because most of the pro-sports leagues in this country are financed by multinational corporations who's goal is to promote multiculturalism (in other words, to destroy white christian america) and the other is to create a weak labor union

I'm not saying that the pro sports leagues are trying to create weak labor unions; just the opposite. "Labor" and management are both making amazing amounts of money and neither wants to change the status quo because the current system worksextremely well for both of them in all four major sports leagues. It's akin to Hollywood, where the top movie stars make $20 million per movie and the studios will make $100 million or $200 million from a successful flick. Who wants to rock that kind of boat if you're an actor or studio owner (or pro athlete or team owner)?

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
But Don, don't you think that the owners are greedy? Why put up with all the headaches of a strong labor union? Look what happened to Gary Bettman when he went to war with the NHLPA. They lost an entire season. And also, doesn't a weaker players union mean more money for the owners?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The four major sports are run through collective bargaining agreements that have far more similarities than they do dissimilarities. Of course the owners and players are greedy; virtually everyone's greedy in America. Greed is the only thing that unites the country. A system that successfully satisfies the greedof theowners and playershas been worked out whereby the players get a certain percentage of revenues in the form of salaries and benefits.

If there is evidence that the NFL and NBA players are getting ripped off compared to hockey and baseball players, let's see it. I don't see how anyone can call a union where the average member makes millions of dollars "weak."

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Don Wassall said:

If there is evidence that the NFL and NBA players are getting ripped off compared to hockey and baseball players, let's see it. I don't see how anyone can call a union where the average member makes millions of dollars "weak."

Good point. I certainly don't think the players in the NBA and NFL are getting ripped off. In my opinion, I don't even think sports unions should exist period. Say what you want about retirement benefits and all that, and that might have been the case of players getting the shaft back in the 70's and 80's, but in the 2000's these players should not be bitching about all that stuff. They make well enough money to where they should be set for life. The only thing stopping them is themselves by pissing all their money away