NBA 22% White

This dicussion is very interesting. I have to say that if you compare
xtremes like a guy from ICELAND and a guy from NIGERIA the differences
between races will be pretty evident. But, lets say that you get a bike and
travel all over Europe, it would be very difficult to draw a line between the
"white race" and something else (BULGARIA, RUMANIA, CAUCASUS etc)
I respect ToughJ.Riggins opinion when he states "Nationalist societies that
are isolated have been more successful and lack racial tensions" but I
don't agree. But I guess that it´s a philosophical matter, I believe that
the biggest sign of decadence, is when a culture refuses to accept
influences from the outside world (the French prohiting the use of English
What I am trying to say is that you are never going to end this argument
of who is white and who's not white, because any division that you make
will be arbitrary.

P.S. I don´t have anything against the french, I love their culture and their
language, it was just an example.
CK-BREO. If you're talking about cultural diffusion from the days before fast travel, than isolation is definitely bad as far as technological advances etc. My point was on immigration policy. Countries like Japan and Sweden for example which have very little non-ethnic swiss or Japanesse in their respective countries are faring very well, as far as peace, stability and nobel peace prize awards as well these days. Also you can see what the French's immigration policy has gotten them with the tension between the ethinic French and the French Arabs, who are angry about discrimination. French Arabs are claiming they are confined to the lower level jobs and lower socio-economic class. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I was talking to a couple of guys here in Orlando and they both said Augustines parents were both white. So what gives? He sure looks white in person, features and hair show "white" characteristics. Yet I have heard several say he is part black .
Staley Was Screwed,

Augustine's mom is white. His dad is probably mixed, but considered
black. His dad's name is Dale Augustine, and he is an assitant football
coach out in the Chicago suburbs (I live in Chicago).

I used to think that Augustine was completely white as well, but during
the Illini's season, I saw him with his head shaved and he looked
somewhat mixed. So I looked into it on the internet and it turns out he is
part black.

I've met a few other people who have so much white blood iin them that
you would swear they were completely white. He is probably around 3/4
to 7/8 white. Hell, Derek Jeter has green//blue eyes! How much white
blood do you have to have in you to have blue eyes? He's a lot more than
50% white.

I guess that is where some of this intermixing leads. But Augustine is still
a good athlete and with that much white blood in him, you can make up
your own mind as to whether to root for him or not. I just am trying to
put all the info on the table.
Yahh Tim Duncan would be a good example of a 1/2 white guy. Most black americans are part white. Averaging about 20%.
Well i just checked a few of Augustine's pictures off of He is definatly part black.
Here are two examples of Mongoloid whites...

Since when is catherine bell a mongoloid? Nice effort though.
JerveyGotGypped said:
Elitist snobs with any sort of functional command of history know that Eugenics is alot like Communism: It's a great idea on paper, but a logistical nightmare in practice. Besides, people sort those things out in real-time. That's what psychosexual selection is all about.

So, it's the old "they're making us White men out to look like effete twerps!" meme again? Now all the good White Women will be psychosexually selecting for the Darkies, right? That one has a way of creeping into alot of these threads.

That sh*t is best left on Nationalism boards, so liberal fence-sitters like myself can say "Jesse Lumsden got the shaft because he's not Black!" without being lumped in with the Eugenicist Skadi-prop.

Purenescience. Utter rejectamenta. Why did they let this inanej00 on here?

Are jews allowed on here? Jews aren't of europid stock.

Edited by: uwf
Kaptain Poop said:
Jerve, what is your ethnicity? I may have you confused with another poster, but I thought you mentioned that you were of Jewish ethnicity. Jewish culture is among the most ethnocentric eugenic oriented cultures in the world. Strange how you would insist that we lose our desire to maintain the purity of our own gene pool.

What do you expect from some acerbral primatej00-bag?

Jews control most the professional sports teams in the U.S.

Especially basketball, baseballand football. They are also deeply embeded in the collegiate system.There are also somesocialistic/pc/leftisteuro-americans of course but it is primarely ilkof jewish extract which impliment and run the caste system. They also own the major news media and espn, si, etc etc. Radio as well. Mel karmizin ala clear channel. Murray rothstein, aka sumner redstone, yadda yadda yadda

Edited by: uwf


gypsy? iranian? I wouldn't offer my seed to this primate. Shemight be good for a reach around though.
Edited by: uwf
Fairskin is obviously important, it's what we are. Facial features, skull, body,structures, eye colors,and europid charactoristicsare what make us european/euro-american. The whole blackand white thing is obviously important but I look at othermain factors as well. Fairskin is excellent. A roman tan is fine aslong as there aremajority europid charactoristics, featuresor traits.

Athough it is important not toaccepttheglobalist stigmacatagorizing us only as whites per se.That diminishes us I feel. We are all europids Or indoeuropeans pavel podkolzine. A siberian slavonic.

Now if one is more mongrel or asiaticthan slavonic, thenimo he is not one of us.

However I would still support him over a ******* any day. But I'd support aeuro or indo euro over him if it came down to the two.

I supportpeople who are of europid stock or whatmanytend to classify Inplebeian-esqueamerica as"white".

Soif you're1/16 amer indian but amajority of eurostock then I would support you,athletically speaking. I may prefermy daughter date a german-american though.I would disown if she dated a person ofnon-europid stock.

As faras euros go, it is our differences which make us great and I do not want to see us all turn into a dark haired, brown eyed, fair or darkskinned mix.

When I go to scandinavia I want to seesome real blondes, some blue or green eyes, etc.

When I go to italy I don't want to see arab mixedilk, somaliansor semetic trash. I want to see italianos.Gianmarco pozzeccos, basiles,marconatos, bargnanis, rocco siffredis, mario batalis, roccodisperidos,galandas,travoltas,& amp; amp; amp; nbsp;stalones, types,etc.

m. soragna sort of being questionableto me "maybe".

Okur I would say has more euro stock, the tall in those regions tend to be moreblue bloodlines. Which oftenmeans indo-european extract. Paugasol is ablue blood as well imo but it's not even a question about him.

Turkoglu is more mongol andasiatic with some euro strains and i'd support him over an afropoid. But I wouldn't support him over aeuro. imo

pleaseignore mypoor spelling, i'm quitetired and had a long night of coding.

cheersEdited by: uwf
"Mongrel" is a pretty derogatory term for a mixed race person or mixed breed animal. Just curious (not that it would bother me), is that how you meant it?
there's no point in being pc about it. we could use a diffrent name but they'd stillbe nowhere near a europid. as i said i believe okur hasmore indo europeanstock in himas other posters and modsalluded to. i.e. turkeyhas afairly vast mix of different people. somestill dominantly of indo-europeanextract obviously. turkoglu is more mongol/asiatic mixed,whichsome might call a true turk.i'd support him over anegroid but not an italian like say, bargnani,or pozzecco.nor would i support turkoglu over a slav like mario kasun. Edited by: uwf
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