More $$ for Africa


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
With gas at $4.00 a gallon, food prices skyrocketing, and ever increasing hordes of Mexicans and feral Negroes devouring our resources, what does Bush propose?He wants to sendeven more of our money toAfrica, Haiti and elsewhere.Moron!

[url] tml[/url]

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush urged Congress on Thursday to approve $770 million in new global food aid to be made available beginning in October.
The sum would be in addition to $200 million in emergency food aid announced two weeks ago through a U.S. Department of Agriculture program called the Emerson Trust, and more aid is likely to be sought, he said.
"That's just the beginning of our efforts," he said at the White House. "I think more needs to be done."
The majority of the assistance is to be sent to Africa, with none of it targeted for North Korea, where dire food shortages have been under way for months, the White House officials said.
we do not have money to spare.
The traitors on Crapitol sHill excel at squandering American taxpayer's hard earned (fiat, devaluing) currency...just as their Globalist Elite masters would have them do. Foreign aid is one of the biggest waste of American funding, but don't expect that to slow with either Neocon McAmnesty or Marxists Bacrock Obuma or Hildabeast ClinTAX taking over as puppet-in-chief.
we'll be generous with other countries to a fault until it reaches the point that we can't keep bribing Israel, where at which pivotal juncture non-Israel-bound foreign aid will disappear faster than free cookies at a synagogue.
It doesn't matter how much money you give Africa, it will always be a failure, I've been to Africa 10 times and know exactly what to expect. Africans think on a day to day basis (there and then), they don't think about the future nor do they care about others around them (Afro Americans say the white man is selfish, they really need to have a good look at themselves). The African governments who recieve the money keep it for themselves (fat black cats as they are known by white Africans).

Zimbabwe and South Africa are prime examples that prove you can put a whole infrastracture and well run economy in place but they will still completely SCREW it up! Thabo Mbeki is possibly the thickest man to ever be in charge of a country with a strong economy! He doesn't have a frikin clue!