Naive (White?) Parents

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Parents of girls soccer team not only let them babysit for the coach, the girls hadteam sleepoversat his house. I'd be willing to bet that these parents are white,the kind that get allgoogly-eyed over a seemingly friendly Negro.

My daughter is 14 and I doubt I would even have let her be on the team, much less have a sleep over.
Since we're on the topic of naive (or completely ignorant) White
parents, let's save a bullet for those idiotic Whiites that buy
"authentic replica gear" for their kids.

Is it just me, or does anyone else get nauseous when they see a White
grade-schooler dressed in a Vick jersey (or Iverson, Jordan,
etc.)? How depraved must someone be to WANT their children to
emulate a semi-literate negro, whose only "contribution" to society is
the ability to run or bounce a ball?

And I agree that White girls should NEVER put in a situation where
blacks (and especially black males) are in a superior position.
Anyone could have predicted this outcome.
Is it just me, or does anyone else get nauseous when they see a White grade-schooler dressed in a Vick jersey (or Iverson, Jordan, etc.)?

I actually saw a about 15 year old whigger at the mall wearing a Kobe Bryant jersey (blue Lakers Throw-back). It is probably one of the worst things I have seen in awhile.

Sadly I was babysitting a relative who was with me, if I hadn't have had to be responsible for my relatives well being I would have given the young whigger a piece of my mind.

(my personal policy when it comes to sports gear is to just purchase generic team name stuff without *any* athletes name on it. For one thing you never know when the guy is going to get traded and then your stuff will be totally out of date!)Edited by: Uberberserker
He kinda looks like a scummy Mexican to me. Nothing says "child molester" like a scummy Mexican in a wifebeater shirt with a sh*t-grin mug shot. Blacks seem to be more the attack rape type.
Barney "****" Frank is a child molester and he is in
congress. There are tons of school teachers who molest children
too. Youth Soccer coaches tend to molest children too. I
don't think all of the parents where white. I bet some where
mexican. Scum like that tends to stick with its own kind.
American said:
Barney "****" Frank is a child molester and he is in congress. There are tons of school teachers who molest children too. Youth Soccer coaches tend to molest children too. I don't think all of the parents where white. I bet some where mexican. Scum like that tends to stick with its own kind.

I knowFrank had a male prostitute as his "partner" but I'd never heard of child molesting charges. Are you sure of that?
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