NBA executive jumps out of closet!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I guess this puts a whole new spin on "Kobe tell me how my a#@ tastes!"...
Notice how BSPN handpicked the three comments under the article from commenters. Those three comments weren't the newest OR first 3 comments made, but were all along the same PC lines. Most of the comments I read were basically like "who cares, it's his personal life." Some comments about some gays being pushed into the lifesytle from a broken family life or an abusive father rather than 100% genetics. Of course the three comments BSPN selected were 100% PC.
This guy is 58 years old, probably rich, well connected, and no doubt everybody in his life has known he was a f@g since they met him. What this has to do with 'gay athletes' is nothing. Just more programming for the masses. He says he wants to "mentor" other gay people. I bet he does.
This is what I dislike about a lot of gay people. They can't just be gay and STFU and live their lives, but NOOOOOO they have to throw it in everyone's face.

Homophobes don't make it an issue, homosexuals make it an issue in their constant, neurotic desire to justify themselves.

If he told me that, I'd say dude, who cares? Just shut up already, F**k!
I have no problems with homosexuals as you are most defininetly born that way. You dont choose your sexuality as people with down syndrome choose to be retarded. Im not comparing the two just saying that its quite obvious its genetic though some confused individuals do cross that border on occasion. My point is that there is nothing wrong with homophobia. When I hear or see about two guys kissing it makes me want to puke. There is nothing wrong about hating the idea of 2 guys having relations with each other. Just dont take a tire iron to them if you see it happening. Its okay to hate it but much smarter to not take action against it at least through violence.
I bet ol' "Sodomite Sammy" really enjoys those locker room visits.
DixieDestroyer said:
I bet ol' "Sodomite Sammy" really enjoys those locker room visits.
He's not gonna enjoy them much no more...

them affletes are gonna give him the eyeball.

If I was this twit, I'd keep it closed in, so that I can enjoy staring more at them booties.
mattharper said:
I have no problems with homosexuals as you are most defininetly born that way. You dont choose your sexuality as people with down syndrome choose to be retarded. Im not comparing the two just saying that its quite obvious its genetic.
FootballDad said:
mattharper said:
I have no problems with homosexuals as you are most defininetly born that way. You dont choose your sexuality as people with down syndrome choose to be retarded. Im not comparing the two just saying that its quite obvious its genetic.

Ditto, Football Dad.
I don't think it's natural or something your born with someone of that persuasion comes out of the closet to see what the reaction of society will be. It's like they are testing the rest of us to see if we will accept them I simply can't, and won't accept that life style around me or my children. I have had family members come out of the closet, and I wish I could of pusheed them back in the damn closet. What's the point of coming out if your 30 years old, and have never had a girlfriend or been seen with a girl odds are you are gay and we as your family have already figured it out. No need to come out, and make a big scene to screw up the social event we might be at. My point is if your gay keep it to yourself because odds are most people have already figured out that you are.I will never understand Homo's and the way the act. It is hard for me a happily married very straight man not to look at all the beautiful ladies and think damn wish I was single. How a man can be attracted to another man is gross, and really hard for alot of people to understand me being one of them. Bottom line you want to be gay keep it to your damn self, because many people really don't care what you are just don't come around me or my family. Last point the day they should allow same sex marraige is the day two gay people can make a child naturally if they can't then in the eyes of the almighty this is not a real freaking marraige.
Never heard of Dick Welts and don't care. ESPN continues to propigate its social agenda at every opportunity. Every day there's a special report on something gay, brown, disabled or female. Every discussion panel contains a disproportionate number of minority commentators. It's to the point that I do not watch ESPN except to watch a game. And then, I avoid all promos, pregames and half-times, because of all the nauseating BS.
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