NFL’s corporate greed has run amok!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Actually, I did attend public schools for several years. I finished high school at a private school. That was one of the best things that ever happened to me. We weren't rich, either. The congregation of the church that the school was affiliated with actually donated the money for me to attend my junior year, because we couldn't afford it.

My schools were overrun with gangs, or 'cholos'. I'm in my 40's and it was still bad even back then. I was one of 4 white kids in an entire PE class of 40 boys, the rest were all Latinos. Fighting was rule of the day. Let's just say I 'had' to go to a private school after that.

I'm not sure if you're keeping up with the news, but gay rights and teachers having sex with kids seems to be the top subjects taught in school these days. Girls giving bj's in the back of the class, sexual assaults, stabbings, gay rape.. and this is just here locally!

Edited by: White Shogun


Aug 10, 2005
White Shogun said:
Actually, I did attend public schools for several years. I finished high school at a private school. That was one of the best things that ever happened to me. We weren't rich, either. The congregation of the church that the school was affiliated with actually donated the money for me to attend my junior year, because we couldn't afford it.

My schools were overrun with gangs, or 'cholos'. I'm in my 40's and it was still bad even back then. I was one of 4 white kids in an entire PE class of 40 boys, the rest were all Latinos. Fighting was rule of the day. Let's just say I 'had' to go to a private school after that.

I'm not sure if you're keeping up with the news, but gay rights and teachers having sex with kids seems to be the top subjects taught in school these days. Girls giving bj's in the back of the class, sexual assaults, stabbings, gay rape.. and this is just here locally!

That is how many public schools are now but it is not because they are "public". It's because they have blacks and browns in them. And the news you mentioned are just symptoms of our society's sickness today, liberalism and the influence of foreign peoples through media and pop culture. They are like a cancer that must be cut out. We also need to squash feminism and have our wives raise our children. We are seeing a societal breakdown that has little to do with the private vs. public argument.

By the way, no hard feelings. This may be the first thing we've disagreed on.Edited by: KG2422

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I went to public school and it sucked the big one. We had clubs for homos and clubs run by Jewish communists (I'm not anti-semetic but a good majority of the people behind the communist movement were and are Jews). Thats all you pretty much need to know about my experience in public schools. Not to mention all of the inter-ethnic strife, blow jobs in the hallways, kids selling dope in the bathrooms, gang-warfare, etc...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I will say this you can't go broke from having a heart attack in Canada? You may die waiting for a transplant or end up on welfare after(because you can't work anymore). I think the horse is out of the barn when it comes to universal health care for working age people. Even Medicare is screwed up....


Oct 20, 2006
White Shogun,

On the health care for former footballers, I'm not sure about forcing any
general business to cough up the dough, but if it hurts the NFL, its fine
with me.

As far as education goes, I went to private catholic schools in the 70's and
80's, and then to a highly competitive four year college. You got tossed
out of my high school for fighting the third time you were caught. Almost
no fights on campus at all, at an all-boys school! The school only had
one black kid in it. Education was great. Needless to say the catholics
didn't pander to homos. I had the nuns and priests for teachers. No
hanky-panky with the students at all, high standards, tough as nails. I
feel sorry for any white kids who go to school now, with all the
communism and race-pandering that goes on, not to mention having to
put up with worthless blacks and mexicans, and other assorted third-
world trash. Maybe someday we can get it back.


Aug 10, 2005
Well, my experience was much different than yours because my community was much different. During the 80's, the Klan burned a cross on the near the highway leading into town on friday nights. There was a Vietnames family that moved in and their house was burned down after warnings to get out of town. Our school didn't take off for MLK day until around the year 2000. Our dress code was strict. We prayed in school. It didn't matter what the law said. There was a Klan rally just about a mile from the home I grew up in a few years ago. I flew a confederate flag in front of my home. We call our basketball gym "the white house". The area I live in has been called the most racist area of the country by some.

Edited by: KG2422
Apr 29, 2007

That is how many public schools are now but it is not because they are "public". It's because they have blacks and browns in them. And the news you mentioned are just symptoms of our society's sickness today, liberalism and the influence of foreign peoples through media and pop culture. They are like a cancer that must be cut out. We also need to squash feminism and have our wives raise our children. We are seeing a societal breakdown that has little to do with the private vs. public argument.

By the way, no hard feelings. This may be the first thing we've disagreed on.[/QUOTE]

Why bash on foreigners, man? My mom's a foreigner, but an old school one. (She actually came in legally and learned the language.) I thought this was a pro-white site, not an anti-black, hispanic, Jewish site. If you saw me walking down the street you would probably think I was hispanic even though I'm white, so I don't like brown-bashing comment. I think newcomers to this site would get turned off by the racist comments and think of us as ignorant, rather than supporting a valid, just cause. If the caste system is going to end it has to be because the mainstream accepts it to be true, not just racists or bigots. Plus, stereotyping all blacks and hispanics as gangsters ruining society is hypocritical. Football coaches do the same when they assume a white guy is too unathletic to play a skill position other than quarterback. Most of the black kids at my school are good, nice kids. I go to a private school, though, and I think a lot of black/hispanics get sucked into the gangster culture that's fed to them from other kids in the public school system. It's a cycle that needs to end. Hip-hop culture is worsening it, yet I never hear Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton complain about the derogatory commments about women or law enforcement from that music. Every third word in a rap song is about a nappy-headed hoe!
Sep 24, 2006
I went to a heavily black and Hispanic school in PG County, MD. I got in a few fights early, because I was white, until they figured that the beat down they got wasn't worth it. No BJs in class, but there were a bunch of white chicks who whored in the bathrooms for anyone. My wife and I moved out to VA(she;s a teacher) and the schools here are much better, but we're still thinking about private schooling.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
KG, I understand what you are saying, but I think your public school education experience is an exception to the norm. I went to 3 different majority white public schools, and none of them were academically sound. In many ways, the most white one taught me the least. Before public schools, yes some rich people had tutors and went to private schools, but most people were taught at home by their parents, and most of those people became the greatest leaders and innovators in this country's history. Things would be a lot better off if more people were/could be home schooled now, instead of going to public and some private schools. I realize there are good public schools out there, but they are few and far between, and ones like yours probably don't exist anymore. Our public education system in general has deteriorated to such an extent that what the typical student learned in high school in 1948 is the equivalent to a Bachelors degree today. Nothing personal, just sharing my humble perspective on the subject.


Aug 10, 2005
We spend more on health care than any country in the world yet we are 27th in life expectancy. I'm sick of seeing donation jars for kids with leukemia so their self employed parents can take them to the doctor.
My entire family is self employed or owns small businesses. It is a bitch to get decent insurance. I sold my business and went back to college partly because I watched my dad die of cancer because he had a slow growing benign tumor that turned malignant because it was undetected for several years. He couldn't afford regular screenings and blood work without insurance that was denied him due to a preexisting condition from his childhood. What about people of humble intelligence who work at menial jobs beause that is all they are capable of? These jobs don't offer health insurance. Screw em. They should just die if anything is wrong with them.

We already spend the money- On medicaid, medicare, on administrative costs for a complicated system. The cost of our health care is higher than everyone else's due to this mixed system of payers. Our doctors get paid far more than everyone else's. Our drugs cost more. The system needs to be streamlined and efficient.

Even people with insurance don't seek care until it's too late much of the time due to the high and growing higher deductibles.

And as for public schools. The countries that outperform us academically have public school systems. We have private black schools around here. They're horrible. The system is less important than the people who run it.

Our biggest problem is the media, the people running the:

These are the people who have destroyed our public not just the schools. They've created an ever worsening false reality that people hypnotically follow and repeat the mantras. That is why we have the integrated
schools with the bjs in the open, the commie clubs with jewish leaders, and the formerly unthinkable gay clubs. It is not because we have public schools.

That being said schools should be controlled on the local level.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Why bash on foreigners, man? My mom's a foreigner, but an old school one. (She actually came in legally and learned the language.) I thought this was a pro-white site, not an anti-black, hispanic, Jewish site. If you saw me walking down the street you would probably think I was hispanic even though I'm white, so I don't like brown-bashing comment.

Whiteafflete, I think you misunderstood that comment. He wasn't bashing foreigners. He was talking about the foreign culture of non-whites that is pushed on us by MTV and the rest of the mainstream media such as (c)rap, hispanic gangsterism, and other types of customs brought in from the turd world that have no place here in America. I too am the son of immigrants. My family is from Albania, but the original poster was talking about stuff brought here from the non-white world, not immigrants or foreigners in general Edited by: Lance Alworth

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
KG2422 said:
By the way, no hard feelings. This may be the first thing we've disagreed on.

Of course not, bro! We're good!

As for health care, I feel your pain. I've been blessed with decent insurance for some time, but have had to help my parents and other family members who do not have access to the plans and benefits that I do. You are right about the higher deductibles, too, even with good benefits.

Don't you worry though that people like your folks and other small business owners will end up paying more in taxes if we go to a taxpayer funded health care system? Or be forced to purchase health insurance for part-time or minimum wage employees? I know, it's a tough trade off. I think we can both agree that it is people who are irresponsible and mooching off the system that ruins it for everyone.

I think the public schools would be better if the administrators and directors and other big shots would stop trying to use the schools to indoctrinate kids rather than teach them. I think anyone can be taught, including blacks and browns, if schools would be allowed to enforce discipline and actually suspend kids or send them to jail for infractions. But using schools to teach kids about gay rights, global warming, earth day, feminism, and other politically correct ideologies is ruining public education, and ruining our children.


Aug 10, 2005
White Shogun said:
Don't you worry though that people like your folks and other small business owners will end up paying more in taxes if we go to a taxpayer funded health care system? Or be forced to purchase health insurance for part-time or minimum wage employees? I know, it's a tough trade off..

I think that it would be really stupid to force employers to cover everyone. All that would do is slow economic growth and drive up the price of premiums and health care. A single payer system would be more efficient. The insurance lobby wouldn't like that much though. We would actually spend less if we do it the way other countries are doing it. There would still be private doctors like plastic surgeons etc. We must remember that Canada's system suffers because of a "brain drain" to the U.S. so to speak. The last stat I saw on it said that Canadian doctors make $120,000 annually compared to $180,000 in the U.S. Australia doesn't deal with the same kind of nursing shortages and so forth because they are not in such close proximity to the U.S. Students also learn more in high school and go directly to med school (if they are qualified) instead of wasting 4 years until they get to their real training. That also saves $$$. Then physicians aren't under such pressure to pay back such hefty student loans. I'm not out to get them either..Edited by: KG2422


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Why are health cost so high?Ican't find the column, but Frosty Woolridge reportedtwo years ago that California suffered 24 hospitals bankrupting in 2004. They failed because three million illegal aliens in California use hospitals without paying. After those hospitals bankrupted, American citizens lost their medical care.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Are there any caps on malpractice lawsuits in Australia and Canada? Just curious. If so, I'd think that would help contribute to controlling health care costs as well - they don't have to pay through the nose for malpractice insurance.


Aug 10, 2005
White Shogun said:
Are there any caps on malpractice lawsuits in Australia and Canada? Just curious. If so, I'd think that would help contribute to controlling health care costs as well - they don't have to pay through the nose for malpractice insurance.

It appears that Canada's provinces pay for most of the fee for malpractice insurance rather than the individual physicians.

[url] e03_04.html+%22malpractice%22+cap+canada&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6& gl=us[/url]

A malpractice cap was an issue in Australia from 01-02. I haven't found any recent info. It seems that the insurer for New South Wales and Queensland was near collapse. Australia and Canada have had nursing shortages before. I was incorrect to assume that because there were enough Aussie doctors that there were enough nurses. Another strategy they were considering in limiting malpractice costs was to make it illegal for lawyers to offer no win - no fee services.Edited by: KG2422