More affirmative action stupidity


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Insanity! Fifty years of this lunacy! Raising standards eliminates most blacks from government payrolls so we keep dropping standards lower and lower and lower. Chicago gets worse by the minute and the idiot Mayor Daley likes it that way.

Court says black firefighter lawsuit can proceed

WASHINGTON â€" The Supreme Court ruled Monday a group of African Americans did not wait too long to sue Chicago over a hiring test they challenged as discriminatory, freeing them to collect a lower court judgment. (Snip)

Anyone who scored 64 or below was deemed not qualified. But the city set a second cutoff score of 89 points.

Officials told applicants who scored below 89 but above 64 that although they passed the test, they likely would not be hired because of the large number of people who scored 89 or above. The majority of those in the top-scoring group were white; only 11 percent were black.

People are supposed to sue within 300 days after an employment action they seek to challenge as unlawful.

The city says the clock started when it announced the use of the test scores on Jan. 26, 1996. The first lawsuit in the case was filed on March 31, 1997, 430 days after the city announced the results.

But the plaintiffs say a new act of discrimination also happened each time the scores were used in hiring firefighter trainees between May 1996 and October 2001.

A U.S. District judge agreed with the black applicants. After an eight-day trial, the federal judge ordered the city to hire 132 randomly selected African American applicants who scored above 64. The court also ordered the city to count up the backpay and divide it among the rest of the applicants. (snip)

"For decades we have tried to diversify the Chicago Fire Department," Daley said. "But at every turn, like most cities, we have been met with legal challenges from both sides. Still, this administration remains committed to ensuring that the department more reflects the racial make-up of the city."


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Bart said:
"For decades we have tried to diversify the Chicago Fire Department," Daley said. "But at every turn, like most cities, we have been met with legal challenges from both sides. Still, this administration remains committed to ensuring that the department more reflects the racial make-up of the city."

I guess the administration's commitment to having the fire department put out fires is only a secondary concern.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Paleocon said:
Bart said:
"For decades we have tried to diversify the Chicago Fire Department," Daley said. "But at every turn, like most cities, we have been met with legal challenges from both sides. Still, this administration remains committed to ensuring that the department more reflects the racial make-up of the city."

I guess the administration's commitment to having the fire department put out fires is only a secondary concern.

Of course! Everything goes out the window when political correctness and racial pandering are involved.


Oct 26, 2008
How discriminatory could a test for a fireman's job be? I guess it wasn't in Ebonics. I would like to see one of those tests.Has anyone here taken a similar test?


Dec 1, 2006
Yeah its pretty racist only hiring qualified applicants. Evil white people, boo hiss


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I could not even begin to write or think of this! Total insanity and enabling of affeletic types.

A white football player should stand up and say the league should reflect the racial make up of the country but no, that would be racist.

Man, the F'ing white/jew enablers for non qualified blacks is astounding!

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
What is missed is that this whole idea of America is and always was about Standards. That's why blacks weren't even considered for positions within the society at large. The only reason people don't know this today is the wholesale dumbing down of the nation. Otherwise, black inability to operate effectively is right in front of your eyes every day. Just like the old black comedian, Flip Wilson said, "What you see is what you got."

For some reason, you all know this. It shows that the propaganda isn't foolproof yet. People such as yourselves somehow fall through the cracks and aren't fooled.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
A couple of blacks I recently interacted with outed themselves as being totally unconcerned for standards and only concerned with making their race equal by punishing Whites through continued affirmative action. One of them was still bitter over an act of supposed discrimination that happened to her and I could tell she has hatred for that person if not all Whites. I could tell some of the White students didn't like it. One of them said it doesn't matter what you do there will always be differences and some forms of discrimination. Revenge and hatred is all these people are concerned about. Outlawing discrimination isn't enough for them. They want to be treated "fairly" by everyone throughout their whole lives and that just isn't how life works. These blacks couldn't care less when I tell them I've been discriminated against because I'm White. The entitlement mentality gone wild. :mad: @#$%
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Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
What is missed is that this whole idea of America is and always was about Standards. That's why blacks weren't even considered for positions within the society at large. The only reason people don't know this today is the wholesale dumbing down of the nation. Otherwise, black inability to operate effectively is right in front of your eyes every day. Just like the old black comedian, Flip Wilson said, "What you see is what you got."

For some reason, you all know this. It shows that the propaganda isn't foolproof yet. People such as yourselves somehow fall through the cracks and aren't fooled.

Tom Iron...

Best learning experience for any white lib: let me take them through East New York, through the Caribbean projects. I used to travel out there to run track with some islanders, head shaved, looking crazy. That will wake them up! Then, for dessert, I'll take them out for en evening stroll through lovely hispanic downtown LA. A nice, cozy and mandatory project's tour would suffocate their naivety.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Was recently discussing the history of affirmative action and the backpack theory on which it is based with my students. A couple of blacks outed themselves as totally unconcerned for standards and only concerned with making their race equal by punishing Whites through continued affirmative action. One of them was still bitter over an act of supposed discrimination that happened to her and I could tell she has hatred for that person if not all Whites. I could tell some of the White students didn't like it. One of them said it doesn't matter what you do there will always be differences and some forms of discrimination. Revenge and hatred is all these people are concerned about. Outlawing discrimination isn't enough for them. They want to be treated "fairly" by everyone throughout their whole lives and that just isn't how life works. These blacks couldn't care less when I tell them I've been discriminated against because I'm White. The entitlement mentality gone wild. :mad: @#$%

Kudos to you for having the gumption to stand up these black, empowered brats. Most teachers, for fear of stirring racial trouble (and thus potentially losing their job), pander and appease.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I'd say they have had their revenge and then some by now. Dozens of riots like in LA, affirmative action for years already, millions of black on white crimes, and the list can go on and on. No race has raped the US government more than blacks. Hispanics pale in comparison.


Nov 23, 2006
I'd say they have had their revenge and then some by now. Dozens of riots like in LA, affirmative action for years already, millions of black on white crimes, and the list can go on and on. No race has raped the US government more than blacks. Hispanics pale in comparison.

Jews have them both beat for taking from the U.S. Government and Whites in general and some Jews get affirmative action too!

They say that democracy is "mob rule" and in the West the mob is the nonwhites. Of course, the mob is directed and protected by the "elite". The blacks, the nonwhites "Hispanics", the Jews and most other nonwhites can only survive by being parasites in a White society. Whites build civilizations in hostile areas. It is our niche.

Nonwhites use "democracy" and threats of violence to loot White civilizations and get spoils for their race. It works while White society is wealthy, but as more and more nonwhites are introduce into society and demand more and more jobs and "benefits" less and less Whites can be hire to do necessary work and fix the damage that nonwhites cause. In the end, the looting and incompetence of the nonwhites pushes the economy to the brink of collapse and there is no money left for nonwhites, who are really nothing more than the expensive pets of the "elite" that the public is expected to support and tolerate their wild ways, and at that point the only choice is to cut them off and of course the nonwhites riots will lead to the Race War.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
My one question is how much money the Jews have stolen from the US? I'd imagine it's a number that would make us cringe.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks, Alpha Male. I try to expose them to truth whenever possible. Truth is a dangerous thing today.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007