Nebraska Schools Ban Term ‘Boys And Girls’, Train Teachers To Avoid ‘Gendered Expressions’

Lol so ridiculous. There should be an uproar but probably not.
I haven't seen it on any new source except linked with "prison planet", so it would be nice if it was a false rumor...except it is right in line with what they are doing on all fronts.
The people who support this sort of thing are completely deranged.
The sanctimonious experts who suggest and espouse crap like this are almost always the same sort who have disrespectful, piece of sh*t children (assuming anyone even wants to procreate with them), daughters who get knocked up at age fifteen, druggie sons, and out of wedlock affairs.

They're also usually the same sort who bilk whatever system they're gaming somehow to get paid more than they're worth, and drive around town in a luxury car in a gated neighborhood, telling everyone how all races are equal (so long as the darkies stay in their own neighborhood at night, right?)

They're almost always the people who get caught eventually in some kind of scandal, usually a sexually deviant one.

Meanwhile these cretins see fit to tell everyone else what to do.

The idea that calling a boy a boy, and a girl a girl, is somehow WRONG, is in itself indicative of mental illness on the part of the dumbass who suggested it.
From now on children will be called IT. So ridiculous I see why so many people homeschooling/private school these days.
From now on children will be called IT. So ridiculous I see why so many people homeschooling/private school these days.
Yes, when I have children I cannot fathom sending them to a government school. No matter how White the district I live in is.
They will have to ban books. Many books use the term boys and girls. Then movies and TV have to be banned. Has anyone told the central committee how stupid this sounds?
With examples like this it's easy to see through the facades of "women's rights", "gay rights", and "equal rights" that leftists have long campaigned under.

What the left really wants is to eliminate all gender differences and eliminate the heterosexual family unit. Now that they've made gains in other avenues (women becoming independent, gays marrying, gays adopting or even procreating through surrogacy) they're starting to be more open about their end goal, which is genocidal in nature and focuses on exterminating the heterosexual traditional family unit.

What's funny is that if 20 years ago, you would have said feminists and liberals are trying to exterminate the heterosexual family, people would have laughed at you and said you're paranoid. Unfortunately, you would have been absolutely corrrect.

Ive read stories of school boys in Sweden and Denmark being forced to dress as girls and play with girls toys, and girls being dressed as boys because according to leftists and feminists this combats "gender inequality" and "sexism". This will no doubt be coming to North America in the coming years, in fact it already is here on a smaller scale.

The best thing I can suggest to traditional whites is to send your children to an Islamic school. In Islamic schools children are taught traditional gender roles. Leftists are afraid to challenge Islamic institutions out of fear of being labelled racist. So, Islamic schools are the best choice if you want your kids taught traditional values.

Christian churches and schools are embarrassments as they now support gay rights, women priests, and even gay priests (all 3 are in direct violation of The Bible, but these fraudulent Christians have still managed to justify their beliefs).
American Freedom News