Most superior race in Boxing? is it Whites, Blacks, Asians, Middle eastern, Eurasians , Polynes

I can honestly say that pound for pound, inch for inch, Lomachenko is the best boxer I have ever seen (and I have been following the sport since the 70s). He really shows the potential that white technical skills can have in the squared circle.

It’s really hard to argue against your opinion! I’ve enjoyed watching more than Loma. I’ve got lots of close friends in Ukraine and one in particular that has trained with people close to Loma. He says the same thing as you have.
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Watch Duran's victory over Ken Buchanan. One man is white. The other is not.

As I already said, my first statement wasn't accurate. Roberto Duran's half white and half Mexican. He looks like a tanned white man though. It's no big deal really, However, I can't help but notice that many of you white guys who claim to love our kind (and many of you I am sure you do, I don't doubt it) seem to have a very specific type of white man in your head. Just like many of you use foul language to describe your love for our kind "pro-white." Regardless, what you may believe about the power of language and speech, I personally realized with age that the right words DO MATTER. A pro white man is what? A professional who changes his mind depending where the more money is? This is how I define a "professional." The Jews call each other "chosen" a superb word if you ask me. I have stopped calling them this even in a sarcastic tone. It gives them too much power. So, when you have so many "pro-white" guys calling their so called enemies "chosen" you're losing the battle already. Same goes for the Negroes. Have you ever heard calling each other "pro-black?" They call each other "Afro-centric" or "Brothers." Sure, they still kill each other like animals, but that's more because of their inferior genetic design and poverty than an intellectual stance of life.

On other hand, whites who screw other whites for centuries, they do it on a cultural, philosophical and intellectual level. They know VERY WELL what they are doing when they are dividing and weakening our race. This a way too long conversation though and this post is about boxing.

Last but not least, in my own opinion and view, this "pro-white" (now he's a pro on every level) man that most of you are so proud of (I am too when it comes to his basketball achievements), it's more possible to kick your ass if you call him white in his face. Especially if his wife, kids and homies are present? He may take out his dick and piss on you too for insulting him by calling him white. To me, someone like Michael Jackson's wayyyyy whiter than him. I mean, the dude changed his whole DNA to look like us. I have nothing but respect for Mike (not his "love for kids" though). The smart ones will know what I mean. The idiots will just take offence simply because they are not capable to understand what I am talking about.
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Dirk is white and a great white champion. He made his own decision about his wife but Dirk is and always will be white. His wife is mixed but Michael Jackson was a sick beast that hurt children and he was black from day one and died black regardless of what he did to his skin. I’m not surprised you’d consider Jackson as the white man between the two. :tiburon:
Dirk is white and a great white champion. He made his own decision about his wife but Dirk is and always will be white. His wife is mixed but Michael Jackson was a sick beast that hurt children and he was black from day one and died black regardless of what he did to his skin. I’m not surprised you’d consider Jackson as the white man between the two. :tiburon:

That post was an IQ test really. You from all the people in this forum, wasn't expected to shine or anything ;)
You made lots of excellent points! And you are spot on in lots to of what you said! Keep the fight brother.

But to say Asians, Arabs or Turks can’t fight at all is completely wrong and utterly indefensible. I’ve rarely seen anything less accurate that that statement! There are countless examples of men from all three of those groups who can fight at an elite level in different kinds of fighting. Boxing, not so much on the international scene.

I’ve been to underground fights in a couple countries and they were bad azz men that could kill with their bare hands...not an exaggeration at all.

Trust me they can't fight at all so I don't know what you're talking about. All the evidence I've seen in one on one boxing and im my life ltells me that.

Boxing doesn't cut no corners boxing is the the truth. One on one. The hilarious FACT that Turkey have never had a single pro world boxing champion ever or olympic gold medalist ever, not even one. The FACTS that South Asians have a population of BILLIONS all around the world yet theyve never had a single Olympic Gold medalist ever and only 1 pro boxing champ ever. Tells you everything. Those are ******* seriously hilariously bad stats.

I don't care about about your mythical underground fights where theres no proof, I could go and list to you thousands upon thousands of South Asians fighters records and proof of them sending full teams to Olympic Qualifiers and World championships
They are losers. They are soft.
And it will prove that they never get past any decent level. Theres something in their race/DNA and in their mental toughness/ standards.

If whites were as pathetic hopeless embarrassingly awful at boxing as South Asians were, I would just admit it. So if you have some Some Asian blood you should just admit it.

If you wanna talk about personal exprience though, I'm from the northern mill towns of England were there is very high south asian populations in many towns here including my hometown where there is 30 mosques in just my hometown. Theres countless boxing gyms where they make up the majority and have done for decades, yet the white kids minority always flew past them, whilst the pakis always couldnt get past the low level. Theres a very common trait of them being feather fisted and glass jawed

And in the street they are cowards they can't fight one on one, they can only win a fight by playing the numbers game by going to get their friends/cousins/brothers for some 8 on one attacks. They are the biggest cowards. Hence why they do so much cowardly crime like fraud, and grooming vulnerable young girls

What you gonna say next that South Asians are not hopeless at Football (soccer) too cause you saw them kick ball at an underground low level football event :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Trust me they can't fight at all so I don't know what you're talking about. All the evidence I've seen in one on one boxing and im my life ltells me that.

Boxing doesn't cut no corners boxing is the the truth. One on one. The hilarious FACT that Turkey have never had a single pro world boxing champion ever or olympic gold medalist ever, not even one. The FACTS that South Asians have a population of BILLIONS all around the world yet theyve never had a single Olympic Gold medalist ever and only 1 pro boxing champ ever. Tells you everything. Those are ******* seriously hilariously bad stats.

I don't care about about your mythical underground fights where theres no proof, I could go and list to you thousands upon thousands of South Asians fighters records and proof of them sending full teams to Olympic Qualifiers and World championships
They are losers. They are soft.
And it will prove that they never get past any decent level. Theres something in their race/DNA and in their mental toughness/ standards.

If whites were as pathetic hopeless embarrassingly awful at boxing as South Asians were, I would just admit it. So if you have some Some Asian blood you should just admit it.

If you wanna talk about personal exprience though, I'm from the northern mill towns of England were there is very high south asian populations in many towns here including my hometown where there is 30 mosques in just my hometown. Theres countless boxing gyms where they make up the majority and have done for decades, yet the white kids minority always flew past them, whilst the pakis always couldnt get past the low level. Theres a very common trait of them being feather fisted and glass jawed

And in the street they are cowards they can't fight one on one, they can only win a fight by playing the numbers game by going to get their friends/cousins/brothers for some 8 on attacks. They are the biggest cowards. Hence why they do so much cowardly crime like fraud, and grooming vulnerable young girls

What you gonna say next that South Asians are not hopeless at Football (soccer) too cause you saw them kick ball at an underground low level football event :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Many MENAs and pakistanis act in over-compensatory and "maschisimo" ways that make people view them as more badass and capable than they really are, similar to many blacks or latinos but even less justified. Most of them are jackals and not very physically imposing, south asian/MENA thugs tend to attack in groups or those obviously weaker for this reason.

This poster also often defends nonwhites from criticism or insults since he feels obligated to "the truth", I doubt non-whites would reciprocate and defend whites from criticism or insults however so I don't really see why. :nusenuse:
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South Asians are not naturally athletic, and they give up rather easily in boxing.

East Asians on average are probably not as athletic as Whites and Negroes, but they partly make up for it in courage in the ring. There is no quit in them.

Many MENAs and pakistanis act in over-compensatory and "maschisimo" ways that make people view them as more badass and capable than they really are, similar to many blacks or latinos but even less justified. Most of them are jackals and not very physically imposing, south asian/MENA thugs tend to attack in groups or those obviously weaker for this reason.
Yes it's so cringeworthy when they try to act tough

Loma was fighting a much bigger man in Teofimo. However, I think if they fought a rematch, Loma would still burn him. If Teofimo has any brains at all, he will duck that rematch.

That all being vented, I think Loma should not fight above 130. Size does matter. Because of his super skill level, he has been pushed to fight bigger fighters as a challenge as he is way too good for his ideal weight class.

Yes, Loma does typify the white ideal in that he can out plan and outthink his opponents. Blacks tend to have longer reaches, flatter noses and harder bones, but they are very vulnerable to body shots. Most of the investment in training goes into blacks as percentage of population in America, Canada and England, i.e., it is much more likely for a black kid, than a white kid to be steered into a boxing career. This is part of the whole "caste" idea this site talks about. This plays a big factor in the numbers that we see.

The Mestizos present with very good stamina and heart. When this gets combined with fast reflexes and power, e.g., Roberto Duran, they are very formidable boxers.

The pure Arabs don't seem to be able to take a punch, but some of the Slavic-Turko-Mongolian mixes from those -stan countries are very tough, e.g., Beterbiev. It will be interesting to see what kind of impact they have as more and more of them are taking up combat sports.

I wouldn't think the East Asians have the bone density to take the punches, but fighters like Naoya Inoue have really proven me wrong. In those smaller weight classes, they really produce some monsters, no pun intended.
it’s safe to assume you’re either drunk or having reading comprehension issues. I didn’t say that all of them could fight. I said you’re comments were ignorant by saying Arabs and Asians couldn’t fight. Btw it’s interesting that now you’re saying Turks aren’t white, lol.

Arabs have shown in other sports such as wrestling that they can indeed fight. There are countless Asians in martial arts etc whom are absolutely dominant. On this topic, you’re just frign wrong all day.

Trust me they can't fight at all so I don't know what you're talking about. All the evidence I've seen in one on one boxing and im my life ltells me that.

Boxing doesn't cut no corners boxing is the the truth. One on one. The hilarious FACT that Turkey have never had a single pro world boxing champion ever or olympic gold medalist ever, not even one. The FACTS that South Asians have a population of BILLIONS all around the world yet theyve never had a single Olympic Gold medalist ever and only 1 pro boxing champ ever. Tells you everything. Those are ******* seriously hilariously bad stats.

I don't care about about your mythical underground fights where theres no proof, I could go and list to you thousands upon thousands of South Asians fighters records and proof of them sending full teams to Olympic Qualifiers and World championships
They are losers. They are soft.
And it will prove that they never get past any decent level. Theres something in their race/DNA and in their mental toughness/ standards.

If whites were as pathetic hopeless embarrassingly awful at boxing as South Asians were, I would just admit it. So if you have some Some Asian blood you should just admit it.

If you wanna talk about personal exprience though, I'm from the northern mill towns of England were there is very high south asian populations in many towns here including my hometown where there is 30 mosques in just my hometown. Theres countless boxing gyms where they make up the majority and have done for decades, yet the white kids minority always flew past them, whilst the pakis always couldnt get past the low level. Theres a very common trait of them being feather fisted and glass jawed

And in the street they are cowards they can't fight one on one, they can only win a fight by playing the numbers game by going to get their friends/cousins/brothers for some 8 on one attacks. They are the biggest cowards. Hence why they do so much cowardly crime like fraud, and grooming vulnerable young girls

What you gonna say next that South Asians are not hopeless at Football (soccer) too cause you saw them kick ball at an underground low level football event :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Is LucasBryant blackmailing/threatening you? Or can you just not identify an obvious troll? Serious question for everyone.

Its not about this one particular post, but a painfully obvious pattern that has developed over time. His shill on shill fights in the past (possibly against himself) were somewhat funny at least.
it’s safe to assume you’re either drunk or having reading comprehension issues. I didn’t say that all of them could fight. I said you’re comments were ignorant by saying Arabs and Asians couldn’t fight. Btw it’s interesting that now you’re saying Turks aren’t white, lol.

Arabs have shown in other sports such as wrestling that they can indeed fight. There are countless Asians in martial arts etc whom are absolutely dominant. On this topic, you’re just frign wrong all day.

I'm not talling about Central Asians from ex sovirt countries or East Asians

I'm talking about South Asians (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, etc). They are literally hopeless useless, could not be any worse than they already are.

And Arabs and Turkish people are ******* terrible too.

This is a boxing forum. I don't follow other sports closely only casually but to my knowledge they are terrible at all the other combats sports too lol I bet you wouldn't even be able to prove your claims.

You seem to have a problem with the truth and accepting it.

You must be a troll , you're probably not even white lol Your 'underground fight club ' talk was ******* hilarious

Unless you really want me to AGAIN list all the clear official proven statistics backing my claims up then shut up. You have very low standards if you honestly think those feather fisted glass jawed weak inbred cowards can fight LOL

I'm ******* right all day and go look at Boxrec., strefa boxing, Olympic Qualifiers, Olympics, World Championships.

These people cannot even get past domestic leve. Theres been thousands upon tbousands of South Asian boxers in England for example yet not even a single English South asian has ever even
won a British title!

About 1/3 of the worlds population. And not a single Olynpic Gold medalist in boxing ever! You don't get any worse embarrasing conclusive stats than that!
Is LucasBryant blackmailing/threatening you? Or can you just not identify an obvious troll? Serious question for everyone.

Its not about this one particular post, but a painfully obvious pattern that has developed over time. His shill on shill fights in the past (possibly against himself) were somewhat funny at least.

Yeah he's clearly a troll. Guys a joke. Only here to troll.
Angel Garcia spoke the complete truth on this subject.

'' All my life I aint never seem a pakistani that could fight, and I've been around boxing my whole life, the truth hurts and people don't like the truth''
It's not just combat sports as well it's all athletic sports. Seen it in football (soccer) too. Many many south asians love football, play it, watch it, dedicate their whole lives to it.. but never get to any decent level at it.And they don't rven have amy rare exceptions to the rule. Exact same story as boxing. Could not be any worse.
Yeah he's clearly a troll. Guys a joke. Only here to troll.

Both of simply can’t refute my points based upon facts so typically you play the troll card. It’s possible you’re both closet libtards. I’m fully proud of my Slavic, Norman and Germanic heritage. I call things as I see them on all points. Simply read my previous two responses and you’ll both realize how ignorant you’ve replied...again.
South Asians are not naturally athletic, and they give up rather easily in boxing.

East Asians on average are probably not as athletic as Whites and Negroes, but they partly make up for it in courage in the ring. There is no quit in them.

We’ve discussed this topic before over the years. South Asians are measurably the least athletic people on the planet.

India has 1.37 billion people and has only won 28* Olympic medals since beginning competing in 1900. The count gets an asterisk as a few early medals were Englishmen born in the colonial India. They also had field hockey teams, that were heavily mixed with Englishmen, win medals.
Pakistan has 225 million people and has only won 10 Olympic medals since competing in 1948.
Bangladesh has 170 million people and has competed in every Summer Games since 1984. They have never won a single medal.
Duran should have lost that fight by DQ. He deliberately punched Buchanan in the testicles, nearly ruptured him.
Boxing referees have a stupid unwritten rule that if a fighter is dominating another fighter or has him badly wobbled and the fighter with the advantage causes a major foul that can cause him to be disqualified the rule book is ignored. Occasionally the rule books are enforced and a Terry Norris is disqualified, or Golota against Bowe, but usually a Tyson wins against Orlin Norris, or the Duran foul is ignored.
We’ve discussed this topic before over the years. South Asians are measurably the least athletic people on the planet.

India has 1.37 billion people and has only won 28* Olympic medals since beginning competing in 1900. The count gets an asterisk as a few early medals were Englishmen born in the colonial India. They also had field hockey teams, that were heavily mixed with Englishmen, win medals.
Pakistan has 225 million people and has only won 10 Olympic medals since competing in 1948.
Bangladesh has 170 million people and has competed in every Summer Games since 1984. They have never won a single medal.

Hard to argue with those numbers..
Hard to argue with those numbers..

Speaking of south asians in sports and the athleticism of races, the white physical inferiority meme has become so ubiquitous after decades of social engineering (although the situation is better now than 30 years ago) that I even saw an Indian claim they would have long taken over white sports if it wasn't for colonialism :lol::lol::lol:.

Now they think the meme implies whites are physically inferior compared to every other race and that it applies outside of the mostly white-black context it was intended for, to be fair other low IQ nonwhites are sometimes stereotyped as physically superior but less overtly.
By and large the meme is comparing blacks to whites and everyone else thinks they can get a piece of the pie, and I'm sure the powers that be would try to get away with stereotyping whites as physically inferior to everyone if it was possible to create a plausible lie for it.
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