Myron rolle Rhodes Scholar

thats dumb, he got enough coverage, and he would have got even more if he was as dominant as Tebow on the field and on a more-than-OK team. Still a good story though.
All I have heard about in relation to Florida State is this kid. Sorry writer of the article, but your argument is falling on deaf ears.
Been there done that, heard the same silly reaching-for-straws whining a million times.

This line from the article isbreath-takingly hilariousin its ignorance of basic history. It reads like a third grader giving a class report:

"Sure, racism and sexism exist everywhereâ€â€￾there is no denying that. However, as a nation, we have moved very quickly from the 1960s, and even 1970s, when even drinking out of the same water fountain for whites and blacks was unacceptable."

To the extent they existed (almost exclusivelyin the South) the practice of segregated water fountains ended in the mid- to late '60s. During the '70s the racial revolution, for better or worse had been well underway, including the change in attitudes it caused. Even for a budding Cultural Marxist like this one, that's an amazingly stupid assertion.

The whole article is silly. Is Tebow more publicized than Michael Vick or Vince Young were in college? Has any famous black athlete ever been subjected to all the conjecture about switching positions or whether he can even play in the NFL? Has there ever been a white "Terrelle Pryor" when it comes to hype before he ever even played a college game?

And what about the countless outstanding white college players who are also scholars and great students?In reality the media does a tremendous job of downplaying and "whitewashing" the epidemic of criminality among black high school, college and pro athletes.

Tebow's an all-time great, he deserves lots of recognition for what he's done, individually and team-wise.This clown is too blinkered by ideology and anti-white feelings to see that Tebow is already widely disliked and resented by the media and DWFs. If he becomes less than a superstar in the NFL the triumphant chorus from them and many others piling on will be deafening.
Don, I totally overlooked the bit about the segregated fountains. Yes,by the end of 1966those were pretty much a thing of the past.
if i recall correctly, the past several years have seen the Academic All-American teams made up with an all-white roster. this year, i think Rolle and Brian Robiskie from Ohio State were the only blacks to make the team.

funny isn't it? how none of the 20 white athletes haven't had big write-ups about how they're not getting enough media recognition or a shot at the next level because of their race...
I wouldn't get too revved up over an article from the bleacher report. These guys are usually frat boy college students or jock sniffing people working a dead end office job who have wayyyy too much time on their hands. The people who go on to a website like the bleacher report are even more pathetic.
I don't think myron rolle is getting to much hype. He's a very good footballplayer and a rhodes scholer thats not a combenation you see everyday. Think of the hundreds of less deserving people who have gotten more hype than him.
What amazes me about the story is Massah Bowden allowing Rolle to take time off to do academic work. You would almost think FSU was Notre Dame and not Chain Gang U...
white tornado said:
I don't think myron rolle is getting to much hype. He's a very good footballplayer and a rhodes scholer thats not a combenation you see everyday. Think of the hundreds of less deserving people who have gotten more hype than him.
Bill Bradley is the only other major athlete, I believe, to get a Rhodes Scholarship and he got a ton of publicity. However, he was the best college basketball player in the nation. Lets say Reggie Bush or Elton Brand (player of the year at Duke) got a Rhodes Scholarship, it would be all over the news like Tebow is; it would be on the cover of every sports magazine in America, and deservedly so. However, it just isn't the same if a future 4th round draft pick does it.

I would compare his coverage to when Pat Tillman left the NFL. Yeah, it was a story that was covered by practically everyone, but it wasn't covered with the same intensity if Tebow or Brand or Bush or any other top player did it.
Edited by: Fightingtowin
I am suspicious of Rolle's qualifications for being a Rhodes scholar. The information they gave about this genius , leads me to suspect he isn't the "scholar" he is made out to be.
Here are the "facts" given about his academic performance: 1. He completed his "pre-med major" in 2 1/2 years. Answer: There is no such major as pre-med. Medical Schools actually want prospective students to be "liberally" educated and not science geeks. So "Pre-med" is not a bachelor's degree program but are only a number of courses which take 2 1/2 years to complete. The courses equal less than 20% of what is required for a BS. 2. Rolle the "scholar" is currently taking "graduate " level courses. Answer:BIG DEAL
Many seniors (including myself) take or took graduate level courses. It doesn't make that student special. This is just another PC brainwashing attempt to perpetuate the lie that blacks are as smart as whites. Of course, their IQs are 20 points lower on average which is a very large difference (But keep it a secret). When Rolle attends Oxford ,he may have to resort to Saint Martin's "study habits" i.e. totally plagerizing written assignments and his thesis.

Edited by: Keith Lincoln
I would have to respectfully disagree with the above post. I know a few people who have gone Pre-Med and usually the requirement is a bachelor's degree in Bio now. You go 4 years now usually before admittance to Med School. You of course need certain Bio courses like Anatomy and Physiology, General Bios, Microbiology and the two General Chems and Organic Chems. It is very impressive that this man finished this in 2 1/2 years while also playing football full time.

He is obviously a very energetic person who put full effort into both. The 3.75 GPA is very impressive when you consider that he finished in 2.5 years and it was also demanded of him a full commitment to football.

The comment on ESPN that he might be "Mother Teresea, Einstein and Deion Sanders all rolled into one" was over the top especially the Mother Teresea comment; she is a once in a century person as far as her compassion.

However lets give this guy credit. It would seem that Rolle's IQ has got to be high enough for eligibility to MENSA and this is combined with a ridiculous work ethic.

We all know that their are fewer blacks that achieve in the most elite in the country in the Science and Math Fields then their numbers in the population should bring forth, but this guy is defying stereotypes.

I hope the same will happen for white sprinters and a white man will medal in the 100 meter again. I believe a Bronze could happen eventually with a crack down on PED use.

We at this site also know that their are whites out there that could be Pro-bowl RBs. We should at least acknowledge here that this guy is brilliant and that some blacks are capable of becoming doctors, even if there is a disparity.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
American Freedom News