New U.S. sex study-findings mixed


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I think it is good that a lot of young people are waiting to have sex, but at the same time, I don't like the fact that oral sex is so prevalent or that the number of people who claim to be homosexuals is increasing. I'm shocked these numbers aren't worse, considering the influence the media has on people in general.

Sex study: More teens, young adults are virgins</span>
<div id="byLineTag">By Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY</div>

<div>A growing number of teens and young adults say
they've never had sexual contact with another person, according to the
largest and most in-depth federal report to date on sexual behavior,
sexual attraction and sexual identity in the USA.</div>

The study, released Thursday by the National
Center for Health Statistics, reports that 27% of young men and 29% of
young women ages 15-24 say they've never had a sexual encounter. That's
up slightly from 22% for both males and females, in the government's
last such survey released in fall 2005, based on 2002 data.

The new findings, from the 2006-2008 National
Survey of Family Growth, look at responses from 13,495 teens and adults
ages 15-44, including 5,082 ages 15-24.

"The perception is all kids are engaging in oral
sex. Obviously, that's not the case," says Jennifer Manlove, a senior
research scientist with the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Child Trends, who studies teen sexuality. "They may be more in control of their behaviors than we think."

Age is a factor, says J. Dennis Fortenberry, an
adolescent medicine specialist at the Indiana University School of
Medicine in Indianapolis, who was not involved in the study.

"As young people progress through their
adolescence, increasing proportions of them experience sexual relations
with another person," he says. "Some young people make a strong
commitment to not having sex for a variety of reasons and some take
different paths."

Among ages 15-17 in the new study, 58% of girls
and 53% of boys said they have had no sexual contact, compared to 48.6%
of girls and 46.1% of boys in 2002. For ages 20-24, 12% of women and 13%
of men said they have never had sexual contact, compared with 8% for
both sexes in 2002.

Debbie Roffman, a human sexuality educator in Baltimore, says it does appear "that there is a trend toward postponement."

"As to why, there are certainly multiple factors
at work," she says. "While greater caution due to fear of physical
consequences is likely one, more positive factors are likely to be at
play as well.

"For instance, more young people may be choosing
to wait for a more quality sexual experience, knowing it is more likely
to come with maturity, and/or greater involvement by parents in
communicating about sexual values and decision-making and providing
greater supervision and monitoring of their children's activities."






changes from the earlier numbers are small, the new study goes into
much greater detail and fills in many gaps in the 2002 data, says lead
author Anjani Chandra. Definitions, including specific descriptions of
behaviors such as oral sex, were included in the new report to avoid
miscommunication, she says.

Questions were posed in both English and Spanish
by in-person interviewers between June 2006 and December 2008;
participants responded via laptop to protect their privacy. The same
method was used in 2002.

Philadelphia-area psychologist Michael Bradley,
who specializes in teens, says despite the survey's assurances of
confidentiality, young people are not easily convinced and may
underreport their sexual activity.

"There is some awareness of confidentiality
concerns among a lot of kids," he says. "Some (researchers) are
suggesting an underreporting of some behaviors. We don't know that, but
we do see kids less inclined to disclose these things than in the past."

The report also found that more than half of 15-
to 24-year-olds who have had oral sex reportedly engaged in this
behavior prior to ever having vaginal intercourse. Among that age group,
62.6% of women and 64% of men said they had had any oral sex.

The 2002 survey was the first time the government
asked about oral sex and when that data came out, there was
considerable discussion about the finding that more than half of teens
had had oral sex.

The concern isn't just the semantic debate about
whether oral sex is really sex â€" there are public health implications,
researchers say. The report notes that a growing percentage of cases of
genital herpes in the USA are attributed to oral sex. Other sexually
transmitted diseases also can be spread by oral sex. Chandra says the
information on what portion of young people have engaged in "potentially
STD-risking behaviors before ever placing themselves at risk for
pregnancy" will help the federal agency in planning prevention programs.

Although the new survey sought to determine the
relative timing of oral sex and sexual intercourse for young people who
reported sexual contact, Bill Albert, a spokesman for the nonprofit
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, says it's
important to focus on the big picture.

"This suggests to me that when kids are sexually active there's a range of things they're doing," he says.

The survey found that older ages at first
intercourse were associated with higher percentages having had oral sex
first. Of those 15-24 who had first vaginal intercourse at 17 or
younger, 41% had oral sex first, compared with 70% of those who had
first intercourse at age 20 or older.

"Those who were older at first intercourse were
more likely to have engaged in other sexual activity (specifically oral
sex) beforehand," Chandra says.

Among other findings:

"¢Women ages 15-44 are more than twice as likely
to have had a same-sex sexual encounter as men of the same ages. In
2006-08, 12.5% of women reported a same-sex experience, vs. 5.2% of men.

"¢Among men and women 18-44, 94% of women and 96%
of men identified themselves as heterosexual while 1.1% of women and
1.7% of men said they were homosexual. The percentage of women who
identified themselves as bisexual was more than three times that of men:
3.5% of women vs. 1.1% of men.

Kaaren Williamsen, director of the Gender &amp;
Sexuality Center at Carleton College in Northfield, Minn., says there
are several reasons women report same-sex experiences at higher rates
than men do.

"This data would support that it is more common
for women to fluctuate and explore their sexuality. It's also more
socially acceptable, so they feel like they could report it," she says.
"I do still think we have to consider the impact of internalized
homophobia â€" that even for people who may have had a same-sex
experience, admitting it, even anonymously, might not be possible. That
could be impacting the difference (in study findings) between men and
women." by: Colonel_Reb


May 10, 2008
Colonel_Reb said:
...or that the number of people who claim to be homosexuals is increasing. I'm shocked these numbers aren't worse, considering the influence the media has on people in general.

Colonel, I would be shocked and also encouraged, except for one thing -- the mention you make just prior to being shocked, about homosexualism. My guess is that some of the drop in sexual activity is not actually due to people having better morals, but because of decreasing hormonal levels in a sickening population. As the healthy attraction between male and female decreases, there is also observed a rise in homosexual activity and other perversions -- and also a decrease in all activity.

There is some data to suggest that at least in males -- man and beast -- there are real problems in the environment tampering with proper development. I would guess that the rise in obesity is also related to these unhealthy hormone levels. And I have only anectdotal evidence for it, but I sure thought that men had deeper voices years ago.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Observer, you make a good point. I think one thing that might go along with that is the huge problem that is the use of pornography. Many men get into that quagmire instead of putting themselves into a relationship with a woman. No doubt obesity plays a part. I know of a few young Whites who can't have children because they are too fat. Sad! There is no doubt in my mind that hormone levels in men have changed in large part to the processed, unhealthy food we eat. Laziness must be considered a factor in the decline of births, etc. As for men having deeper voices, I sure don't know as many basses as I used to. All the ones I did know were older men.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This may have been posted in another thread but is pertinent to the topic. Hormones and chemicals in foods, genetically modified food, certain chemicals used in plastics and other everyday objects, all kinds of chemicals and drugs being found in tap water, chemtrails, people are being weakened from lots of different sources. I remember reading over 25 years ago about rapidly dropping sperm counts in men. People today look different than they did30 or 40 yearsago -- so many are obese or just plain big. Eighth grade students a century ago could easily pass today's college level exams; similarly people were heartier and had much better stamina then than those grazing now.
Japanese Teens, Married Couples Losing Sex Drive

Now for some frigid news from Japan that has nothing to do with winter temperatures: a new government-commissioned study finds that young Japanese men are losing their interest in sex, yet another warning sign in a nation notorious for its low birth rate.

According to the AFP, a whopping 36.1 percent of teenage boys between the ages of 16-19 said they had little to no interest in sex, and in some cases even despised it, more than twice the 2008 figure of 17.5 percent. Futhermore, the survey, conducted in September 2010, reportedly found that 83.7 percent of Japanese men who turned 20 this year were not dating anyone, while 49.3 percent said they had never had a girlfriend. Girls, it seems, are suffering from a similar lack of heat: 59 percent in the same age group felt the same way, up 12 percentage points from 2008.

Kunio Kitamura, head of the clinic of the Japan Family Planning Association which took part in the survey, said the data confirms a wider social belief that younger Japanese men are becoming "herbivorous," a label attached to passive men who do not actively seek women and sex. Many younger people were opting to delay starting a family due to the perceived burden on their finances, lifestyles and careers. "The findings seem to reflect the increasing shallowness of human relations in today's busy society." Kitamura is quoted by CNN as saying.

The study, which reportedly surveyed 1,301 people aged 16 to 49, yielded a handful of other surprises: 40.8 percent of married people said they had not had sex in the past month, up from 36.5 percent in the 2008 survey and 31.9 percent in the 2004 survey, while nearly 50 percent of married people older than 40 years old said they have not had sex in the past month. Some participants claimed work fatigue and reluctance to have sex after childbirth, while others said they "can't be bothered."

"Obviously, the most important reason for Japan's declining birth rate is that people are not having sex," Kitamura told the Telegraph. "Combined with the rising number of elderly people, this population imbalance is a major problem."


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
That is a very eye-opening article, Don. I've read something similar to that before. There are many aspects of modern society that are negatively affecting our desire to develop healthy relationships and have children. Selfishness is one of them, but modern technology is another. Some men in Japan are developing "relationships" with anime characters. It is really sickening stuff.


Jan 28, 2011
What about the prevalence of Soy? Soy is in everything these days.

Doesn't Soy mimic Estrogen in the body. Estrogen is the prevalent female hormone, men absolutely shouldn't be eating anything that produces Estrogen in the body.

Has anyone else heard of this?


Jun 28, 2010
Colonel_Reb said:
Observer, you make a good point. I think one thing that might go along with that is the huge problem that is the use of pornography. Many men get into that quagmire instead of putting themselves into a relationship with a woman. No doubt obesity plays a part. I know of a few young Whites who can't have children because they are too fat. Sad! There is no doubt in my mind that hormone levels in men have changed in large part to the processed, unhealthy food we eat. Laziness must be considered a factor in the decline of births, etc. As for men having deeper voices, I sure don't know as many basses as I used to. All the ones I did know were older men.
Do they know that there is a good chance that they could have children if they just lost the weight?


Jun 28, 2010
Dissident said:
What about the prevalence of Soy? Soy is in everything these days.

Doesn't Soy mimic Estrogen in the body. Estrogen is the prevalent female hormone, men absolutely shouldn't be eating anything that produces Estrogen in the body.

Has anyone else heard of this?

yes this is true. I had my wife stay away from soy when pregnant with our son which is actually harder than you would think. It causes too much of a raise in estrogen levels and can possibly lower testosterone levels significantly. I wonder if that has a factor in the Japanese studies because aren't their diets rich in soy? Yes, alot of processed foods have soy in them, you wouldn't know it unless you looked at the ingredients.

This diet stuff causing problems is only going to get worse. There are 3 year olds eating mcdonalds at least 3 times a week.

Also, the prescription drugs that they are handing out by the millions like the anti depressants will lower sex drive. I know depression really exist, but most 90 percent of the people on these drugs, don't have it. If they would just eat healthier and exercise they wouldn't feel bad (there is a big difference from feeling bad and actual depression)

Edited by: snow


Nov 28, 2009
Dissident said:
What about the prevalence of Soy? Soy is in everything these days.

Doesn't Soy mimic Estrogen in the body. Estrogen is the prevalent female hormone, men absolutely shouldn't be eating anything that produces Estrogen in the body.

Has anyone else heard of this?
You are correct. Men should stay away from soy products. Soy use is fairly heavy in Asian countries, especially Japan, which may explain some of the behaviors of the Japanese males, although soy has been used there for ages which doesn't entirely explain their behavior. The only food item with soy in it that I knowingly ingest is when I eat Miso soup at a Japanese restaurant.

I first read about the "herbivore" situation of Japanese males about four years ago in an online NYT article. I then researched more about it and it seemed to be a combination of factors causing it. Japanese diets are pretty natural to begin with, not containing a whole lot of processed and chemically-laden foods, but is heavy on soy products, so that is probably a factor. Also, in some of the interviews I read of some of the self-described "herbivores", they said modern society in Japan was just too stressful and many saw their fathers work 100-hours a week and spend very little time with their family, often dying on the job. This extends into the academic arena where it is extremely intense and competitive to get into a good school or get a continuing education at a good university just to be able to have the possible privilege of then working 100 hours a week. Such intense stress is not a healthy environment for the male sexual organ and its function.

In addition, because of the unfortunate feminist movement there (although not nearly as radical as the one that has culturally degraded the West and will eventually eradicate it), many of these "herbivores" had only one or, at most, two siblings, and, with dad working 100-hour weeks, left them basically alone, isolated, with only a doting mom (if he wasn't dumped off at a day-care center) around for company and support. Thus, many Japanese males entered into a fantasy world filled with anime,
whether it be video games or comic books, to deal with the isolation, or simply committed suicide.

Not helping things was that with daddy's constant absence at work, he would replace his fatherly affections of love with large amounts of spending money...especially for the girls. The girls would then use this money to drop $300 on purses, go on vacations to Hawaii, etc. and became very materialistic "little daddy's girls" with high expectations, further increasing the pressure on their Japanese male peers and increasing the divide.

The Japanese males finally said "f*ck it" and have collectively decided not to participate in this type of society at all, collectively and silently promulgating the Bushido concept of "seppuku" meaning "the only way out for a defeated samuai is death or ritualistic suicide."
Edited by: Highlander


Nov 28, 2009
As far as the West goes, yes, chemicals and soy are now well-laden in our food supplies and is a big factor in the physical and mental decline of the populace. "Organic" milk of today was simply the normal milk delivered to people at their doorstop in the 1970's and before. This goes the same for meats, cheeses, etc. Also, I don't believe flouride in the public water supply was as ubiquitous 30 or 40 years ago as it is now (which is known to deteriorate one mentally...probably intentionally.)

Also, fast food joints were rare in the 1970's, especially the early 1970's, before the "Women's Movement" gained mainstream and national steam. I mention this because many CF'ers were born in the 1980's or late 1970's and have no idea how different things used to be. Those of us born in the 60's or before have the ability to "compare and contrast" to see how much things have changed in society and culture (mostly for the worse.) The whole reason why there are so many of these fast food joints and so many of these chemically-laden processed foods now is because of what happened in the early 1970's.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I think homosexual isn't rising just the people practising it.A good indicar is threesome personally I wouldn't like it but of the women that are open for it 58% prefers with 2 men, 27% 1men and 1women 7% doens't mather the gender and 8.5% 2 women.of the women that call themselves straight 3% would prefer and biggest dream is sex with 2 women.that are the ones as a guy you have the greatest chance of losing to a women later in life lol.

I couldn't find it for guys but I think a bigger % would prefer the opposite sex because are more straight on average.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
snow said:
Colonel_Reb said:
No doubt obesity plays a part. I know of a few young Whites who can't have children because they are too fat.
Do they know that there is a good chance that they could have children if they just lost the weight?

Sure they do, and some have worked hard to lose weight so they can have children. Others are too selfish though and would rather eat themselves to an early grave instead of disciplining themselves and losing weight.