MVP Award

Guys like Dan Le Batard are annoying,but I think some of these writers,and I said some,probably are not all that against the white athlete,they just figure they need to say something because they're sheep that have to say the PC thing and that is to dump on the white guy.I'm sure there are writers out there who are happy Steve Nash won the MVP because he is white,but they obviously can't say it or they will lose their lives,so they go in the opposite direction and rip on the guy.Someone like Le Batard may write negative stuff on the white athlete,another writer that comes to mind is that fool Ryan out of Boston,but when he comes home at night he comes to this site and checks out what's going on with the white athlete,believe it.There may be one of those writers among our posters right now.
Then he truly is a weenie to criticize his people for money and secretly support them. I think it is more likely they live the lie all the time, it would be too hard to live with themselves otherwise.
There is a lot of interest out there in certain white athletes. A lot of people have come across this site of late by doing searches on Matt Jones, Jesse Lumsden, and Steve Nash. Nash searches are usually accompanied by words like "racism," "white MVP," "NBA racism," etc.

It's possible some writers like La Batard and Bob Ryan are trying deliberately to stir up a backlash to Caste System politics bytaking extreme anti-white viewpoints, but I tend to think not. Someone like La Batard is most likely just trying to make a name for himself, so that he can eventually migrate to ESPN and sit beside the likes of Stephen A. Smith as yet another of the network'spro-Caste Systemcommentators.

Like Jaxvid writes, I tend to think they live the lie by internalizing all the contradictions and nonsense because they are among the small proportion of people who profit from what is taking place in America, in sports and in society in general. It's amazing the number of white Californians who will agree that the Mexicans and other Third Worlders are taking over and destroying that once enchanted state, but when you bring up race directly, they instantly get a look on their face that tells you that rational discussion about the subject from a "politically incorrect" standpoint is still impossible.
I'm really disappointed in Ginobili missing all those free throws. Kudos to Dirk for that game-winning shot.
Steve Nash keeps proving how good he is.He turned a close
1 point game tonight into a blow out in the 4th quarter
with precision passes,and shooting.Steve had 27 points
to go along with 17 assists!Hey Shaq,Can you say MVP?
Dan Le Batard has a history of bashing white players. He hosted a sunday morning ESPN radio show for several years and I remember him constantly bashing then Kings guard Jason Williams as being overhyped "due to being white" while going out of his way to praise Iverson. I guess Le Batard, who is of Cuban descent, thinks he is being cool by citing Iverson as a white man's nightmare. By the way Iverson has incredibly long hands and limbs so all this he is so small talk is half bunk. His wingspan makes him play like a guy 6'4 or so. His bashing of Nash proves the guy is a stiff as a journalist.

On to Nash. Reasonable people can disagree on who deserves the MVP award but forgetting race I think picking Nash is a triumph of nuance and basketball understanding over the lets pick the guy with the stats or Shaq when in doubt. But if anyone watched the first three Mavs-Suns games it is obvious Nash is playing best basketball in the NBA. He orchestrates, initiates and basically controls the games. He is a former soccer player so he has excellent foot quickness and like Bird extraordinary cooridination and body control. Like Kidd and Stocton he is a great alert passer with quick refexes and quick mind. But he actaully controls a game, at least this year more than those two. The only thing average about Nash is his leaping ability.For one thing he is a better offensive threat than Kidd.. It will be interesting to see who comes out of the west. Right now a Suns-Spurs matchup has all the makings of a classic . At the end of the day though I think Nash will likely prevail albeit Suns have no bench and suspect interior defense. Nash seems like a nice guy as well. And like me he was completely against the horror show known as the war in Iraq.
With the Pistons struggling against the Pacers (kudos to Jeff
Foster for helping with that) and Shaq injured, things are
looking really good for the Western Conference. I prefer the
Spurs and Suns, but any of the four Western Conference
teams winning the championship would be fine.

How about that left-handed hook from Nash? Cool! Man did
he dominate the fourth quarter.
It's pretty pathetic whenthe likes ofJohn Thompson (only recruited blacks to Georgetown) and Charles Barkley (known for occasional anti-white remarks; called Nash "boy" three times after the Suns most recent playoff game) take Dan La Batard to task for his inflammatory anti-white b.s., while the likes of Rex Chapman defend him. Chapman is now trying to be a "white martyr," whining about how tough he had it at Kentucky because he liked to date black girls. Just shows again how the Caste System is the most deeplyingrainedand supported by whites.

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That was twenty years ago, Chapman. Get over it. What
about confronting the issue of anti-white discrimination that is
occuring in sports right now? Of course he won't do that.

Of course any such "monitoring" of interracial dating today by
athletes would be pretty futile. Discouraging black athletes
from "hooking up" with white women? Not a chance!
Skip Bayless wrote an article ripping the choice of Nash over O'Neal. I wonder if Skip watched the Heat win their last two play-off gameswhile Shaq saton the bench? They did pretty well without him on the floor. Can you imagine where Phoenix would be without Steve Nash? I'll tell you where.... at home watching the playoffs on t.v.

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Actually, the feeble-minded Caste System propagandist of the article I linked to above is black. Thanks to an alert Caste Football supporter for pointing out what I should have caught upon reading the article.
Bayless is one of the most entrenched caste supporters. Not the brightest bulb I've always thought.
Couple meager gifts with an annoying personality and of course you get an ESPN regular.
Nash had a triple-double with more than three minutes left in the third quarter of last nights game! I certainly can't add anything to support Nash as MVP that hasn't already been pointed out by so many on the site but it is just maddeningly outrageous the crap that some of these columnists are able to disgorge and feed to an unwitting readership that feeds on it like slop from a trough.
I wanted to make a point that was alluded to in Bart's
earlier post: you can't be the MVP if you're not playing
games. Shaq still hasn't committed to playing in the first game
of the Eastern Conference Championships.. how much, um, "Heat" is he
getting for that?

What would the jock sniffers say if Nash was out because of injury? Or
playing poorly in the playoffs? The guy is having CAREER games IN
the PLAYOFFS, and he still has to take afew shots about his
defensive play and / or has to put up with guys like Stackhouse
insinuating the MVP isn't good enough to score points on him in the
From the article:

Jerome Iginla will never be the face of the NHL.

Now that's naive. The media would love to turn him into that, if
they haven't already.

The truth is showboating was invented and revolutionized by
two brilliant white guys named Bob Cousy and Pete

What, with fancy passing and ballhandling? That's nothing
compared to the chest-thumping, trash talking, constant
bragging, endzone celebrations, etc., that we see today.

The truth is prejudice and racism in sports didn't end with
Jackie Robinson or Tiger Woods.

Yeah, but you just have no clue who are the real recipients of
that prejudice today.
From the article:

Jerome Iginla will never be the face of the NHL.

Someone needs to send Mr. Stuckey a copy of The Hockey News from February, which featured Jarome Iginla on the front cover under the heading of "Hockey's Number One Ambassador."
Those quotes by Bill Walton regarding Nash's athleticism are bizarre..
makes you realize that the positions that these folks take on the air
is completely scripted. Walton knows enough about the game to see the
athleticism of a Nash and the importance of that athleticism in how he
gets done what he gets done... of course you would have to be a total
jackass not to know that the position of PG is inherently for

Walton is there to pick up his check and if that means saying stupid
things so as to promote the medias idea of "racial harmony" .. well its
all for payday.

Edited by: bigman
Walton also said at one point last night that Nash "can't jump over two pieces of paper." Yet this supposedly horribly unathletic point guard merely had a triple double in Game 5 and came within one rebound of repeating it in Game 6. Walton is truly blinded by Caste System b.s. or else it is scripted as Bigman suggests.Either way hisdisgraceful commentshave to rank as one of the most absurd and pathetic performances by a white broadcaster yet.
Bill Walton is an idiot.First off,the man can barely
talk right.Second,like you guys said,he is always
being politically correct.He cuts down Dirk Nowitzki
all the time and Dirk finished 3rd in the M.V.P. Race
this season.He must be the wrong pigmentation.
These former jock "analysts" and commentators are so arrogant. They just assume that because they played the game that they know more about it than everyone else. The baseball stats guys have shown that you can outsmart the coaches and media experts if you study the game objectively.

As for Walton, I don't think it was scripted, he's just an idiot/ jerk/ self-loathing liberal/ very unfunny, etc.
I remember Walton was really playing the self-loathing white liberal when he entered the NBA in 1974. Once he said something like, "If a black guy shot me, I could understand it. It's the racism that this country stands for." I don't remember his exact words, but Walton said something like this several times in his rookie year.
Pretty good assessment there JD074.
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