NBA Draft

Impi, interesting insights. Not everyone here agrees on everything, and a couple posters besides you just on this thread disagreed with the characterization of Okafor and May as thugs. As long as you make your points intelligently and rationally you should have no problem posting here, though you also have to have a thick skin when others disagree with you.

I think you're right that the media glorifies the gangsta mentality in black athletes just as it does with rap music at the expense of those blacks who are offended by that entire "lifestyle" and attitude. The fact that the media is biased in favor of black athletes doesn't necessarily mean that their agenda is to lift up blacks. The agenda is to keep the present ruling coalition in power and keep everyone else divided and weak. One of the ways to keep everyone else down is to dumb them down. Anyone, white or black, smitten with the gangsta attitude is someone doomed to apowerless and negative existence in this society save the chosen few who make it in sports or music.
Don Wassall said:
Pretty amazing that guys like McNamara, Gansey and Pittsnogle weren't drafted, yet five players from UConn were!!!  

Here's the thing. I don't need NBA team to be all white for me to watch them. I just want a few players to identify with. It's simple marketing. In the old days baseball teams would sign ethnic players just to draw in fans of that particular ethnicity. Italians, Polish, etc. Even Jackie Robinson was an example of that.

Even if you feel that white players are not any good, there are certainly a few that have played well enough to merit some consideration. EXAMPLE: my hometown team the Detroit Pistons drafted one player: Blaylock or somebody out of Iowa. Maybe he is good but he was picked last, 60th in the draft. The local paper lists his best asset as "he runs the floor well". OK. great. A basketball player that runs the floor well. Nice pick.

The Pistons also traded for a guy from Senegal. Frickin' Senegal!!!! I have been cheering for guys like Pitnsoggle and Gansey for several years and the top guys in Detroit think I want to watch a guy from Senegal.

I don't watch the team much. Nobody I really like. If they had drafted Pittsnoggle and played him some I would watch them a lot. There have to be other guys like me, not just on this site, because I felt this way before I became aware of the caste system. And I hear guys talk, there is a lot of anger and resentment out there. Doesn't make the media, but in a way that is even worse.

So why doesn't this simple marketing ploy that has been used by teams for decades apply anymore? I wonder. It almost seems as if there is a conscious attempt to actually denigrate white people as much as possible. There is no good financial or common sense reason to ignore a significant sector of the fan base. It is in fact stupid. Yet it is pervasive. Odd
The Pistons and most NBA teams sell out every game or come pretty close. Every team draws at least 15,000 per game now. Most of their revenue is generated through corporations buyingluxury boxes as well as many of the season tickets.

Corporate media outlets pay lots of money to the league to televise the games, and other corporations pay lots of $ to advertise during the games. The same corporate logic is behind ESPN and the rest of the sports promotion and entertainmentindustry. Other corporations pay for naming rights, advertising within stadiums, etc. Sports, like everything else in this country, has gone completely corporate, and the corporate agenda for the U.S., like that of the government,does not include a significant role for the white middle class.Sports hasbeen absorbed into the larger agenda of forcing "diversity" and "multiculturalism" on whites, i.e., the phasing out of non-wealthy whites and their replacement with a deracinatedmass of mindless consumers.

For all practical purposesJoe Fan has been priced out of the arena/stadium and the businessmen and social engineers who run things could care less. Joe Fan's role is to watch the games on TV and drink beer and fart while cheering on the black heroes who want to datehis daughters, and then talk sports during the week with his buddies and listen to the sports call-in shows, a roleJoe performs all too well.
Jay Bilas was so bad. He mocks Bargnani's athleticism yet praises the athleticism of some big black stiffs. Which is why he will be an ESPN fixture for years to come. he passed the ESPN test-you know the one-"I solelemly swear to overpraise black speed etc and call whites athletic stiffs until the end of time blah blah blah" Barganani looks like a GREAT athlete to me. The guy is over 7 feet and he looks like a large guard out there. Moving around like butter with quickness and agility. And the raptors just made a trade to allow the Italian a chance at more playing time . Good. He is a better athlete than practically everyone else in the draft.
In fact Bilas' voice and excitement level was attuned to blacks and their athleticism. He pretty much dismissed the white guys in the area of speed etc. I mean Sergio Rodriguez is very quick and exciting---but Bilas would have none of it--.
Two Israeli athletes were chosen. The forward Lior Eliyaho is considered a top flight athlete.
Several other good white athletes were chosen but you wouldn't know it by the coverage. Damir Markota is an excellent leaper. A few other foreigners are really good athletes too. And how can Bilas get away with calling Reddick a one trick pony when he beat Gay in the foot race. He also called Carney a world class athlete--anyone have his listed time in the 100 meters yeh right. And his vertical leap is less then 40". Yeh a real OLYMPIAN. Jay Bilas--why doesn't he just marry one of the "gifted freakish black athletes" --like Joe Theisman who is Michael Vick's love puppy. These guys make me want to puke they are so over the top.
On a postitive note unlike Bilas Andy Katz is a much more considered reporter.
Next year will be even worse as the media will drool to the likes of Greg Oden and other young black prospects.
More pseudo homo swooning on the way--times 10.
Life sucks.
I think with some commentators unless a white athlete wins a footrace with official timing, the athlete will never be fast. If he is timed fast then well he doesn't play at that speed. It's pathetic ingrained seeing what you want to see. That's why I like boxing and track and field. If you wobble a guy and drop him for the 10 count it's conclusive, and in track if you have the better time or distance nobody can take the win away from you.........
Don Wassall said:
The Pistons and most NBA teams sell out every game or come pretty close.  Every team draws at least 15,000 per game now.  Most of their revenue is generated through corporations buying luxury boxes as well as many of the season tickets. 

Corporate media outlets pay lots of money to the league to televise the games, and other corporations pay lots of $ to advertise during the games.  The same corporate logic is behind ESPN and the rest of the sports promotion and entertainment industry. Other corporations pay for naming rights, advertising within stadiums, etc.  Sports, like everything else in this country, has gone completely corporate, and the corporate agenda for the U.S., like that of the government, does not include a significant role for the white middle class.  Sports has been absorbed into the larger agenda of forcing "diversity" and "multiculturalism" on whites, i.e., the phasing out of non-wealthy whites and their replacement with a deracinated mass of mindless consumers.

For all practical purposes Joe Fan has been priced out of the arena/stadium and the businessmen and social engineers who run things could care less.  Joe Fan's role is to watch the games on TV and drink beer and fart while cheering on the black heroes who want to date his daughters, and then talk sports during the week with his buddies and listen to the sports call-in shows, a role Joe performs all too well.<!-- Message ''"" -->

Don, I agree with you almost completely and it was well stated also. However there are still some cases where the "market" function of white racial fan loyalty (as small as it is) could be a factor. Not all teams sell out every game. yes the Pistons do not need my ticket so they don't have to care but that is not the case for all teams.

The large LA market has been unable to support a football franchise. Surely there are many corporate interests that could do it by themselves but they still need some fan support.

In Detroit the Tigers were dreadful and bleeding red ink until recently when they started winning and Joe Sixpack started going to games to the tune of 40,000 a night.

Teams lose money and fail and have to move, look at the Washington Nationals. Perhaps if they had made their product more attractive to various special groups while in Montreal then they would have been more succesful. Imagine if the Expos had declared the team "Canada'a Team" and filled the roster with as many Canadian players as possible. They might have been able to survive. The team would have also been all white instead of the typical Expo (and Blue Jay) teams of that era that were mostly black.

Although that is not always enough. Minnesota could not hold on to the Northstars in hockey (if you can believe that!!) so nothing is guarenteed. We need a Branch Rickey type GM (who realized his Dodgers could not compete in a market vs. the NY Giants and Yankees unless he appealed to an untapped market segment: negroes.) to come through for us. Although I will not hold my breath waiting for it to happen.
It's been a long time since a franchise move was justified by a lack of fan support. Every team in the four major professional sports draws reasonably well these days, and corporate purchasing of season tickets has ended the days of crowds of 3,000 in baseball, basketball and hockey. The reasons franchises have moved in the past generation is because of poor management by the ownership, or because a city refused to meet the demands (threats is probably a better word) of an owner demanding a new stadium or a more advantageous lease arrangement.

The L. A. Rams drew 60,000 or so a game. So did the L.A. Raiders. But neither played in an up to date corporate palace with the latest in skyboxes and other forms of revenue generating gimmicks. Minnesota was always a great hockey market; the owner left for Dallas for reasons of greed, or more generously put, a better profit margin. Cities build new arenas and stadiums and offer basically rent-free arrangements in order to entice an existing franchise to move.A team's existing city has no choice but to match or lose the team.

One might call it the free market at work, but the professional leagues maintain their monopolies in their sports by making many socialistic arrangements between their member franchises. I think a team owes loyalty to the community it plays in before carpetbagging purely for more profit. Of course I feel the same way about factories and small businesses and American jobs and industries in general, but the system doesn't.

I'm not disagreeing with you in the least, Jaxvid, just notingthe corporate takeover of every aspect of sports and howownership has no interest in doing right by the white athlete or the white fan in any racial sense. There's no genuineloyalty to community, to folk and faith and traditional values in any institution of society anymore, sports included. The Caste System exists because it fits the overall corporate/government agenda when it comes to race, immigration, and economic policy, and because it's very profitable for the corporations that engineer and manage it. It would most likely be just as profitable if not more so were white athletes treated fairly, but since they don't have to be, so much the better.Edited by: Don Wassall
bigunreal said:
(LaFrentz and poor Dan Dickau, who will never get a chance to show his stuff)

Actually Dickau got to start quite a few games when he was playing for the (then) New Orleans Hornets and he had to start when Baron Davis was injured. He had a few games where he scored 20+ points if I recall correctly. In fact it was his performance there that prompted the Hornets to give him another Contract.
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