Ali while talking the talk, he barely walked the walk. When I was a little boy he fought Frazier in Manila and brought his concubine Veronica Porsche to the Philippines. I thought she was East Indian, to me (as a little boy) Black was somebody that looked like Joe Frazier... Supposedly he rejected White starlets that were worshiping him. I think he basically said a full blooded African was ugly and American Blacks were only good looking because of their White ancestry..... Here is a segment with her and Tom Jones (sunbathed again) he looks blacker than her.......
I never saw that video before but there again he has a free pass to say what he wants. So do all blacks in general. If a white said that, they would catch all kinds of hell. Even back then but today your career would be over. The double standard is a complete joke with all of the politically correct talk of today. I agree with him and I still think most people prefer to marry their own ethnicity and mainly hang out with people that look like themselves. It is how we are born and it is only natural to want to preserve your race and take pride in your ancestry.