NFL commercial trends and the C-System

Anyone here ever shop at "Dick's Sporting Goods". Their mannequins are made to look like white guys and black guys. The black mannequin is by far more muscular than any white mannequin in the store and the mannequins in the golf section are white and really lame looking.

I believe there is a commercial for Dick's where the mannequins come to life and do stuff at night. It includes a white female mannequin as well. Anybody seen it?Edited by: GWTJ
I've seen the commercial. The black guy is robustly built, while the female is also very fit. There is a white male, but he looks like he would be a pitcher/golf player or something. It was difficult to tell because the focus was on the black male and white female.
Sark6354201 said:
I've seen the commercial. The black guy is robustly built, while the female is also very fit. There is a white male, but he looks like he would be a pitcher/golf player or something. It was difficult to tell because the focus was on the black male and white female.

Yeah I know. Its a pretty sad state of affairs when the White guy doesn't even get enough air time in a commercial, so you can get a good look at him. What is this? The modern day equivalent of making US sit in the back of the bus? lol. Ridiculous.
There is a commerical for Miller beer. A black deliverymany goes to a classy resturant to take back the Miller beer he delivered. The Black guy has such a heavy ebonics accent, I cannot understand half of what he says.

I interpret the commercial this way: Classy places will not have miller beer, Crummy places will.

Luckily, I am already boycotting Miller beer.
Charlie said:
Ads which feature blacks invariably seek to highten feelings of inadequacy which only the product in question can heal. 'Hey white guys. Not cool, virile, spontaneous, or fashionable? Take a clue from your African-American friends and buy Panther Malt Liquor - The Smoothest Cat in the City.'

Charlie, your hypothetical pitch is laden with imagination and inspiration.

Turns out there IS, or was, a Panther Malt Liquor. Read about it at . Which city, I wonder... Minneapolis or St. Paul?

Commercials (in the States) are ridiculously biased against the white male. When I still lived in the U.S. I was able to predict the outcome of commercials, and sitcoms etc. Right now the whiteman is the most hated, most despised, most ridiculed member of the society that his forefathers built. The government loathes the whiteman, the media (tries) to shame the whiteman, the churches and the military use the whiteman, and every sh*tskin across the nation blame the whiteman. The media has one goal regardless of what many think. The media, and the media masters wish to help shape society in the manner in which they would like to see it. If an alien (from space) came down and the only exposure he had to our world was through the media he would think that the whiteman needed to be exterminated.

The media portrayal is actually the direct opposite of what reality is. Blacks would not eat if not for the whiteman neither in the U.S. or Africa. Mexicans would not have a descent society to move to if not for the whiteman. White women (of the liberal caste) would find themselves ass out without the creativity, or the drive in which only the whitemale is capable of.

Out here the media tries to make asian female/whitemale pairings as often as possible. Although for obvious reasons it is not as abhorrent to me the message is quite clear. Destroy white western civilazation.

Your post is quite interesting,and in my opinion on the money ! The destruction of White western civilization is well underway,and it would be helpful to know,in your opinion,and from other folks in your part of the world,who is behind this planned destruction,and why?

Also,please see
onewarrior5...that commercial you are refering to was an andvertisment for college gameday (basketball) and was that bad, I belive I saw it about a year ago...
jcolec02 said:
onewarrior5...that commercial you are refering to was an andvertisment for college gameday (basketball) and was that bad, I belive I saw it about a year ago...

Yeah Stewie...I mean...Jcolec02. Sorry, that icon gets me every time. lol.But, I saw that commercial about a year ago as well, and it still disgusts me to this day. There was another one which was almost as bad, that aired about a year ago too. It featured a really gangly, nerdy looking White guy with glasses, a headband, and really tight extra small shorts. And he was trying to take on black players in one-on-one street games, but he was getting embarrassed. That one irritated me quite a bit.

I think its time the NHL came back with a little "retribution" for these anti-White commercials we are seeing in College basketball. Here's an idea for a commercial advertising NHL games on the OLN Network:

Black thug, Latrell Jackson, wanders off the street into a Minnesota Wild practice, and starts running his mouth about how hockey sucks and how weak White athletes are. He then points to 6'7", 265 lb. enforcer, Eric Boogaard and calls him a cracker-ass-bitch. Mr. Boogaard promptly grabs Mr. Jackson by his FUBU jacket, yanks him over the boards onto the ice surface, and proceeds to beat him retarded. The commercial ends with a camera shot of Mr. Jackson being attached to the front of the Zamboni, and being used to clean the ice surface.

Sounds like a winner.
Ground Fighter said:
jcolec02 said:
onewarrior5...that commercial you are refering to was an andvertisment for college gameday (basketball) and was that bad, I belive I saw it about a year ago...

Yeah Stewie...I mean...Jcolec02. Sorry, that icon gets me every time. lol.But, I saw that commercial about a year ago as well, and it still disgusts me to this day. There was another one which was almost as bad, that aired about a year ago too. It featured a really gangly, nerdy looking White guy with glasses, a headband, and really tight extra small shorts. And he was trying to take on black players in one-on-one street games, but he was getting embarrassed. That one irritated me quite a bit.

I think its time the NHL came back with a little "retribution" for these anti-White commercials we are seeing in College basketball. Here's an idea for a commercial advertising NHL games on the OLN Network:

Black thug, Latrell Jackson, wanders off the street into a Minnesota Wild practice, and starts running his mouth about how hockey sucks and how weak White athletes are. He then points to 6'7", 265 lb. enforcer, Eric Boogaard and calls him a cracker-ass-bitch. Mr. Boogaard promptly grabs Mr. Jackson by his FUBU jacket, yanks him over the boards onto the ice surface, and proceeds to beat him retarded. The commercial ends with a camera shot of Mr. Jackson being attached to the front of the Zamboni, and being used to clean the ice surface.

Sounds like a winner.

I like the way you think GF!
jaxvid said:
I like the way you think GF!

You like that one, don't ya Jax?I am majoring in Media Production at school, so maybe one day my idea will come to life. That is, of course, if I can sneak it past "the tribe" who runs the media in this country. You know who the "tribe" is right?lol.Its pretty obvious.
Ground Fighter said:
I am majoring in Media Production at school, so maybe one day my idea will come to life. That is, of course, if I can sneak it past "the tribe" who runs the media in this country.

Maybe if you had the hockey player wearing a yarmalke and playing for the Israeli national team.
I also have noticed this trend in TV and commercials. White men are always playing the bafoon father or boyfriend, or are gay. It irritates the living sh*t out of me. In commercials, the joke is always on the goofy, fat, nerdy white man. That you can count on. Remember the one where the big black mean linebacker was hired to run around the office spaces and physically assault geeky little pencil necked white guys or even white women for various time or resource wasting activities? And you got the rich white dude at the beginning talking about how much profits have gone up since they've hired this black thug to keep employees in line. Disgusting.

I only have basic cable now, since I can't stand whats on TV anyway.
cutty said:
Remember the one where the big black mean linebacker was hired to run around the office spaces and physically assault geeky little pencil necked white guys

Oh yes, I remember that one. I actually wouldn't mind if they hired him where I work. His football career would suddenly and *tragically* be cut short.
PitBull said:
Lots of people see what's going on. They don't like it any more than any
of us here. But they don't know what to do. My solution is to not watch
television at all. All advertising is garbarge.

It's everywhere you turn. Yahoo is one of the worst.They are always pushing race mixing, usually blacks with white women. I just noticed this ad.

Star struck

Which astrological signs are your romantic match, and which will just cause trouble?

jaxvid said:
Ground Fighter said:
I am majoring in Media Production at school, so maybe one day my idea will come to life. That is, of course, if I can sneak it past "the tribe" who runs the media in this country.

Maybe if you had the hockey player wearing a yarmalke and playing for the Israeli national team.

lol...I'll call the team the Mighty Matzahs

Thanks again, Jax. I knew I could always count on you to crush my hopes and dreams before they even start.
Bart said:
PitBull said:
Lots of people see what's going on. They don't like it any more than any of us here. But they don't know what to do. My solution is to not watch television at all. All advertising is garbarge.

It's everywhere you turn.  Yahoo is one of the worst. They are always pushing race mixing, usually blacks with white women.  I just noticed this ad.

[COLOR=#69789c size=1">Star struck[/COLOR">[/url]

Which astrological signs are your romantic match, and which will just cause trouble?

[url=""][IMG">style="WIDTH: 176px; HEIGHT: 119px" height=115 alt="Star struck Getty Images" src=" struckbig.jpg" width=154>

Yeah, the race-mixing ads are, unfortunately, everywhere I look. Hopefully, White females will pull themselves away from bullcrap shows like "Sex and the City", long enough to realize that its wrong. We can only do so much, when trying to convince them that dating blacks will eventually hurt them. If they don't want to listen, then they're just going to find out the hard way. Which is, in many cases, unfortunately too late.
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