MLB Playoffs

What a dramatic win by the Cardinals. If St. Louis goes on to win the Astros will have to feel like the most cursed team ever in baseball. To be that close to their first pennant after all these years only to lose. Fortunately they only have to win one of the next two.

Maybe Lidge is being overworked. He hasn't been as effective the past two games.
right winger said:
Maybe Lidge is being overworked. He hasn't been as effective the past two games.

Probably so.It's easy to second guess, but wouldn't it have made sense to walk Pujols in that situation or at least make sure he didn't get anything too fat to hit? Sure, the bases would have been loaded but that increases the chance for a force out at any base. Take the bat out of a good power hitter's hands and face Sanders instead.
What was Escobar thinking, trying to tag out Pierzynski with his glove, while the ball was in his other hand?

</span>you can't expect a Carribean to concentrate at a crucial time like that

Come on, we've had far more clever trolls than you on this board.
I agree about Lidge. If my memory serves me, this is three straight games where he hasn't been as dominant against the Cardinals as he has been. He had some narrow escapes, but didn't escape this time. Too bad that the Astros couldn't string together four straight complete games like the White Sox did. That was unbelievable. Either the Astros will have to put up some considerable insurance runs for Lidge, or he will have to step it up big time. This series should be over.
I say it is over on Wed. Oswalt will pitch a great game and the Astros will advance but just in case,Clemens will be impossible to beat in Game 7.You can only imagine how intense he would be up there on the mound.
You called it, White Lightning! I can remember when Houston was 15-30 and the usual know nothing pundits were writing that their season was over and that Roger Clemens should be traded to a contender. This is one of the great clutch teams ever.

It's been a long time coming for future Hall of Famers Biggio and Bagwell. And, nearly 60 years after Saint Jackie integrated baseball, what must the Caste System propandists be thinking, watching a team without a single black American on their roster-- God's Chosen Athletes -- win the National League pennant.
Look out because here come the Killer B's!! Bagwell,Bigio,Berkman.Here we go Astros,here we go.
It was a feel good night last night. The play of the game for me was Adam Everett making a beautiful stab of a tough grounder up the middle. He struggled a little to get the ball out of his glove but still made the play. The one announcer even called him athletic, yes, athletic. I know because I heard him say it.

Here's the photo montage currently running on ESPN's homepage. Now I ask you: if Dontrelle Willis was 43 years old, had 341 career wins with7 Cy Young awards, was second all-time in strikeouts, and had just compiled an amazing 1.87 ERA at that age, do you think he would take a back seat to any white pitcher in a picture? Better yet, would he even share a photograph with a white pitcher? If it was the Giants vs. the Rangers, do you think Barry Bonds would be minimized in the back of the picture behind Mark Texiera? No need to answer, just pointing out the obvious.
Wow, that picture says it all doesn't it? The multi-culti's are really cramming this one down our throats. I don't think any non-baseball fans would know who the black guy is, but everyone knows what Roger Clemens looks like. What an insult to one of the greatest to ever play the game!
Well, most of the media pundits aren't giving my Astros much of a shot at winning the World Series. Some are even predicting a sweep by the Sox. One thing they keep overlooking is the value of veteran leadership. The 'Stros have two guys (Clemens and Pettitte) that have been there before and guys like Biggio, Berkman, Bagwell, and Ausmus that are seasoned playoff veterans. The only player for the Sox that has any serious playoff experience is Orlando Hernandez and he is pretty deep in the bullpen. Now that it is the "Big Stage", you can throw all of the regular season stats out the window. Go Astros!
Absolutely incredible! The boldness of the anti-white media is stunning! Who the hell is Contreras compared to Clemens?Notice how the two are situated.Clemens appears to be looking at the camera at eye level with a serious look on his face. Contreras appears to be a towering figure who looks down at us with menacing contempt. And of course Clemens is in the background with a much smaller sized photo. To what purpose?Just another image to be filed away in our collective consciousness magnifying blacks/ latinoswhile at the same time diminishing whites...regardless of reality.
I'm very happy the White Sox mopped up the A's. Vlad, Anderson and Figgins stunk up the field when it mattered most. Pod, Ski, Konerko, Crede, Rowand,Garland and Buehrle all played well.But I have to root for Clemens, Biggio, Berkman, Lidge, Bagwell and the rest to win the series . I didn't realize until reading Cash's column that the Astro's roster was melanin free.
As much as I'm rooting for the Astros I won't feel bad at all if the White Sox win the Series. Seeing guys like Konerko and Podsednik come through big time like they did in Game 2 is plain fun to watch.
Both team's star closers failed in this game. Let's hope Lidge's psyche isn't destroyed. That's two games in a row where he's given up a game winning home run.
If the Sox with the Series, it will be a blessed day indeed for
Konerko. He is a free agent and, according to his father, Konerko
is unhappy that the White Sox have dragged their feet in re-signing
him. He is now looking at all of his options.

If he is the Series MVP, the money will be huge.

Has there been a better player to receive less press (and in a huge market like Chi-town) than Konerko?
Southern Knight said:
Has there been a better player to receive less press (and in a huge market like Chi-town) than Konerko?

NO! Never in the history of sports has a guy so well placed for a market (Konerko/Chicago) been less heralded. I visit Chicago frequently and they are STILL using Frank Thomas to sell the White Sox to fans.
Don Wassall said:
As much as I'm rooting for the Astros I won't feel bad at all if the White Sox win the Series.  Seeing guys like Konerko and Podsednik come through big time like they did in Game 2 is plain fun to watch.

My sentiments exactly. It would be just about impossible to put together a more likeable team than the Houston Astros. Bagwell, Biggio, Clemens, Berkman, Oswalt, Pettite, I mean, come on. It's unreal. But on the other hand, I have no problem with Konerko and Podsednik being stars.

Scott is a guy that, as has been mentioned here before, was kicked around in the minors for a long time, most likely because he was white, not the greatest slugger in the world (although that home run looked good last night!) and his athleticism downplayed or ignored. And now that he's finally been called up, he stole 129 bases over the course of two years, is the lead off hitter for a team that's in the World Series, and after last night, he'll forever be in the "pantheon" of baseball for hitting a walk-off home run in the World Series. Pretty darn sweet. Edited by: JD074
Another tenaciously fought game. Houston came up a little short again. They had plenty of opportunities but no one came through with a clutch hit.
Should Selig have allowed the Astros to close their roof? It was closed during the play-offs. I think the decision messed with their heads a bit and it was too cold in the evening for the fans.

Garner seemed cranky and was was fuming the whole game. The Astros had several chances to win, but couldn't get it done.
Shouldn't it be up to the home team? It's their field. Hasn't Selig ever heard of home field advantage? Very strange. Given Selig's public comments about how disturbed he is that there aren't more black American players in the MLB (with Houston being the best known example of that, at the moment,) it makes you wonder. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but still.

Anyway, another game-winning home run by a white man!
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