Most Valuable Player -- Indeed!


Nov 2, 2004
Not Biggio, not Bagwell, not Adrian Beltre, not Albert Pujols or Scott Rolen, not Eric Gagne or Roger Clemens, not Chipper Jones or even Jason Bay. No, it's the all-thug-pick, Barry Bonds. And the unanimity of his selection is all the more disgusting. Ty Cobb turns over in his dugout.

Yeah, Bonds again. It's ridiculous. Just the taint of the steroid scandal should be enough to pick someone else, not to mention that the award should go to a player on a team that gets to the playoffs. In the old days if you had a player that treated the press like sh*t they would make him pay by holding back MVP votes unless it was really obvious that he deserved it. Nowadays the kiss-butt media still heaps awards on a guy that heaps scorn on them. Imagine the amount of MVP votes a white player would get if he treated the press as badly as Bonds does. The double standard goes on.
I think by looking at it objectively, Bonds was the MVP. That's because he has gotten away with juicing, as it seems pretty clear now that he won't be charged in the BALCO case, and that nothing is going to be done to substantiate the allegations against him of steroid use. He's worth too much to the system as a black superstar who is going to surpass Babe Ruth and then Hank Aaron and keep the "title" as the greatest slugger of all time in black hands. It's like the heavyweight boxing championship or the rushing leader -- it's one of those things that must stay black in perpetuity. Compared to that all the issues surrounding Bonds pale in importance, from their perspective. Passing Ruth and Aaron will be milked for all it's worth.
Spot on, Right Winger.

Bonds is a walking advertisement for the efficacy of mixing several steroids and HGH (human growth hormone). Yet the media panders. Disgusting. A white player juiced to the eyeballs like Bonds would have been run out of baseball years ago. The double standard is amazing. And sickening.
Yeah, they almost put an astric by Big Macs record for taking a legal supplement... By the way did anyone notice all the white idiots out there cheering on Bonds to break Mcguires record? I was in a sports bar the night he did and everyone was in a stage of euphoria. How stupid are some people? It just pissed me off.
f**k bonds he is nothing but a fraud. he didn't even make the all-century team in 1999. ken griffey, jr. was regarded as a better ballplayer. this must have spearheaded his steroid abuse. it's ridiculous to consider him a better player than ruth.
Welcome to the board arad002. You are right about Bonds. Cannot compare him to Ruth due to several factors, mostly the steroids but also the league wide increase in offensive stats. When Ruth first led the league in homers with 18 it was the most hit in history. Every time Ruth hit more homeruns it was the season record. Ruth was SPORTS to America. He was loved and loved the fans and the game. Bonds is angry and disliked. No comparison. If you want more info on this check out the JB Cash column "Bonds: Ruth-less" in the JB Cash Column archives on the front page.
I believe the first single-season homerun record
Ruth set was when he hit 29 homeruns. 18 homeruns may have been a
record for post 1901 seasons, but someone in the 1880's hit 20
homeruns. Also, I think Bonds is a disgrace to society and
baseball, but Ruth is overrated. The best players of the time
were Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker. Lou Gehrig was the games toughest
player. He played with broken bones in his hand. Lets
compare Bonds to those guys and see how bad Bonds is.

On a slightly unrelated note:

Go David Eckstein and everyone like him.
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