Mossad and 911 discussion

jaxvid said:
I dont know much about this but here is what I do know, nearly every group on the planet hates jews...

Almost every nation in the world has eventually caught on to their act and thrown them out on their fat asses. Of course, according to them, everybody in the world, except them, is evil and just uses the little angels as "scapegoats".
Israelis, and only Israelis - plus some of their very special friends and employees, like Mayor Giuliani and some of the elite in the Bush crime gang, and some of their very special friends, like Congo Lisa Rice's soul brother, Mayor Brown of S.F. - get warned in advance of all these "Arab" terror attacks - 911, London 77, and Jordan 11/05. So how the f**k does THAT work? Who's been warning them, Osama bin Boogyman, maybe.

Speaking of Osama, shortly after 911 I was listening to a call in radio show. A lady called in and said that she was Jewish and her parents lived in Israel. She said that they were friendly with the Bin Ladin family who lived nearby. She said that the Bin Ladins were Jewish, too.

Out of 4,000 Israelis working "in or near" the WTC on 911 only one was killed - and that poor schlub just happened to be visiting that day!
Is the next major false-flag "psy ops" going to occur in '08 or '09?

Will multiple countries be attacked simultaneously, or will it just be limited to multiple U.S. cities?

Inquiring minds want to know!

And, will black jew Obama save us from the teworists?

And, who will play Obama in the movie version?

"I am Legend" (sounds like a porn flick) Will Smith or Denzel "I beez a bad mofo and I beez related to George" Washington..

Personally, I think '09.
Deadlift said:
Is the next major false-flag going to occur in '08 or '09?

The only false flag that I can foresee is something that would lead the US to go to war with Iran, and it could happen in 2008.

Deadlift said:
Will multiple countries be attacked simultaneously, or will it just be limited to multiple U.S. cities?

I doubt whether there will be another attack within the US in the next few years, but something may occur elsewhere.

Deadlift said:
And, will black Obama save us from the terrorists?

There are not really any "terrorists" as such, they're mostly a media-created illusion. Obama will not win anyway, he's not all that easy for the Zionists to control because he's kind of stubborn and independent-minded and won't do everything they want. So the media, which can influence the outcome of an election, will support another candidate - the Zionists want another puppet president like Bush.
I have a different take on this. I believe from the beginning Bush was planning a war against Saddam Hussain and Iraq. In you are an oil baron like the Bushes, Cheney's and Bakers, Saddam was a menace to your income. He would work against OPEC. He would stop production, to gain a personal profit. Or maybe the production problems was caused by his incompentence. He had to go. In order to get public support, the oil barons had to create a cassa bellum, a reason to attack. This is where the conspiracies fall apart. Where is the link to 9/11 and Saddam? If they had all the time to plan this, they would make sure the hijackers were Iqaqi citizens and that their Iraqi passports would have survived the fire. The link would be strong and without a doubt. As it is, I am willing to wage an all out war against the Saudi's due to the evnts of 9/11. Is that what the conspirators wanted?
It would be like if the Nazis were planning the Reichstag fire to turn the Germans against the jews and the have Gypsies blow up the the Brandenburg gate before you could start the fire.
BTW, why haven't you guys mentioned the Pentagon attack? Are you hiding something?
Bush did want a war with Iraq before 9/11. That's a fact and well-documented. The Bush administration tried only to tentatively link Saddam Hussein to 9/11 through the 'meeting' in Vienna with the CIA, but everyone knew that was a reach anyway.

The war in Iraq started with the Iraqis having weapons of mass destruction, and violation of the U.N. sanctions. When we found no WMD's, they unsuccessfully tried to link it to 9/11. That failed, so now we're neck deep in 'Operation Iraqi Freedom,' as though the reason we went over their in the first place was to free the Iraqi people from Saddam's tyranny.

9/11 was not a pretense for war with Iraq, imo. There were / are other motives for the attacks. It's because they hate us and our freedoms.
Here's some interesting websites that might give us some clearer answers to what really happened on 911:
Edited by: JD1986
American Freedom News