
He's a communist. Or an anarchist. One of those "ists" we're supposed to hate.
WPWW said:
He's a communist. Or an anarchist. One of those "ists" we're supposed to hate.

Coming from a guy who uses "WPWW" as a screen name, that's saying something!
WPWW said:
He's a communist. Or an anarchist. One of those "ists" we're supposed to hate.

He's a committed anarchist. ESPN The Magazine
has an article about him in the latest issue. He tags buildings in his hometown of Olympia, Washington with the anarchist "A." The Secret Service visited him while he was working out in a gym after he wore a t-shirt for a promo that read "Assassinate Bush."

He has a master's in psychology and lives frugally, his biggest UFC check being $13,000. He hasn't paid any taxes since the Iraq War began.

I'm not an anarchist by any stretch but respect people who think for themselves and come to their own conclusions (the exception being White people who are anti-White; they deserve nothing but contempt). Here's a pretty cool story from the article:

"We need somethig that encapsulates the entire Monson experience: athlete, anarchist, protester, mental health professional, challenger of accepted notions. The best place to start that story, the big story, is on a street in Monson's hometown of Olympia.

"Marine Drive runs parallel to the Port of Olympia and leads to the pier where missile-carrying Stryker armored vehicles from nearby Fort Lewis are loaded onto ships bound for Iraq. Monson stood in the middle of this street one day in 2006, holding hands with two guys he'd just met. Those guys were each holding hands with two guys, and the hand-holding went on until a chain of protesters barricaded Marine Drive.

"The police were there too. They removed the protesters in a time-honored fasion, starting on the ends and working toward the middle, taking down one person at a time. They carried them away until two remained. One was typical of the Northwest species of protestor, a 5'6", 140 pounder named Daniel. The other, holding tight to Skinny Dan's hand, was 5'9" and 250 pounds worth of committed anarchist -- and one of the 10 best heavyweight MMA fighters in the world.

"This presented a quandry for the officers. Should they grab Monson and hope he wouldn't break six bones before 10 cops could subdue him? Request that he go peacefully? Beg? There's a good chance that handling this type of crisis isn't taught at the academy. And there was one more complication. Two of the cops were studying Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and they had a class that night. Their teacher: Jeff Monson.

"The two policemen huddled before approaching him. 'We don't want to fight you,' one said, 'but we'd like you to leave.'

"'I'm not going to fight you,' Monson answered. 'And I'm not going to take it out on you in class tonight. I won't fight, but I will resist.'

"The cops rehuddled, then returned. 'If you don't leave, we're going to Taser you. No discussion -- we're just going to Taser you.'

"Monson pointed to a guy holding a video camera. 'How's it going to look if you guys just walk up to me and zap me?'

"Envisioning that scene playing through the news cycle, the cops reconvened. Heads nodded, calls were made. Strykers were rerouted.

"In the Northwest protest community, the story has become legend: The world's most intimidating anarchist/MMA fighter defeats one of the world's most advanced weapons systems."
I could care less about his politcial beliefs. Right now we need every white man in this battle to undo a sterotype. Don Frye while a great patriot is an embarrassment to white MMA fighters.
Why is Don Frye an embarrassment to white MMA fighters?
Because Frye hasn't beaten anyone above the B level. His fight with the winless Takayama was laughable. Frye has been in MMA for almost 20 years and still fights like a black guy. The truth is in order for white people to get any repect in MMA we have to dominate all divisions. That is why this upcoming Pay-per veiw is important. Forrest, Silva, and Mir all have to win in order for us to get any respect from the white pro-black people. Monson has defeated Ricco something Frye wouldn't be able to do.
patriot, newsflash man, the pro-black people are never gonna overtly respect white people no matter how many fights the white man wins. But yeah, I am seriously pulling for Griffin and Wand.. Mir not so much.

Don Frye was the man back in the day. I respect him way more than Ken Shamrock. If you want to hate on a white guy for sticking around and fighting way past his prime, Ken Shamrock is Exhibit A.

What made you pull Don Frye's name out of thin air into a thread about Monson anyway? Did you catch an old fight of his somewhere? Just seemed weird with all the old fighters out there that his name popped up.
I like old fighters like Frye, Severn, Shamrock and I really liked Russian fighter Oleg Taktarov back in the early days of the UFC. Wonder what he is doing now? I think I saw him playing a gangster in a movie once. As far as Monson is concerned, I can't stand him. See no reason for anybody to stomp on the flag as he did no matter how screwed up the country is. For the sake of our founding fathers and war veterans alone, I would never do that.
Taktarov just fought in Yamma, an org that had only one show. They fought in a 'pit' with sloped sides. He fought Mark Kerr, if I remember correctly. Both were fat, old, and out of shape, but Oleg won the fight.
If there is anyone who cares, below is a direst link to the full fight between Mark Kerr and Oleg Taktarov. Kerr looked ridiculously sloppy. Taktarov looked the same as always. by: aussieaussie31
Yahoo has an article up about Monson getting arrested over a picture of him tagging a building pillar and that he could get up to 10 years for this 'crime". How does a little petty vandalism rate ten years in the slammer?
It cost the state allegedly 19,000 dollars to remove that particular act of vandalism. Monson doesn't deserve ten years for that but certainly he should be made to pay for the damages.
Monson should pay a fine, but jail time is over the top. I'm no advocate of anarchy, but at least he knows the (puppet) government is largely corrupt & inept!
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