Murder at UNC


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
<H1 =title>2nd Arrest in Carson Murder</H1>
<H3 =author>By ABC Macon News
<DIV =storyinfo>

Story Created: Mar 13, 2008

Story Updated: Mar 13, 2008
<DIV =story>Police make a second arrest in the murder of a University of North Carolina co-ed.

Police officers caught 17-year-old Lawrence Alvin Lovett Junior in a house in Durham earlier this morning.

Both he and 21-year-old Demario James Atwater are suspected of killing UNC student body president Eve Carson from Athens, Georgia.

Police found Lovett while acting on a tip.

The two men are now facing first degree murder charges.

<DIV =story>
<DIV =story>
<H1>Second Arrested in UNC Murder, Charged with Killing Duke Student</H1>
<DIV =story>

Tonight a teen charged in the murder of UNC student Eve Carson is now also charged with killing a graduate student at Duke University.
<DIV id=relatedholder>

Police charged 17-year-old Lawrence Lovette with the murder of the Duke student.. after he surrendered to police in the death of Eve Carson today.

The Duke student's body was found near campus in January.

Back in January, 29-year-old Abhijit Mahato was found murdered in his apartment.

Police are now looking into whether Demario Atwater is somehow involved with that murder as well.

Police have already charged the 21-year-old with Carson's death.

Investigators say Atwater and Lovette were caught in this surveillance picture trying to use Carson's ATM card.

They say the two went to high school together in Durham.

The Durham police chief says he doesn't believe Lovette and Atwater were working on behalf of a gang.. They appeared to be acting alone, committing random acts of violence.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Deacon said:
Eve Carson was actually a big fan of diversity and felt
UNC needed much more of it!


"She spent her summers volunteering and working overseas in Ecuador, Egypt and Ghana."

Well, good for her.

When we get control of the system, every school child will know the name of Amy Biehl the way students once knew of Benedict Arnold. Like Amy Biehl, it appears this young fool lost her life BECAUSE of the untruths she believed about race. She let her guard down because of lies she consumed (and tried to perpetuate).


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
whiteCB said:
Stonewall the odds of a women getting mysteriously murdered are not any higher today than they were 10 or 15 years ago. Most of this crap is just made up in our heads because of constant media exposure and all the stories on well to do white women getting murdered. Its a lot like the Shark Attack scare of 2005 or I think 2006. The media just kept lambasting us with stories and images of people getting killed or attacked by sharks. This tricked people into actually thinking that they were in fact at a higher risk that year of getting attacked. However, the facts are that Shark Attacks for that year were not significantly higher then shark attack statistics from previous years. This is just another "issue" for the media to portray in an effort to scare people, sell papers, and get better TV ratings.

It's true that these atrocities have been going on for FAR TOO LONG, but your analysis is flawed and missing something crucial.

The Cultural Marxist (national) "MSM" covered these 2 stories before they knew the race of the perps. These forces were certainly praying for the perps to turn out to be "evil" White males. Even now, the vile MSM still spreads the "random" BS. They are only trying to confuse White people.

But, you now have 2 cases occurring in a short span with the same racial component. Only an idiot would fail to see that lone White females are viewed as (especially) "soft" targets and, the only thing left to be determined is, which White females die today; which White females die tomorrow?? The victims come in all ages, from small children to the elderly. When negroes slaughter 92-year-old White women, I certainly don't clap my hands.

More about the media. You do know that the national MSM had very, VERY, little coverage of Knoxville and virtually NO coverage of Wichita (and MANY MORE atrocities against young White women, SEVERAL of them college students, have been "hushed" by the MSM)? This contradicts your "ratings" theory. The MSM's agenda(s) goes far beyond the issue of attaining ratings.

The MSM promotes negro worship, sympathy for the negro, the "magic" negro, and miscegenation at every turn --- so why would they want White women to be "scared" of negro bucks?? They DON'T, which is why they try to confuse Whites with the word "random." Sure, we are aware of buffoonish "cRAP videos" and their attempt at emasculating & intimidating the White male. But, thats different from REAL stories of White women being butchered. Then again, with psy-ops like cRAP being somewhat effective, the weaker among us can't possibly protect their women when they've fallen for the myth of "black invincibility."

Shark attacks ARE extremely rare. Black on White crime ISN'T rare and, yes, it has gotten worse and a lot more blatant. It is very much out in the open now because many blacks aren't even trying to portray themselves as civilized beings. They also don't hide their hatred, hatred for each other and for EVERY other race.

You have a lot of reading to do...
Dec 18, 2004
At the start of the UNC murder, I don't think the MSM expected the perp to be black. They thought it would be an upper middle class white ex-boyfriend. Or a jealous fellow student. Nancy Grace shouted at one point, "Where was the boyfriend?"
Oct 24, 2005
The first news reports I heard about the case was that they suspected her boyfriend, for reasons I cannot remember.
we also need to review the Amy Biehl case. Not every one is familiar with it. Anybody have some links?


Apr 14, 2005
Bart said:
whiteCB said:
I'm not sure of the point you are trying to make.Could you clarify?

The point I'm trying to make is that the media can cause hysteria and make it seem like something is far worse than it actually is. If across every news station all you see and hear are stories of, for example, people getting struck by lightning. So lightning strikes then become all the rage and all the news stations CBS, NBC, FOX, ect.... are all doing stories on it. Saying don't go outside during lightning storms do this or do that to protect yourselves. Then people are going to start believing that there's a good chance they'll actually get struck by lightning. They start living out whats called a self fulfilling prophecy. Even though statistics show that people were getting struck by lightning at the same rate 50 years ago than they were at the time all these news stories come out. So my point is that the mass media by all covering the same exact stories can lead people to believe in an exaggerated truth, that necessarily doesn't exist. I was trying to get stonewall to realize that just because we're now hearing in the MSM all these stories of white women mysteriously getting murdered doesn't mean that the murder rate of white women is any higher now than it was 15 years ago.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I would make the case that the rate of white women being killed by blacks has definitely increased in the last 15 years. It most certainly has in the last 40 years.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
I would make the case that the rate of white women being killed by blacks has definitely increased in the last 15 years. It most certainly has in the last 40 years.

More infrormation to consider:

[url] n-white-women-continue-to-plague-nation_3569.html [/url]

Brutal Black Male Attacks on White Women Continue to Plague Nation

The above are three screenshots of recent CNN video of vicious attacks by Black males against White women. The first one contains dramatic video showingthe attempted parking lot kidnapping of a middle-aged White woman named Sondra, identified by CNN with onlyher first name for her own safety. Thanks to the intervention of a slightly-built, courageousWhite woman passerby who foughtthe much larger male predator,Sondra was saved. The second is a shocking case of a Black man, Charles Hicks, described by neighbors as a "very nice man" who murdered a White woman friend named Deanna Null and then dismembered her body with a hacksaw and discarded the grisly remains in trash bags along the nearby Interstate highway. The case had some similarity to the vicious murder of Janet Shearer (see the article on except for fact that Hicks did not apparently eat parts of Null as Janet Shearer's Black boyfriend did eat parts of his victim. The third CNN video concerns the two bright young university co-eds murdered by Blacks in separate cases on the campuses of UNC and Auburn.

CNN video of Attempted Kidnapping

Next time the media does its usual sob stories about Black people who suffered from White violence, think about the fact that in just one year, more woman are brutalized by Black males than all the Black males and Black females brutalized by White males in the last 150 years! And remember, that most of the brutalizations against Black males, such as lynching,were in response to heinous crimes of murder or rape they had committed against innocent White men, women and children. Where is the equity in media reporting of these things?

There are countless articles in the media about decades-old "White crimes" against Blacks. Lynching is catagorized as something that "White people" did to Blacks. There are no mainstream media articles showing the huge number of Black crimes against innocent White women. Nobody demands that Blacks as a group apologize for these horrible crimes, yet recently the U.S. Senate apologized to Blacks as a race for not passing federal laws against lynching. The media is full of stories stating blanketly that, "Whites lynched Blacks" or "Whites enslaved Blacks" even though a very small percentage of Whites ever owned even a single slave or ever lynched a Black man. Racial collective guilt is considered good for White people even in the face of massive crimes commited against our innocent by another race.

Every decent human being decries violence and brutality against anyone, White or Black. It is morally wrong. If it is wrong for White people to hurt Blacks and appropriate that such cases receive huge media coverage as inthe Byrd dragging case, as well as in the phony Tawana Brawley case and in the phony Duke Stripper Case, should it not be consideredjust as wrong for Blacks to hurt White people. Why are not the tens of thousands of cross-race rapes against White women by Black men not deserving of media coverage?

But next time the media tries to make you feel guilty for being White because of the fact that Black people have been hurt in the past by Whites â€â€￾ remember the 37,460 White women raped or sexually assaulted each year. Before the increased rates of Black male criminal incarceration, there were even more White male and female victims of Black crime and brutality. And, the number of 37,460 per year only represents reported rapes. Experts say that most rapes and sexual assaults go unreported. Over the past 40 years, there have been more than one million White women who have been raped or sexually assaulted by Blacks, and an almost zero number of White male sexual assaults against Black women.

The Blackrape ofamillion White women should be getting huge coverage and there should be a huge outcry against this horrendous number of brutal attacks against women. One Black male sexual attack against White women occurs every 9 minutes in America.

These attacks must be themost massive and heinous ongoingcrimes of one race upon another â€â€￾ in history.

We must speak against and stop these terrible attacks!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I read this article Bart, and posted it as a blog on my personal myspace page and sent it out in an email, but thanks for posting it here. It just makes sense that the rate has increased in the last few years.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
The Fayetteville Murders

The atrocity is half-way down the page.

Fashion for Genocide

An important and informative follow up. Let's just say that the MSM isn't "color blind" -- and the "news" is simply what they want you to see, and nothing more.

Where was CNN or start-up Fox News (which I believe existed at that time)??

Maybe this case wasn't "mysterious" enough? Maybe it wasn't "sensational" enough? Maybe it couldn't create the "hysteria" that the MSM supposedly wants to create (even when the criminals are black and non-White), I guess?

So, maybe, a "possible boost" in ratings just doesn't matter when certain brutal atrocities "conflict" with a very specific marxist agenda? That being the genocide of the White Race. So, of course, they would want as many White "sheeple" as possible. Much easier to kill and exterminate, if you ask me.

It was "hushed" because the victims were too White and the perps too dark... It's just one thing that they're willing to do in order to keep that multi-faceted genocide train rollin' forward.

Edited by: Deadlift


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Hey according to Vogue magazine it's FUN to get raped by a black thug. Go for it ladies!



Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Does that "mag" come with an extra durable barf-bag inserted within it's pages?

That's one of the most disgusting things I've seen recently.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Deadlift said:
Does that "mag" come with an extra durable barf-bag inserted within it's pages?

That's one of the most disgusting things I've seen recently.


The cultual marxists and their brainwashed minions love this type of thing. It embodies everything they fantasize about, a beautful classy white woman cavorting with an animalistic negro. Classic mandingo pandering. The end results, rape, violence, destruction of the white genetic string, it's all there for them.

The jewish promoters of white genocide squeal with glee when they see this blatent propaganda. The fact that it is above criticism because of the restraints on free speech for white males is another cause of joy among the chosen ones. They got the hammer and they love to use it. Us guys out there getting wacked with the hammer better wake up pretty damn soon.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
The cultual marxists and their brainwashed minions love this type of thing. It embodies everything they fantasize about, a beautful classy white woman cavorting with an animalistic negro. Classic mandingo pandering. The end results, rape, violence, destruction of the white genetic string, it's all there for them.

The jewish promoters of white genocide squeal with glee when they see this blatent propaganda. The fact that it is above criticism because of the restraints on free speech for white males is another cause of joy among the chosen ones. They got the hammer and they love to use it. Us guys out there getting wacked with the hammer better wake up pretty damn soon.

Great post!Some of us will never wake up.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
jaxvid said:
Deadlift said:
Does that "mag" come with an extra durable barf-bag inserted within it's pages?

That's one of the most disgusting things I've seen recently.


The cultual marxists and their brainwashed minions love this type of thing. It embodies everything they fantasize about, a beautful classy white woman cavorting with an animalistic negro. Classic mandingo pandering. The end results, rape, violence, destruction of the white genetic string, it's all there for them.

The jewish promoters of white genocide squeal with glee when they see this blatent propaganda. The fact that it is above criticism because of the restraints on free speech for white males is another cause of joy among the chosen ones. They got the hammer and they love to use it. Us guys out there getting wacked with the hammer better wake up pretty damn soon.

Excellent assessment! The Globalist Elite looooove filling the checkout lanes at "RedChinaMart" with this type of blatant propaganda (& other assorted sheeple-bait). The Elite continue to push their filth onto the zombified masses.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Buchanan introduces facts into the equation. About time. I wonder if he reads Caste Football?;s=rcmp
<DIV =article_line>A Brief for Whitey
<DIV =article_line>
<DIV =article_line>How would he pull it off? I wondered.

How would Barack explain to his press groupies why he sat silent in a pew for 20 years as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivered racist rants against white America for our maligning of Fidel and Gadhafi, and inventing AIDS to infect and kill black people?

How would he justify not walking out as Wright spewed his venom about "the U.S. of K.K.K. America," and howled, "God damn America!"
<DIV =article_line>
<DIV =article_line>(snip)
<DIV =article_line>
<DIV =article_line>Barack talks about new "ladders of opportunity" for blacks.

Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for "deserving" white kids.
<DIV =article_line>
Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Just wow!

Carson Murdered in Part by Affirmative Action

See: Probation Officer Never Met With Lovette (on WTVD Raleigh Durham)

Eve Carson, the gifted and beautiful Student Body President of UNC, was murdered by two Black males with long criminal records. In a startling turn of events, it turns out that an affirmative action, Black probation officer, Chalita Thomas, was derelict in her supervision of the criminal, Laurence Lovette, one of the Black men who was charged withMiss Carson's murder. Apparently, she never even met with Lovette and it is alleged that she made embellishments on his probation record.

To top it all off, it has been revealed that probation officer Chalita Thomas herself has a serious criminal record with 11 arrests over the last five years!

So, here we have a case in which one of the Blacks charged in the Eve Carson Murder was facilitated by an affirmative action, Black criminal probation officer who didn't do her job! Whites with higher test scores and clean records are routinely turned down for law enforcement positions in favor of lower scoring Blacks, often even one's with criminal records.

In a practical sense, Eve Carson was murdered by three Blacks. Two of them were the denizens who shot her to death, and one of them was the criminal probation officer who didn't do her job.

In the major cities there are also increasing numbers of Black judges and Black juries eager to set free vicious Black criminals.

The racial disintegration of American civilizationis reaching new lows.

How many more outrages must European Americans endure?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Unreal! I'm posting thisin my blog right now. Thanks for posting this Bart!