Modern boxing managers


Nov 21, 2009
<div ="post">I bought Roger Kahn's book on Jack Demsey in the used book store. I haven't actually started reading it yet,
but I was skimming it, and reading about how concerned the managers of
Dempsey and Tunney were concerning who would be picked as referee for
their big fight. Benny Leonard, a newspaper commentator at that time,
was explaining how vitally important the ref is to the outcome of
fights, and how the ref can influence it in more or less subtle ways.
Dempsey's manager said that his main concerns are the money, the rules,
and the ref, and he said that if they try to put a crooked ref in there
he's hopping a train with Dempsey and not even going to show up.

here's my question: What the hell are modern managers doing to earn
their money!? I repeatedly see in your face bent referees, like Joe
Cortez and Randy Neuman, to name just two, and then there is, of course,
the constant absurd decisions by the ex-cons all dressed up in judge
suits - and I don't see the managers doing a damn thing except wearing a
big sh*t-eating grin while their man gets screwed over.</div>

<br clear="all">

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
ww said:
&lt;div ="post"&gt;I bought Roger Kahn's book on Jack Demsey in the used book store. I haven't actually started reading it yet,
but I was skimming it, and reading about how concerned the managers of
Dempsey and Tunney were concerning who would be picked as referee for
their big fight. Benny Leonard, a newspaper commentator at that time,
was explaining how vitally important the ref is to the outcome of
fights, and how the ref can influence it in more or less subtle ways.
Dempsey's manager said that his main concerns are the money, the rules,
and the ref, and he said that if they try to put a crooked ref in there
he's hopping a train with Dempsey and not even going to show up.But
here's my question: What the hell are modern managers doing to earn
their money!? I repeatedly see in your face bent referees, like Joe
Cortez and Randy Neuman, to name just two, and then there is, of course,
the constant absurd decisions by the ex-cons all dressed up in judge
suits - and I don't see the managers doing a damn thing except wearing a
big sh*t-eating grin while their man gets screwed over.</div>

&lt;br clear="all"&gt;
Camps can voice objections to the boxing commissions before matches about referees. I recall the Tyson camp objecting to Mitch Halpern working the second Holyfield fight. Halpern withdrew his selection and Mills Lane worked the fight. Supposedly the Tyson camp felt he was biased for Holyfield because Halpern let Holyfield butt Tyson. Total hogwash as Tyson was the one leading with his head in the first fight. Edited by: white is right


Nov 21, 2009
"Camps can voice objections to the boxing commissions before matches about referees."

But they don't - refs, judges, ring sizes, etc. I'm particularly thinking about how they always used to assign that cornhole Randy Neuman to Andrew Golota fights, and Joe Cortez teaming up with Mayweather vs. Hatton. But there are endless examples. I remember how George Foreman was commenting on Neuman's biased refereeing in the Golota-Grant fight. Foreman used to be the only honest announcer. Also, Neuman didn't call any of the knockdowns Golota scored on Byrd. Then there was Valuev's team standing there sucking on their thumbs when the phony judges rendered their phony decision in favor of the Gaye boy. Probably Judeo-Russian Mafiya the whole lot of them.

Mills Lane was the best. They don't make them like that any more.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Neuman is one of the more incompetent referees who gets regular work in New York state and New Jersey. I don't know if Tony Perez still works but he is probably the worst regular referee I have ever seen. He allowed Ali to hold and push down on Frazier's neck the whole time they fought in their second match. He also nearly got Tommy Morrison killed when he looked like a high school kid trying to cut in on a dance at a debutante ball, when Mercer was pounding Morrison in the corner.


Nov 21, 2009
Is Neuman still working?

The referee who let the Vitali-Briggs fight continue (and cheated Vitali out of another ko) should have been arrested for cruelty to animals if nothing else. Likewise Briggs' corner. I'm surprised Briggs lived through that.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
He was as of a year or two ago. I recall him doing some championship fights in Germany for the IBF. Neuman allows a lot of fouling and then takes weird point deductions and seems to be biased for the house fighter. Better referees are Steve Smoger, he might let a guy get ko'd like a referee from the 70's to early 80's, but he is on the ball about having a consistent interpretation of the rules. Also Wayne Kelly is consistent. Some good west coast referees are Vic Draculich and Toby Gibson. Bad west coast referees are Richard Steele who was good until about the early 90's, now he has no consistency in his stoppages and over course Cortez who is about the same.


Nov 21, 2009
It was as though Neuman was deliberately being assigned to all of Andrew Golota's fights in order to dog him - and why wasn't Golota's manager threatening to put him on a train to parts unknown if they try to stick Neuman in there with him again?

I remember George Foreman being irate at Neuman's blatantly biased pro-Grant antics in the extremely weird and suspicious Golota-Grant fight. And there was Neuman again in the Byrd fight ignoring Golota's several knockdowns of Byrd (Byrd's hands touched the ground after being punched), and then so-called boxing judge Melvina Lathan, probably one of Don King's relatives, robbing Golota of a legitimate heavyweight championship victory (the Ruiz fight too).


Nov 21, 2009
"He was as of a year or two ago. I recall him doing some championship fights in Germany for the IBF. Neuman allows..."

Yeah, Neuman is still impersonating a referee. There was something about him refing some fight on fightnews yesterday. He also runs a financial planning company, Randy Neuman &amp; Assoc., so no doubt there's all kinds of financial monkey business with him and the boxing mobsters and politicos.

Speaking of crooked referees, I was just reading this one on the Mexican American heavyweight Nino Rodriguez (who's actually a white guy, but the way things are nowadays he'd probably be insulted to be called that instead of Mexican):