More Wie, just the start...

It doesn't matter who you blame, she sucks even on the women's tour, much
less the men's tour, and hasn't earned a nickel of the money. The only
reason she was picked for the advertising is that she is chinese, and the next
big market for all the major sports is Asia.

Goodbye pandering to the negro, hello pandering to the asians and latinos.
I guarantee you this--over the next few years you are going to see less and
less american negroes in sports and more and more asians. There's only so
many teams. Woods and Wie are the top advertising targets because they
are both asian. Look at how David Stern in the NBA is going after China.

Wie will be replaced with another chinawoman if she continues to flop. Bet
on it.
Wie had another horrible round, an 82. She has one of the worst scores and is nowhere in competition.
Yahoo headline:

Wie watches Park grab Women's Open lead

it really is hard to stomach.
PitBull said:
Goodbye pandering to the negro, hello pandering to the asians and latinos. I guarantee you this--over the next few years you are going to see less and less american negroes in sports and more and more asians. There's only so many teams. Woods and Wie are the top advertising targets because they are both asian. Look at how David Stern in the NBA is going after China.

Wie will be replaced with another chinawoman if she continues to flop. Bet on it.

There's 35, count 'em 35, Koreans in the U.S. Open field this week. I don't think galleries will increase in size, nor will television ratings rise or women's golf in general prosper, when the LPGA becomes nearly totally Asian dominated, a day that would appear to be even closer with Annika Sorenstam no longer the queen bee of the tour. The drunk white fans will cheer like crazy for black Americans in a sport, but faceless foreigners from halfway around the world ruling women's golf? The LPGA would appear to be an experiment in"globalization" and "multiculturalism" going awry. Edited by: Don Wassall
Ilistened to a portion of the ESPN afternoon talk show a couple of days ago. The host and a golf expert were discussing the negative hoopla surrounding Wie. They were clearly enthralled with her and upset at her detractors whomthey laughingly described assuffering from -- persecuted white men syndrome.
Bart said:
I listened to a portion of the ESPN afternoon talk show a couple of days ago. The host and a golf expert were discussing the negative hoopla surrounding Wie. They were clearly enthralled with her and upset at her detractors whom they laughingly described as suffering from -- persecuted white men syndrome.

I was initially very annoyed at the comments of these ESPN idiots. Well, I still am, but I did realize that there must be an awful lot of white men out there complaining about such things for them to even make a joke about there being such a thing as 'persecuted white men syndrome.' If there aren't any white men complaining - there is no joke.
I bet her advertising sponsors are feeling a bit "persecuted" wasting 20
million a year on a quitter and liar who can't win anything.
White Shogun said:
Bart said:
I listened to a portion of the ESPN afternoon talk show a couple of days ago. The host and a golf expert were discussing the negative hoopla surrounding Wie. They were clearly enthralled with her and upset at her detractors whom they laughingly described as suffering from -- persecuted white men syndrome.

I was initially very annoyed at the comments of these ESPN idiots. Well, I still am, but I did realize that there must be an awful lot of white men out there complaining about such things for them to even make a joke about there being such a thing as 'persecuted white men syndrome.' If there aren't any white men complaining - there is no joke.

Amazing that these ESPN bozos are still enthralled with her after all her poor play and poor sportsmanship! What is it going to take to make them leave this circus?

Not to state the obvious, but if Wie were a teen white phenom, and had the same track record as Wie has thus far, she would have been hooted off the stage by now.
If Wie were a white teen phenom no one would ever have heard of her any way. Until Sorenstam made a media acceptable feminist move by playing with the men to beat one professional player. She was and is an excellent female golfer but no knew her before that.

Women's golf isn't very popular but Wie was marketable.
Saw 19 old Morgan Pressel play today at the Jamie Farr open. She finished 2nd in a pretty good match to Se-Ri-Pak who has won there 5 times! Pak is a Hall of Famer that played great over the last few holes. Pressel did not embarass herself. She ties the match early with a hold in one. This year she has won the open and looks to have a ton of talent. She is also very pretty.

Young, blonde, and hot, why anyone gives a sh!t about Wie when her, Gulbis and Creamer are on the tour is another sign of the bias that infects the media.
It just gets more and more ridiculous. The morning ragcarried AP's story on the women's British Open by one Robert Millward. The headline -- "Ochoa Closer to First Major." Subhead - "Holds 1-shot lead; Wie misses the cut."

First paragraph: "Lorena Ochoa's missed putt at the 18th yesterday took the fun out of another big stop toward her first major. Michelle Wie's missed cut suggested she's still a long way from her first victory."

The second paragraph is about Ochoa. Then paragraphs three through nine are exclusively about Wie.

I would truly love to know if "reporters" like Millward just know, ala J. B. Cash's piece on Cultural Marxism in the sports world, that he's supposed to writealmost solely about Wie no matter how poorly she does and no matter how little indication there is that anyone cares how she's doing, or if there is an actual handbook or order from on high at AP thatall golf writersmust do so. Corporate media propaganda is so repetitiveand seemingly scripted that my guess is that most outlets may have an actual PC "stylebook" of do's and don'ts that must be rigorously followed.
Don you are so right, I read that same AP article and had to skim through about a dozen paragraphs on Wie before there was any news on the actual tourniment. I wanted to check outhow some of the other golfers were doing, I got so pissed that I just gave up, I don't need to wast time sifting through repetitious BS on Wie. I just moved on to another article. It truly is ridiculous.
Michelle Wie finally won her first LPGA tournament today. (Actually, I think it was her first tournament win of any kind in several years.)

Anyway, the MSM will be full of stories about her getting into position to fulfill her promise in 2010.
Was watching BSPN's Sports Center and they showed a completely irrelevant comparison between Wie and Tiger Woods, the point being that both won their first tournament at age 20. Woods won his first professional tourament right after turning pro; Wie took only what, five or six years of playing pro tournaments on both the women's tour and, pathetically, the men's tour.

The only genuine comparison between the two is that BSPN and the rest of the media have covered Wie since she was 14 years old as if she was Tiger's little -- actually his big amazon-like -- sister. What they should have done was compare their coverage of Wie all these years to how little they have covered young and much more successfulwhite American golfers on the LPGA. They know no shame. Edited by: Don Wassall
Wie was involved in a rules controversy again. She was found guilty of grounding her club while still in a hazard zone. The 2-stroke penalty, plus her ineffective shot took her out of contention.
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