More media propaganda.

Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
The title of this incredibly long inview with Larry Holmes is a good example of how the media use propaganda to influence public opinion.
Out of all the things Holmes had to say about Lewis, Tyson, Pac and Mayweather the most significant (Too the media) and deserving of the inview's title is his attackon todays heavyweight division.
But really, the anti-white boxiing agitprop from the Ministry ofTruth pales into insignificance. If you want to see media propaganda in all its glory just look at any one of the controlled media outlets and their breathless Osama bin Boogyman (who died in Dec. 2001) horse sh*t today,followinghot on the heels of Soetoro's latest phony birth certificate yesterday.

<a href="" target="_blank"></A>Edited by: ww
lost said:
The title of this incredibly long inview with Larry Holmes is a good example of how the media use propaganda to influence public opinion.
<div>Out of all the things Holmes had to say about Lewis, Tyson, Pac and Mayweather the most significant (Too the media) and deserving of the inview's title is his attack on todays heavyweight division.
<div> </div>
I think Homes is just bitter he couldn't equal Foreman's feat. I still recall seeing the fight, and it was boring at best. Foreman's triumph had a feel story to it, but it still pisses me off, they robbed Schultz on his next fight. I thought Schultz displayed an effort that was equal to that of Morrison's win over Foreman.

Personally, Holmes' era (1978-1983) is among the worst in the HW divisions history, you still got the Iron Curtain, and the talent level worldwide (for that time) was way more shallow than today. A growing number of folks (not necessarily in CF) have taken note of that.

Even Tyson fought mostly bums (or old coots) in his era (1985-1990) before facing an overweight and overmatched Buster Douglas. The Klitschkos have actually fought more respectable foes in their era (2003-present), they're just enduring severe BLACKOUTS from the media. Further in dept analysis of the Holmes and Tyson eras will just prove how great the Klitschkos really are, considering with the Iron Curtain gone, and the Eastern Europeans flexing their muscles. The word is getting out there, slowly, but surely.
Holmes would've gotten his overrated @$$ handed to him by the Brothers his prime.
DixieDestroyer said:
Holmes would've gotten his overrated @$$ handed to him by the Brothers his prime.
Holmes was a "Media Darling" that the average fan didn't really like that much.
He was also a creation of pro boxing.

Holmeshad beena mediocre amature, butinstead of turning him pro, he was scent off to train
for years with fighter's like Ali, Norton, Bugner, and wait for the right time.
But even with all that help, as a professional he struggled against novices like Tim Witherspoon(15-0-0) and Carl Williams(16-0-0). Even David Bay (14-0-0) rocked Holmes and had him hanging on for dear life. And IMO, Wladimir Klitschko would knockout all three on the same night...
In the media created fantasy world, the Klitsckos dominate during a weak time in the heavyweights.

In reality, Holmes hung on to the title during a weak time in the heavyweight division. Holmes was also a low class, inarticulate, big mouth. He once said, "Marciano couldn't carry my jockstrap," when he was 48-0 and got beaten by Michael Spinks.

He got a gift decision against Carl Williams. He ducked Gerrie Coetzee. He's best known for his win over under prepared Gerry Cooney.
lost said:
A tell of two fights and the way the "Sports Media" handle them.
<div>Manny Pacquiao and Shane Mosely just hada real "Stinker" of a fight,so the media has simply focus on the 40 year old grandpa Mosely and his lack of effort to shield Pacquiao from any backlash on his performance.</div>
<div>Now, compare that to the way they handled theKlitschko vs Ibragimov fight.</div>

Klitschko received a lot of backlash from the drunk white media after the Ibragimov fight. Truth is, Ibragimov is a dangerous southpaw and Wladimir would be foolish to try and take him out.
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
A tell of two fights and the way the "Sports Media" handle them.
Manny Pacquiao and Shane Mosely just hada real "Stinker" of a fight,so the media has simply focus on the 40 year old grandpa Mosely and his lack of effort to shield Pacquiao from any backlash on his performance.;more=1

Now, compare that to the way they handled theKlitschko vs Ibragimov fight.;more=1

Klitschko received a lot of backlash from the drunk white media after the Ibragimov fight. Truth is, Ibragimov is a dangerous southpaw and Wladimir would be foolish to try and take him out.
Right,the fightwas a chess match that just turned into a stalemate between two great fighters..
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