MSU "Apologizes" for Band Playing "Dixie"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More "PC" BS...

Mo. university chief sorry band played 'Dixie'

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Missouri State University is apologizing after its band performed "Dixie" at a site where three black men were lynched in 1906.

Interim President Clif Smart tells the Springfield News-Leader the song was an "unfortunate selection" and won't be played again in a public venue.

The Confederate anthem has come to represent the ideology of the Old South.
The school's Pride Band played "Dixie" at the Nov. 18 dedication of Park Central Square in Springfield, the southwest Missouri city where the university is located. A plaque identifies the square as the location where three black men were lynched more than a century ago.

Smart says the band director didn't understand the significance of the song.
The local NAACP president says "Dixie" was an inappropriate choice and sparked community complaints.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I'm a Yankee down to the marrow of my bones, but I have nothing against the playing of Dixie. No matter what, all people should be proud of their heritage. That includes blacks, who have nothing to be proud of.

In the long run outfits like the naacp do their people no good by helping to awaken the long sleeping White youth. In the end, they'll rue the day they protested such things.

Tom Iron...


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Bloody madness... :mad2:

How about the following scenario?

(A) Plaques are put up at every location in the United States where Whites have been murdered by blacks

(B) The playing of "rap music" and consumption of watermelon are banned at all such sites...

Try Burnin This One.jpg


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
C'mon guys this is just another power play. It's a raise in the ante. Until White people call the bluff the race baiters will push and push and push and win everytime. If people don't stand up to this (and I don't think they ever will) the word "Dixie" will eventually be banned from acceptable speech.

All of the southern icons and monuments are eventually going to be torn down. Who's going to stop them? The all black city councils and police forces in the cities where they are located? The mexican nationalists that will be battling the blacks for political supremecy? The whigger rednecks listening to rap and smoking blunts? The liberal White Republican politicians running on a program of open borders and diversity?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Sad story, but jaxvid is probably right. The Southern soldier and his cause has precious few modern-day defenders. Most Americans, home region notwithstanding, choose the path of least resistance, which results in truth, heritage, and history being flushed down the toilet.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Sad story, but jaxvid is probably right. The Southern soldier and his cause has precious few modern-day defenders. Most Americans, home region notwithstanding, choose the path of least resistance, which results in truth, heritage, and history being flushed down the toilet.

Well said Reb! Most people, youth especially, have no concept or interest in history. They are too concerned with their current way of spoiled life that they never stop to think life wasn't always this sweet.

*When can the white man stop apologizing? It is almost 2012 and we have a mulatto president, yeah how far we've come my ass. Slavery and the Holocaust will never be forgetten thanks to the JEwmasters.


Nov 23, 2006
Sad story, but jaxvid is probably right. The Southern soldier and his cause has precious few modern-day defenders. Most Americans, home region notwithstanding, choose the path of least resistance, which results in truth, heritage, and history being flushed down the toilet.

Do not despair for these attacks on symbols like "Dixie," monument to Heroes, flags and so on are what occupiers do. Like Ukraine, all those nations in Yugoslavia, Ireland once were and like Quebec, Wales Scotland, Palestine, Flanders, and many others are today, The CSA is an occupied land and people. Occupiers attempt to destroy the history and people of an occupied land, but it seldom works. As long as the people can remain on their land, they remain a nation and sometimes beyond. The White Southerners are the Confederate nation . The U.S. government and their institutions including the schools and most of the state and local governments are part of the occupation. For a while the Confederate resistance was able to get some limited autonomy called "home rule" but that end when second reconstruction (AKA "the civil rights movement"). Today, the Confederate nation is as occupied, probably, in some ways, more so than it was during First Reconstruction.

The destruction of symbols is what occupiers do thinking that that will destroy the nation , but they are merely material things that can be rebuilt once the occupiers are driven out. The important part of a nation is people not things, a nation can even move to a new land and remain a nation, England, the Anglos, did that long ago. Some complain that not enough people protest the destruction of their symbols, and customs, but many have over many years. How many protested the "Civil Rights" Movement, or the Confederate Flags being taken down in South Carolina, but what happen they were ignored and betrayed again and again. Asking occupiers and collaborators to please not do something does NOT work! A million people could protest or ten million and a few promises maybe may but they will be broken once the people disperse and the politicians begin to fear their Yankee and Zionist overlords more then the occupied people. People begin to understand that protesting and begging occupiers for mercy will not work and they wait.

Gaining independence for a nation is a game of patience that can take decades or centuries. When the occupiers are strong the nation must wait, until the occupiers are weak. The occupiers often send in Overseers (Carpetbaggers) and use local collaborators (scalawags) and move in new people (minorities) to secure the occupied land but in the end these seldom work and when the empire becomes weak the nation rebels and a bloodbath, often, ensues as the varies groups begin to fight (race war).

The South has an advantage over the North, we know that we are occupied and that we fell, but Yankees can't comprehend how they fell or when, WWII, Draft Riots (protest) massacre, November 1963 could all be part of their fall.

The primary object today is to protect the White nations and wait until the time is right. Odds are the U.S. Empire is nearing its end and the occupiers won't have time to destroy the people. As Soviets leaders and many people could not have believe what happen there when age old nations long occupied rose up and became independent once more.

When the time is right change will come and the people who will stand will often be those who one least expects. Nations exist as long as their people do and always seek freedom.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Do not despair for these attacks on symbols like "Dixie," monument to Heroes, flags and so on are what occupiers do. Like Ukraine, all those nations in Yugoslavia, Ireland once were and like Quebec, Wales Scotland, Palestine, Flanders, and many others are today, The CSA is an occupied land and people. Occupiers attempt to destroy the history and people of an occupied land, but it seldom works. As long as the people can remain on their land, they remain a nation and sometimes beyond. The White Southerners are the Confederate nation . The U.S. government and their institutions including the schools and most of the state and local governments are part of the occupation. For a while the Confederate resistance was able to get some limited autonomy called "home rule" but that end when second reconstruction (AKA "the civil rights movement"). Today, the Confederate nation is as occupied, probably, in some ways, more so than it was during First Reconstruction.

The destruction of symbols is what occupiers do thinking that that will destroy the nation , but they are merely material things that can be rebuilt once the occupiers are driven out. The important part of a nation is people not things, a nation can even move to a new land and remain a nation, England, the Anglos, did that long ago. Some complain that not enough people protest the destruction of their symbols, and customs, but many have over many years. How many protested the "Civil Rights" Movement, or the Confederate Flags being taken down in South Carolina, but what happen they were ignored and betrayed again and again. Asking occupiers and collaborators to please not do something does NOT work! A million people could protest or ten million and a few promises maybe may but they will be broken once the people disperse and the politicians begin to fear their Yankee and Zionist overlords more then the occupied people. People begin to understand that protesting and begging occupiers for mercy will not work and they wait.

Gaining independence for a nation is a game of patience that can take decades or centuries. When the occupiers are strong the nation must wait, until the occupiers are weak. The occupiers often send in Overseers (Carpetbaggers) and use local collaborators (scalawags) and move in new people (minorities) to secure the occupied land but in the end these seldom work and when the empire becomes weak the nation rebels and a bloodbath, often, ensues as the varies groups begin to fight (race war).

The South has an advantage over the North, we know that we are occupied and that we fell, but Yankees can't comprehend how they fell or when, WWII, Draft Riots (protest) massacre, November 1963 could all be part of their fall.

The primary object today is to protect the White nations and wait until the time is right. Odds are the U.S. Empire is nearing its end and the occupiers won't have time to destroy the people. As Soviets leaders and many people could not have believe what happen there when age old nations long occupied rose up and became independent once more.

When the time is right change will come and the people who will stand will often be those who one least expects. Nations exist as long as their people do and always seek freedom.
All very true. It took many years of fighting and arguments with others for me to realize that theres no reason to fight back. We just need to wait, because multiculturalism will not work, Race mixing will not work, mass immigration into white countries will not work.

If non-whites move in, most whites quickly move out. It really becomes a racial game of hide-and-seek.
And with over a Billion white people alive today and no realistic way right now to create mass race mixing or mass deaths of whites, its really a fruitless endeavor. Also, Russia has started making efforts to increase the white birth rate and I believe other European countries will soon follow suit.

So it's just a waiting game now and time is on our side. Multiculturalism has already put a complete non-white buffoon in the white house who will only weaken America faster.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007