Motivations for Caste System?


May 30, 2005
Why would whites demonstrate racist behavior?
Against whites? What are their motivations for racism against
whites? Several black coaches do not seem to demonstrate racist
behavior, at least anymore than whites.

Edited by: IceSpeed2
That's the same question many of the naive trolls pose here. As a Caste Football "guru" why not answer it yourself?
I've been reading this site for a couple weeks. I
was stunned that there were so few whites in the NFL. I can understand
why blacks are overhyped at times. Players like TO are much more
marketable to the non-football public than say Eric Crouch. But
that still doesn't explain why the Packers though Akilli Smith was a
better keep than Crouch. Marketablity would only have to do with
the already elite receivers. As for college recruiting, I can't
explain why it would be so anti-white. So many great whites
aren't given the chance to play D-1 ball.

I could understand a basketball favoring blacks
because so many basketball die-hards are black. But football fans
are heavily white.

Do they want to alienate the white fans from the game? Why?

What's a guru anyway on this board? Is that a rank or something?
You must ask why the popular attitude is largely anti-white (as it provably is), who and what makes it so.

But look, if one is SO anti-White that one is willing to use affirmative action schemes to put some ideal number of minorities into positions whether they are qualified or not, then it's super easy to over-represent blacks in activities where they might actually be equal or superior to Whites on average, such as running with a football.
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