New TV Shows and the promotion of miscegenation

One thing I've noticed lately on the Jbox is that male and female characters are generally the same height. What a joke, a 5'8''woman is tall, a man the same height is not. One other thing is that most of weather girls are uglier than the average woman on the street. I remember back in the 60's when the weather girls were pretty much all beautiful. They can fool alot of men about somethings but making them believe that Sarah Jessica Parker and her ilk are attractive only works on a special kind of stupid.
My wife was watching the TalmudVision the other night & (par for the course) an ad for the TV show "Private Practice" had the miscegenation front & center...with a pretty redhead coal-burning with an untermensch buck. Typical filth drivel from das juden of "Hollyweird".

Edited by: DixieDestroyer

My Generation: ABC TV Show Cancelled After Two Episodes

Despite a lot of promotion, My Generation stumbled out of the gate and now ABC has cancelled it after two episodes. If you were watching the ratings, this doesn't come as a surprise.

ABC has got to be the lamest network right now? In my mind, it certainly is.
Why wouldn't a black couple use their points to visit Hawaii. They would want to see where Barack Obama was born
Ever notice in recent times how white male characters are portrayed as sniveling, nerdy, indecisive, antagonistic sissies?
j41181 said:
Ever notice in recent times how white male characters are portrayed as sniveling, nerdy, indecisive, antagonistic sissies?

That's a result of all the lame office, courtroom and hospital TV shows. Where are the adventure TV shows? And "Lost" doesn't count!

I watch "Supernatural" and "Burn Notice." Those are some BAD White dudes..
Yo, they added sistah Vanessa Williams to "Desperate Housewives" - and doesn't it look like she's playin' wit "da White boys?"

What is this world coming to?
I wouldn't go near her.
I thought Nip/Tuck was a great show. Two successful white plastic surgeons chasing tail and being chauvinistic cornholes while working medical miracles. Now, FX has Justified, a great show about a white U.S. Marshal who is always cool while justifiably shooting bad guys and always getting laid. I'm awaiting the second season of Justified.
"Yo, they added sistah Vanessa Williams to "Desperate Housewives" - and doesn't it look like she's playin' wit "da White boys?"

Pretty soon they'll start pairing us with "sistahs" that look like Esther Rolle, Weezy Jefferson and Aunt Esther from Sanford & Son.
This is a very disturbing video from a TV show in the once beautiful land of Sweden. It's so bad, that I will only link the Youtubepage and notembed thevideo here.It goes from stupid to extremely gross at 1:09, so CF posters beware.

The key to understanding the purpose ofthis disturbingvideo might come atthe 46 to 50second mark....why should I surprised, even though it is Sweden, not the US?...I wonder if it's the same troll thatpostson this site using different names.

Translated Version (subtitles) by: Truthteller
Truthteller said:
This is a very disturbing video from a TV show in the once beautiful land of Sweden. It's so bad, that I will only link the Youtubepage and notembed thevideo here.It goes from stupid to extremely gross at 1:09, so CF posters beware.

<div>Translated Version (subtitles)</div>
It is disturbing, especially considering the fact that it's on Swedish State television, which means that it's supported by taxpayer dollars. It's what happens to a country when it is allowed to be taken over by a feminist matriarchy whose stated goal is to destroy men, especially White men, the ones that "allowed" them to have this power in the first place.

It was a huge and collective "sh*t test" by the women of Sweden on the men of Sweden many years ago when the women were trying to push "equal rights" and "women's rights", etc. (what women say they want and what they really want are two separate things) and the men collectively failed it by giving them those rights...and more. Thus, "their" men are no longer worthy in their eyes and this youtube clip is the social consequence. This is the reason why this "once beautiful land of Sweden" is no longer that way and hasn't been for some time. This is pretty much the same situation in Denmark and other Western European countries as well.

There's not much of a choice left for the relatively few traditional Swedish men that wanted no part of this, they are simply outnumbered, and for the past several years or more they are leaving Sweden for other places like Thailand, etc. where they can have a more traditional and satisfying relationship and life. The girls there love Swedish men and Sweden. I know a couple of them that have youtube links that showcase traditional Swedish culture. That's what they believe it is still like in Sweden and are enamored by it...and the men. If only they knew.
Racism and Intolerance happen because of Multiculturalism. Diversity will never be a good thing. People have a NATURAL tendency to stick to their OWN racial & cultural heritage. Homogeneous & Monolithic societies have always been better.

Multiculturalism aka Diversity SUCKS!!!!
Highlander said:
Truthteller said:
This is a very disturbing video from a TV show in the once beautiful land of Sweden. It's so bad, that I will only link the Youtube page and not embed the video here. It goes from stupid to extremely gross at 1:09, so CF posters beware.
I would like to redo this video and have the non-Swedes be dressed up in gorilla costumes. (hey it's still diversity)
I wish the original video could be shown to Swedes in the 1950's,and say, see this is what your liberal lobotomies has led to.
Edited by: Wristshot
My wife was watching that drivel on ABC ("Always Bolshevik Crap") the other night & it appears the makers of cultural marxist & miscegenation laden "Gray's Anatomy" & "Private Practice" (2 of the worst shows off all time) are rolling out another piece of filth...."Off the Map". Yet 1 more "doctors in love" show chalked full of PC fantasies & race mixing. One of these shows shows writer/director/producers (Shonda Rhimes) is a sistuh & the other (Betsy arch-leftist) is also a "womern".

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The type of woman that likes the "preppy" or snobby type of male, will almost certainly go for only white men. So thats why I model my apearance around Patrick Bateman. Blacks cant pull off the snobby look.

Sure, the snobs are shallow, but they dont hang around with darkies.
Truthteller said:
This is a very disturbing video from a TV show in the once beautiful land of Sweden. It's so bad, that I will only link the Youtubepage and notembed thevideo here.It goes from stupid to extremely gross at 1:09, so CF posters beware.

The key to understanding the purpose ofthis disturbingvideo might come atthe 46 to 50second mark....why should I surprised, even though it is Sweden, not the US?...I wonder if it's the same troll thatpostson this site using different names.

Translated Version (subtitles)

Looks like the video was removed. Do you have another link or can you give a brief synopsis of what happens in the commercial?
I watched CSI Miami and there was a hot white woman on the show who was murdered. We eventually find out she was married and guess who the husband was? The husband didn't murder her.Edited by: Europe
Europe said:
I watched CSI Miami and there was a hot white woman on the show who was murdered. We eventually find out she was married and guess who the husband was? The husband didn't murder her.

...suuure he didn't.
ANOTHER White man/colored woman interracial movie was on, and is on again now, on "ABC Family."

If I would wager a guess, 2011 will have a couple dozen more of these "similar" programs.
DixieDestroyer said:
My wife was watching that drivel on ABC ("Always Bolshevik Crap") the other night &amp; it appears the makers of cultural marxist &amp; miscegenation laden "Gray's Anatomy" &amp; "Private Practice" (2 of the worst shows off all time) are rolling out another piece of filth...."Off the Map". Yet 1 more "doctors in love" show chalked full of PC fantasies &amp; race mixing. One of these shows shows writer/director/producers (Shonda Rhimes) is a sistuh &amp; the other (Betsy arch-leftist) is also a "womern".

I sawan ad for the new showalso. In a society rife with Cultural Marxism, ABC seems to stand out as one of the mostpersistent purveyors of this filth.It's no surprise that ABC ismerged with Robert Iger's Disney.
Okay this might seem odd (maybe just dreamt it), but I often recall a particular movie (in HBO, I think) several years back about a wannabe BLACK Jewish rapper having a "forbidden" relationship with a White Jewish Girl. To keep it simple, the white Jewish girl would eventually run off and "elope" with the Black Jew, much to the dismay of her parents, brothers, and relatives. The ending has them overcoming their "obstacles" and having a child together (how touching).

I can't really recall it well since I saw it just once (don't remember title either).
Does anyone's spouse/gf/daughter/sister/female family member watch the Fox TV show "Glee"? Every episode deals with homosexuals running rampant throughout the high school. Since when did 30% of a high school's population become gay? Another big "theme" in the show is Virginity. Who's losing it, who has not lost it, and dammed be the ones that are the big V. I know about half of people lose "it" in high school but this show really must put pressure on adolescents to get jiggy with it as the show deems those that don't as LOSERS! Additionally, the most masculine character is the gelled hair bow tie wearing Choir/Dance teacher. This is a MUST MISS show for any member of this website. Be sure to steer your kids away from it.