With gas at $4.00 a gallon, food prices skyrocketing, and ever increasing hordes of Mexicans and feral Negroes devouring our resources, what does Bush propose?He wants to sendeven more of our money toAfrica, Haiti and elsewhere.Moron!
[url]http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/01/bush.food.aid/index.h tml[/url]
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush urged Congress on Thursday to approve $770 million in new global food aid to be made available beginning in October.
The sum would be in addition to $200 million in emergency food aid announced two weeks ago through a U.S. Department of Agriculture program called the Emerson Trust, and more aid is likely to be sought, he said.
"That's just the beginning of our efforts," he said at the White House. "I think more needs to be done."
The majority of the assistance is to be sent to Africa, with none of it targeted for North Korea, where dire food shortages have been under way for months, the White House officials said.
[url]http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/01/bush.food.aid/index.h tml[/url]
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush urged Congress on Thursday to approve $770 million in new global food aid to be made available beginning in October.
The sum would be in addition to $200 million in emergency food aid announced two weeks ago through a U.S. Department of Agriculture program called the Emerson Trust, and more aid is likely to be sought, he said.
"That's just the beginning of our efforts," he said at the White House. "I think more needs to be done."
The majority of the assistance is to be sent to Africa, with none of it targeted for North Korea, where dire food shortages have been under way for months, the White House officials said.